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Everything posted by Jerboski

  1. Him and Sean took some L’s on this one… they will learn and adjust from it, I guarantee you it’s eating them up
  2. Cut this kid… not worth the trouble and seems like that incident is highly suspect at best, and downright horrific if true
  3. Fuller Darryl Williams jerry IOL some guys/position I would loook at
  4. Nobody does it was a reach… can’t tell me that was the BAP complete reach Bad they hated it
  5. So do I…. Absolutely hate it if you wanted this why not move up for Dean
  6. Trade up and get Dean or the Memphis receiver do it beane
  7. Welcome cook! now move those picks and get an addition third so we can get a WR
  8. Lol no clue…. Everyone is saying it’s to move up, great we gonna move up in the 5th with those two picks lol
  9. This only makes sense if you move them to get back in third otherwise it doesn’t make sense… those picks aren’t making This team and don’t have much value
  10. Doesn’t feel like we got good value to move 6 spots in the second round I dunno I’m usually very pro beane but this feels like he was not prepared for this Board abs needed to bail quickly
  11. They better or it was a complete waste they aren’t making this roster
  12. This… getting multiple 6th round picks seems idiotic
  13. Man I was hoping for one of the receivers or walker feels like we didn’t take advantage this round Love beane but didn’t love the strategy in this round
  14. Me too chiefs have bottled it so far hope it continues
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