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Posts posted by BillStime

  1. 44 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    I am telling you that the studies- which they had at least 10 sited- all show that masks do not help and often cause illness. I thought you were the science guy and I find it interesting that when the science shows you are wrong you ignore it. Lastly don't say ALM to people it will get you stabbed by a liberal.

    Assume whatever you want 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:


    I found this interesting and only looked through some of it but what the math says is that there is no major infection difference from masks. In all of the studies done fully the only way to say safe is social distancing and then hand sanitizer. One of the studies actual showed that people who wore masks for long periods every day were sick more often, likely due to touching mask after it was on face. Also since you like science you will now be anti mask person, correct?

    I have no idea how effective but why risk it? I also live in a state that mandates use. All lives matter, right?

  3. 15 minutes ago, njbuff said:


    Putin lover?


    Give me a break you stupid fvck.


    Shove your Putin shyt up your azz you disingenuous prick.


    Unlike you, I am a TRUE American.

    Triggered much?


    You’re such a great American - say it to a soldiers face.


    Most Americans want their Commander in Chief to take their intelligence seriously. Trump heard about the bounty and could care less. Why is Trump so compromised? So complicit? So submissive to his boss?


    Don’t fool yourself Trumphole - you don’t love America - you LOVE Trump and the Divided States of America.



  4. 19 minutes ago, njbuff said:


    Don't pay attention to that loon.


    He hates America and he loves the fact that this country is divided right now.


    Just look at what that crackhead posts.

    Ok Putin lover

    15 minutes ago, SydneyBillsFan said:


    I will pay for the Uber ride to LAX if he promises to leave the great nation of the USA that he clearly despises so much - if he promises not to return!



    Looks like I’m not alone.



  5. 57 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    Yeah I know the quote. Where did he call them racists?  You’re so brainwashed you type racist when you don’t mean to. 

    And after you correct your dumbass mistake work on your reading comprehension. And after you’re done that come back with your mea culpa for saying Trump called Mexicans racists.


    46 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Reading comprehension is a lost art. You’ll notice if you actually read he’s specifically talking about people that the Mexican Government is SENDING (dumping) into the United States. He is NOT referring to people who are coming here looking for jobs and freedom. Geez people.....READ!


    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:




    “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

  7. 10 minutes ago, Cinga said:


    And your still an ignorant idiot.

    Urban Enterprise Zones was a Kemp brainstorm that Trump/Carson is using today to rebuild downtrodden areas of the cities. The Trump tax cuts were also Kempian styled.

    Jack Kemp would argue throughout his political career to reach out to minority voters and immigrants.


    Donald Trump: Mexicans are racist and WHITE POWER.

    Don’t sugar coat what Trump is doing today and compare that to the legacy of Jack Kemp.



  8. 13 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:


    ...great...."Fisher Price Wi Fi" is up and running today...........a perpetuated weekend of "verbal diarrhea" is upon us..........oh joy............

    Great company - have lots of family and friends employed there.


    Enjoy your dial up connection! 

  9. I can’t see this narcissist cancelling his convention. No way. 


    Trump's campaign is reportedly ready to cancel his convention rally to avoid a 'Tulsa-like humiliation'


    “Trump is reportedly stuck between appealing to his base and suburban voters, leading him to even call Fox News' Tucker Carlson last week and beg "What do I do? What do I do?"”




    Imagine if he just politicked in the middle Didn’t divide?  At every turn, he finds a way to out racist himself. He’s never been subtle about it either — it’s glaringly obvious, and if you pretend he’s not, you’re freakn delusional. 

  10. 1 hour ago, GG said:

    So essentially, you're applauding a technocrat's cold-hearted calculation to preserve mask capacity, even though he knew the masks are effective in slowing down the spread and that would have been most impactful in February. 


    But let's post a few more memes to deflect from the decisions and advice given in February.  


    Hey everyone, go see a movie!

    Um I didn’t hire the guy - I’m just telling you what Fauci said. He also reports to Trump. Don’t get all pissy with me when Trump ignored the intelligence in November 2019.

  11. 52 minutes ago, GG said:

    Good, then please follow up with Fauci on why he insisted in February that masks weren't effective when that would have made a huge difference in case growth.  

    Fauci said the reason the public was advised not to wear masks at the beginning of the pandemic was that there were too few to go around. Apparently there wasn’t enough for medical professionals on the front lines.


    It’s really too bad Trump dismantled our pandemic infrastructure and made it even worse by ignoring his intelligence.




    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    Donations to Black Lives Matter Go to ‘ActBlue’ – The Activist Arm of the Democrat Party

    by Elizabeth Vaughn


    Original Article


    A young woman suffering from white guilt called a friend of mine to ask what “ActBlue” was? Planning to contribute to Black Lives Matter, she went to their website and clicked on the bright blue “donate” button. She was immediately redirected to ActBlue, which is the activist arm of the Democrat Party.




    No wonder the Democrats love the BLM, donations to BLM provide another source of funding.





    Who doesn’t get excited when they see another REDSTATE opinion piece? 


  13. 4 minutes ago, BuffaloHokie13 said:

    So we're in agreement that the statement I highlighted is based on nothing? Fair enough.

    Nah - you asked if there was an official quota number announced and I was just highlighting what the stable genius QUATED and well, we are sadly well beyond that. 


    And upon further review - he did redefine what success looks like: Trump Says 80,000-100,000 Americans Will Die, Calls That a ‘Success’

    Ive never heard a President use success and 80,000-100,00 American deaths in the same sentence but sure - he deserves a second term.


    Rest assured, it will just go away.



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