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Posts posted by PIZ

  1. On the play where Drew fumbled, does anyone know what Drew said to the Pats player?



    If the Bills continue to lose and have a top 5 pick, will you be satisfied having JP Losman on the roster? My answer is yes, I'm satisfied because it is obvious we couldn't go another year with Bledsoe as the starter. JP seems to have the moxy and leadership qualities that have been missing in Orchard Park since Jim Kelly was king here.

  2. Denney seemed effective in the beginning of the game when he was playing DT. Seemed to get some pressure on Brady. We might as well trade Henry now because by the end of the year he will not be worth even a 2nd rounder. I thought this team was going to be a pounding, dominating run team. This team reminds me of the movie "Dumb and Dumber." Not that QB is the only problem, but a confident LEADER could work wonders on this team.

  3. I think they set it up to have the first 2 challenges to be more winnable for the women. How can you get around a guy with a beer gut? There are no woman on Survivor with beer guts. I do like it and if I was there I'd be voting off those frat boys too. One problem with Survivor is it should be 2 hours long. Everytime I watch it (I tape it) it seems like it takes me 15 minutes to watch. I love it.

  4. "Lost" is a good show...my favorite of the season so far.


    I quickly got tired of "Joey" last night and saw a terrific documentary on CMT about Johnny Cash and the problems he had with the Nashville music establishment the last 20 years of his life.





    I watched Joey the first night and was extremely disappointed. It is lame. Now all my shows are dramas. Not 1 comedy.

  5. Maybe I should buy it, seeing as though i have never seen a star wars movie. Yeah, its one of those weird things. I have nothing against them, its just i have never happened upon sitting down and watching one. A girl i was talking to told me that was the weirdest thing she ever heard. I dont know about that.



    Bet you've seen Spaceballs, right?

  6. Does anyone believe Drew is going to magically perform up to the level of a barely adequate QB?  Does anyone feel any better after his rant to the press?



    I believe this bye week couldn't have come at a better time. Mularkey and company will band together and become a TEAM, something that wasn't apparent for 2 weeks. The bye week will help this team gel. I feel alot better after his rant.

  7. "Bill Parcells was the head coach, and he called me into his office," Bledsoe said. "He goes, "Hey, who's been the best quarterbacks over the last decade?' I said, "Probably Marino, Montana, maybe Elway.' And this is '95. Dan (Marino) still was going to play for a while.


    "And (Parcells) slid an article across to me about the fact they were calling for Danny's head. That's the nature of the position. When we win I'm going to get more credit than I deserve. When we lose I'm going to take a lot of it. . . . I understand it. If I couldn't handle it, I wouldn't be here 12 years into a career still fighting to win football games."



    I just checked our schedule and WHEN the Bills beat New England it is going to cause a snowball effect. All of the games on the schedule are winnable, especially WHEN the Bills (especially the o-line, TE, & RB blocking) get their heads out of their arses and start having the mindset that they are going to DOMINATE. Not "Do our best", not "Do the little things necessary", not "Execute better", not "minimize mistakes". Just one word "DOMINATE". You have to have that mentallity to win in the NFL. My guess is the Bills will start Dominating on October 3rd. I'm going on record as supporting Drew and the Bills.

  8. so why did they proceed to make all these changes?...i thought they were just transferring the movies to DVD format...i am gonna really be pissed if they turned this movie into stevestojan...i should have my DVD's today of tomorrow from amazon...



    Something to do with the original (1976) copies were unusable. They had to use the ones from the second release date, I think, but those to had a lot of damage like scratches and such.

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