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1915 Buffalo Bill Cody fan

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Everything posted by 1915 Buffalo Bill Cody fan

  1. @RealKayAdams 90% of Greens were defectors to Bernie 2016 while less than half believed his lies 2019 and today....because they rarely search voting records in office like you& I myself do. ..BernieBOTs go by speeches of Sanders ignoring facts like F35s flying out of Vermont one billion dollars each.....if USA votes by mail during an epidemic of deadly numbers 100 thousand could be dead by November WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs has a fair chance like Lincoln did to defeat 3 other parties 1860 .....while slavery is not coronovirus of any number ID, the trillions of dollars bailing out polluting corporations is a haunting tax upon future generations like a mortgage on a house than cannot be repaid in full by great grandchildren.....if USA switches to hydrogen and electric vehicles trains & a Green Grid, the economy will grow like Ike did with Interstate highways and planes replaced trains
  2. @Koko78 electing WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs is a televised debate and state ballot access issue..... the so called 2 party system is in reality a corporations conspiracy successfully keeping honest people out of daily news. . The result is overwhelming numbers of incumbents are re-elected by keeping truth tellers censored. Your parliamentary idea has been in place hundred years ago when Congressmembers were elected AT LARGE in a few states.....Wyoming I recall elected a woman to one of the available seats in Congress Jean Rankin ? The top vote getters won the seats state wide....not winner take all district by district.... Because she was one of dozens against war in Europe the stste legislature changed back to district elections where she lived was not the same as state wide vote totals......the other way to get parliamentary seating in Congress is to ratify the 1st Amendment in 27 more states 50 thousand persons per Congressional District....you have 12 BILL of RIGHTS not 10 or 11 as you are lied to in textbooks and fake news....send 6000+ honest people to Congress and let them outvote the 435 gangsters there now
  3. @RealKayAdams WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US is a winner on pace to qualify for Presidential Matching Funds in all 50 states....that should be the only requirement for participating in Presidential Debate COMMISSION charade .....donate now to Howie from your state and the limit is 250 dollars to be doubled.....Ralph Nader in 96 did not seem committed to winning as you describe a loser Green and maybe Cynthia McKinney gave up fresh from being arrested in Congress.....but Cobb Nader & Stein fought hard since 2000 against a treasonous duopoly blueREDS redBLUES bush Crime families clintonistas & ObushaObombney
  4. Cuomo is one step away from prison as the top 2 legisislators are already doing years & years for taking bribes for bills signed by Cuomo....I thought he would replace BILLARY 2016 for her bad cardiology report leaked for sympathy diversion from all her Foundation and email felonies.... but then the Senator & Alderman were jailed 2017 after a 3 year investigation @B-Man why post this fantasy? My hope is fellow New Yorker WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US will beat both TrumpOLINI & BidenS in debates like he beat Cuomo & 3 others in debates 2014 New York Public TV
  5. @/dev/null so you mis-quote Groucho to defend DemoRATS from truth telling @Tiberius ??? GROUCHO applies to me....I will never join the DNC or corrupt blue campaigns Bernie=BidenS both give illegal billions to the Pentagon.... blues lie to me constantly pretending they are not worse than TrumpOLINI....over 380 gangsters in Congress gave TrumpOLINI 758 billion this fiscal year for illegal wars in 160 countries.... vote WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs
  6. @Tiberius you make me laugh ...keep pissing on TrumpOLINI for his war crimes and trillion dollar bribes he gives to his co-billionaires.... join the WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US bandwagon for real drainage of the blueRED redBLUE duopoly swamp
  7. The Atlantic published this column from CBS News’ Alex Wagner, and in almost 20 years of blogging I’ve never read so many words bearing so little relation to reality, all to promote a Weekend at Bernie’s-style Democratic White House. Bernie Sanders Threatens to Hold Up Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Over GOP ‘Anti-Worker Objections.’ Remember in November that so many leading Democrats put the parochial interests of some of their smallest constituencies ahead of the interest of the nation. @B-Man when an imbecile xian like you calls intelligent people like me "stupid" I wonder when next you will eat more kernels of corn you see on the side of feces.... that is the word for turd in your bible of lies against Atheists and Green scientists ditto @3rdnlng attacking Democrats for wanting payrolls supported not greedy polluter war profiteering zionist bankster corporation stockholders
  8. Iowa announced it's first fatality 2day in the over 61 age group under 200 positive tests 1200 tests by the Iowa laboratory....TrumpOLINI is insane to order easter bunny candy egg hunts on dog**** lawns and people back to work next month against competent advice @3rdnlng
