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Milanos Milano

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Posts posted by Milanos Milano

  1. 26 minutes ago, HappyDays said:


    Ultimately it's on Allen to read the defense and deliver the ball to the open player. I'm hoping he will see Kincaid sticking out like a sore thumb all over the tape this week and will make it a point to get him involved more in future weeks. Instead of lazily heaving the ball downfield info cover 2 shells.


    Going back to 12 personnel helping the run game, that philosophy doesn't work unless you get the opposing LBs off the field for a slot CB. How do you get the LBs off the field? Punish them with throws to Kincaid over and over and over again until they have no choice.



    My bad, I read your comment as talking about Kincaid.

    See you get it!! Why can’t Dorsey and Josh understand this? 

  2. 13 minutes ago, BuffaloRebound said:

    This.  His decision making is horrendous.  There’s really only a handful of starting QB’s in the NFL who could’ve lost that game tonight.  

    Good defenses have figured out Allen. Take the deep stuff away, put a spy on Allen, and collapse the edges. The jets have the perfect personnel for this strategy because they have the best CB in the league with Sauce. Not many teams have the personnel to do the things that rattle Allen. 

  3. I just don’t understand it. He has ALLLLL the tools to be successful. He just plays like he has a Cam Newton brain half the time. Like needing flash cards on the sidelines dumb. He makes some of the most questionable decisions ever and yet has some of the most physical gifted displays you will ever see. He is such an enigma. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, HappyDays said:


    I don't have official percentages but it felt like we were in 12 personnel more often than not. And it would have worked if Allen and Dorsey had used it properly. With the caveat that I'm going off of live broadcast footage I swear I saw Kincaid open a ton, often times in space with room to run. Allen for whatever reason wasn't looking at him. My hope is that they will see this on tape and make it a point to get him involved. 


    As far as our run game, I have mixed feelings on Cook. When he has space and a chance to accelerate he looks great, very smooth and glides through the defense. But his initial burst is not quite what I hoped when we drafted him and he goes down on first contact almost every time. If he catches the ball short of the sticks with a defender approaching him it's a lost down every time. So I don't think he is going to be someone we can rely on to create plays, but he will maximize the plays that are there at least.

    He absolutely was open. I saw it a bunch of times. The all 22s will reveal it. I plan on watching it and will see how many times Allen missed him by not looking his way. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Mango said:

    Remember when he got drunk and told the team he was the best athlete on the planet. 

    If this doesn’t tell you everything you need to know, nothing will. Dude is relying purely on physical talents, and doesn’t have the brain needed to win. 

    Just now, Beast said:

    OK, then whatever the issue is it has carried on for 10 months running.

    Teams are taking away the deep stuff and putting spies on him. They are daring him to be a game manager. He is either unwilling to do that, or just isn’t smart enough to diagnose plays enough to take the open stuff. 

    • Agree 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, TheBrownBear said:

    I thought these Cam Newton takes were insane a year ago.  Now they are starting to ring true. 😕

    I never ever thought I’d say that, but the last few games are telling me he isn’t using his brain enough. He’s still trying to rely on his legs and arm strength. Absolutely nobody is going to complain if we win a game and his stat line stinks because we dink and dunked. There is nothing wrong with tossing a long ball once in a while, but he needs to focus his efforts on the sticks. Maybe he just isn’t smart enough. 

    • Agree 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Bangarang said:

    There was no story. That was some idiot on TV saying random things.

    It seems to be correct analysis though. It does seem like Allen is purely relying on his arm talent and legs. Not his brain. He reminds me so much of a slightly better Cam Newton. Newton did not have football IQ and just relied on his talents until injuries derailed those athletic traits. 

    Josh either needs to hit the books hard, or start consult other game managers. 

    • Agree 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  8. Just now, Mango said:

    Josh doesn’t need the be run out of town. 

    He isn’t terrible. 

    He’s great. 

    He also deserves 90% of the criticism in this thread for this game. 

    People can vent without wanting to trade their QB. 

    I think most of us just want to see Allen doing something to get better. Consult with Brady, work on short game passing, be a surgeon and not a hero. Hero ball rarely wins you a Super Bowl, its precision and game managing by not turning the ball over. 

    • Like (+1) 3
  9. 1 minute ago, UKBillFan said:

    My big hope is this ultimate humiliation will be the making of him. The trouble is it means someone - probably McDermott, Dorsey or maybe even Diggs - sitting down and pointing out for one final time of he doesn’t take what is given then he’s going to be embarrassed time and time again. Defenses have sniffed out his impatience.


    Yes, he had bad games in his rookie year, but he should be at his peak now. And a very basic stance will get him there. Take what is given.

    I’m beginning to think Allen doesn’t have the football IQ. He’s been relying on his arm talent and legs this entire time and now defenses have figured him out and dare him to be a game manager. He hasn’t shown the ability to be a surgeon like Brady or even Manning. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Mango said:

    It’s almost plays like he’s a guy who “watches a lot of film. But doesn’t go crazy because teams play the Bills differently and like to trust his eyes and play loose” (paraphrasing)


    Parts of his game remind me of a guy who gets drunk and tells his teammates he’s the best athlete on the planet. 


    He’s played the Jets a bunch now, he’s played Miami a bunch now. Why doesn’t he just watch more and simply learn more about defenses. Consult Brady, do something. I sometimes wonder if Allen doesn’t have that great of football IQ and is purely relying on his gifted talents. 

  11. Josh is Hollywood now. Buffalo is blue collar at the core and values hard work and grit. Average Joes work year round 40-60hrs a week, they grind, they sweat. Why can’t Allen just stay in Buffalo and watch film and work out continuously? He has all the tools to be successful, a lot more than others like Brady. He’s got to find a way to read defenses better and just take what is given and throw it away if it’s not there. 

  12. 1 minute ago, BurpleBull said:


    They need to stop playing around and just do it. We know McD is a 2nd chances guy, we just need to do what's right.

    For as much as this franchise teaches family and 1 Buffalo BS, they bailed on their family the first sign of trouble. Without a real trial mind you. That’s bad juju that can only be reversed by making things whole with the universe. Do the right thing. 

  13. Just now, Norcalbillsfan said:

    They did use him, he was open alot tonight. Dorsey called the plays, Kincaid got open, josh decided to instantly leave the pocket and catapult balls 50 yards down the field.

    I know for a fact he was open multiple times. I often times just focused on him when he was in the game. Allen either didn’t see him, or wasn’t play design to go to him. But Kincaid was open. 

    • Agree 1
  14. 30 minutes ago, BurpleBull said:



    You know what time it is.



    Missed this thread when it originally posted...how crazy is the title. Smh



    F the world...bring back Araiza!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let’s do it! Break the curse and make the universe right. 

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