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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. Aren’t we currently living in Biden’s America? He needs to stop with the divisiveness.
  2. The question as you can see a couple posts above was about media bias in favor of the left. I followed up with an anecdote about what I heard on the radio today. Sorry you couldn’t decipher any of that but at least have you have made yourself clear.
  3. How about bias in favor of dems? Do you believe that’s a thing? Today the CBS radio news at the top of the hour had a piece about Abrams and the newsreader declared “polls are showing Abrams pulling ahead”. Simply not true.
  4. A win over Arizona will help in coming to terms with the end of democracy. Go Sabres!
  5. Things are lining up nicely for liberals! You should probably order some party platters for Tuesday night. Looking good!!
  6. Hilarious! I’m sure there’s an intern they can blame. IDIOTS!!
  7. Maybe the geniuses leading your party should have put more thought into boosting her candidacy. Oh well. Can’t unbreak an egg. https://unherd.com/thepost/democrats-only-have-themselves-to-blame-for-the-rise-of-kari-lake/ Democrats repeatedly boosted extremist candidates who they thought would be easier to beat. While their support for Lake was limited to emails, they spent millions of dollars on commercials and digital advertising in these other races. In total, Democratic groups spent over $53 million helping 12 Republican extremists — six of whom ended up winning their primaries and will be on the ballot next month. They call this an “own goal” I think.
  8. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/white-house-deletes-tweet-flagged-twitter-credited-biden-social-security-payment-increase Tweet deleted. Billstime hardest hit.
  9. Go Brandon go! NYT needs someone to blame for next Tuesday. Might as well get started now.
  10. The bullseye emoji is the perfect touch. Usually I just shake my head but this is, as you say, hilarious!
  11. This is the free and fair press that Tibs has so much belief in. Hard to imagine anyone so gullible and so willing to share their gullibility. I know, I know. - I must hate democracy and should move to Russia.
  12. Hold on just a minute. Scottlaw has not weighed in as of yet.
  13. This has been a difficult season for you with only the Miami game as a highlight. Sending thoughts and prayers.
  14. Beto about to complete the hat trick of losing. So sad! All my best to Beto!
  15. Oh my. At least two PPP heads about to explode. Sending thoughts and prayers!!
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