  9. Thank you @B-Man for posting the definition for the alleged gawd gott gods word....gibberish believers like you suffer the delusions of faiths so horribly you cannot read 5 bumper stickers which I posted.... you and TrumpOLINI worship money while scientific Atheists are solving medical problems
  10. @Deranged Rhino Shriver replaced Eagleton'72 after the DNC....nobody protested this party then .... voters ALWAYS love USA wars illegal or declared .... all TrumpOLINI has to do in winning the Electoral College is shut up and let the doctors manage the virus away from uninfected people....sustatain payrolls not stock prices...but this tangerine gangster can't shut his liar ass incompetent mouth
  11. @3rdnlng your racist wasichu words are not funny you disgusting bigot
  12. @Tiberius so we agree USA war criminals in White House since ReaGUN 1982 have been borrowing 23 trillion dollars for illegal wars in 160 countries ?? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ bad idea polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionism..... most people here don't agree with you or me Pocahontas Bernie slick Willie BILLARY Kerry Cheney bushwackers ObushaObombney & TrumpOLINI are all murderous thugs NEVER telling the truth about USA genocide & TERRORISM Pompeo = BILLARY = ExxonMobil all murderous thugs and Iran has nukes to deter zionist invaders AGAIN
  13. BidenS bribes taken from China and Ukraine will be quoted in daily TrumpOLINI commercials ....I cannot wait to watch Felony Joe cross the stage and fist fight TrumpOLINI....after Secret Service arrests Biden on the spot, WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US USMC Howie replaces the Democrat in the remaining debates @billsfan1959
  14. These 2 lobsters can eat the testicles right out of your S.C.R.O.T.U.M. @B-Man
  15. @B-Man cute but not funny clowns tease bulls and squirt kids with water out of flowers....blueREDS still running are not Homer Red or Army National Guard....they lie about USA genocide globally...not funny to hear dementia corruption and half truths about illegal wars in 160 countries.... you are the worst kind of bot @B-Man to laugh at your own sick perverted "jokes"
  16. @Just Joshin' best country in the history of genocide slavery and spending on never to be used weapons, illegal wars in 160 countries and most money spent upon healthcare with most people not getting healthcare...Bernie is a corrupt liar in office but is telling the truth mostly to his eager true believers.... AND USA is the best at borrowing 24 trillion dollars without taxing the rich who are getting rich off endless polluter oil war crime profiteering banksters zionism
  17. @transplantbillsfan ReaGUN was reelected known to be demented and dying of Alzheimer's.... BidenS bribes taken are similar corruptions to ReaGUNs ....voters want to be lied to in their favorite ways be it McCARTHYISM or reassuring them their vote for a black man proves they all are not racist..... thus a rare truth telling CANDIDATE like Ralph Nader or WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US is easily censored and lied about by fake news CNN & FOX Rrrruussshhah dingy Crazy GREEDY LIMPboss radio cult liar dittoheads and fake print news most little Chamber of Commerce rags
  18. @Deranged Rhino BidenS / Bernie has one chance to beat TrumpOLINI....build the complex set of COALITIONS ObushaObombney built 2012 ....BidenS picks Bernie or Bernie picks Bidens keeping promises and insiders happy ....but TrumpOLINI is no Mittless Mormon, AND 16.4 MILLION voters did not get an Obombneycare insurance refund like 2011
  19. Missouri voters are more than I-70 Mister Louis to KCMO ... PRIMARY 2DAY ? SHOULD be a draw with tiny trickles for Tulsi
  20. @RochesterRob so TrumpOLINI signs a tax giveaway bill to specifically bribe over 24 Senators and all his billionaires buddies = your idea of "clean" ??? $$$$ both the BidenS and TrumpOLINI clan are taking bribes all over the planet....why stay loyal to the criminal duopoly and watch the debt hit 24&25 trillion next year ???? Vote for honest government and New Yorker WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs @HowieHawkins20 @H'20
  21. @Deranged Rhino Lieberman was not the only one to stop HR 676 being spliced into Obombneycare.....Bernie Sanders refused to support NOT FOR PROFIT HEALTHCARE Conyers Kucinich bill 2003 to 2017 ....you had fake news Rachel MaddCOW never once citing HR676 MIS LABELING it "public option" ....Alan Grayson wrote a 4 page bill and got the same 96 co-sponsors as HR 676 HIS BILL simply changed the eligibility ages for Medicare to 18 and Medicaid to poor people without children....BernieCARE = OBOMBNEYcare on steroids welfare for insurance CEOs with full funding of all abortions....funny how you blueREDS & redBLUES skip over facts in your brainwashed ignorance
  22. @Deranged Rhino finally we agree Meathead was correctly named by Archie....dead from the neck up as Reiner lied 3 ways : the truth is both TrumpOLINI and BidenS are crime family leaders....AND USA IN NOVEMBER the choices are not printed on ballots YET.... WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs is the only honest choice
  23. Poor Jesse has Alzheimer's worse than BidenS with both sons in or headed to prison Hunter & Jesse Junior obvious frauds
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