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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. There’s been no shortage of sh*t on his watch. I’m glad you agree.
  2. I’m sure that you agree that if this doesn’t happen it’s further proof of Biden’s ineffectual foreign policy. Seems like it’s one failure after another. Sad.
  3. Another W. Tiberius hardest hit.
  4. The post-SOTU talking points for the networks have been leaked: ”The empathizer-in-chief showed he was in command, spoke forcefully about how our democracy is at stake, and largely allayed fears about his age being an issue”.
  5. RoundyLogic™️ says that Latinos must be afraid of brown skinned people.
  6. Probably your dumbest, most unaware post ever. That’s saying a lot. If you ignore the border disaster, Biden has been such a friend of Texas during his presidency! Good god man. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽
  7. “People aren’t paying attention yet” -tiberius
  8. Thank you Brandon! Someone finally understands what my kids that use delivery apps go through!
  9. “Yo, Bruiser! Second row center, big guy” clown show
  10. Here’s what would be repeated ad nauseam: “he lacks gravitas” I’m sure this is completely lost on the board youngsters. Probably setting myself for a clever use of “boomer” from L Ron Einstein with that comment. So be it.
  11. Total dish. That’s what makes the Collins lie so mysterious. RIP Eleanor.
  12. He’s lost a little off his fastball but seems spry for his age. I think that’s what Decision ‘24 boils down to.
  13. Billstime refers to this as “buyer’s remorse” and has no interest in those that experience it.
  14. With the level of surveillance in DC on any given day, let alone Jan 6, I find it shocking that our top law enforcement people cannot track down the would-be bomber and that there appears to be zero urgency in doing so. It does not inspire confidence at all. I have little interest in a half-scale gallows but would have to think that “crime” is solvable if the will is there.
  15. What do you think the odds are of finding these people? Do you find it the least bit curious they haven’t yet been caught?
  16. You told an absurd lie about going to school with someone and repeatedly doubled down on it. As such, you are not credible. That’s 100% on you.
  17. Some consider him spry (for his age). 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦
  18. I will take one for the team here. Don’t be. The guy is a douche and it was an idiotic bit. I’m sure he would be happy to know that it hit home with at least one person out there.
  19. You’ve seen him walking, tumbling, and fumbling. The entire world has. Spry?? Now you’re just being a fanboi. Good lord. SPRY?? Give me a damn break.
  20. I don’t. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy of your post a few minutes ago about how they should all work together. Of course they should when it’s Biden in the Oval Office. There is 0% chance you thought that way 2016-2020.
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