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The Senator

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Posts posted by The Senator

  1. From last night's show:  Brad & Ed wonder aloud why would MM walk away from $1 mil, unless he knew he had a gig waiting for him.  Hmmmmm.



    It is curious that MM would walk away from $1 mil with nothing lined up - as Homer said to Lisa, "If you don't like your job, you don't quit. You go to work everyday and do it really half-assed. That's the American Way!"


    The problem is that Mularkey was doing a really half-assed job all last season!


  2. Back when he was bald. Seems to me the hair transplant stuff he did have worked wonders a long time.


    Oh gosh...I remember when fellow TBDer "The Dean" was a research muckity-muck at Channel 2 (way back when the Earth was still coolin') - used to joke with poor Kilgore, "Hey Ed...come on in...sit down..take your hair off..."



  3. Actually, I thought what they reported was that there was "contact" between the Bills and Haslett's agent - I would guess that it was initiated by Haslett's agent, since Haslett seems to be running out of options. I doubt that Halett will even get an interview, and hope that we will name Mike Sherman as new Bills' HC tomorrow.


    Also worth noting - in his next breath, 'The Bulldog' stated that he forgot that HOF wide receiver James Lofton ever played for the Bills. Are you kidding me?

  4. Well, I'm still hoping Marv will be HC - despite what Ralph says. I can see a scenario where Marv coaches for a year, with Bobby April as assistant HC to groom him for taking over in a year or two. After all, Marv began his NFL coaching career as a special teams coach.


    Barring that, I would much prefer Mike Sherman to Jim Haslett. I believe it was Marv who cut Haslett as a player, and I think Haslett's steroid accusations at Kent Hull may still linger with some players/alumni. Also, I'm just not that impressed with Haslett's record in New Orleans.


    But, as one article on TBD pointed out this morning, by the time we get around to interviewing, many of the top candidates may land elsewhere - especially given the turmoil at OBD. Marv may be the last good option, no?

  5. Ned, that is and AWESOME site for us old timers. Thank you for posting that link!!!!


    Now, I know what we will be listening too opening the presents on Sunday morning.


    Ya Know were gunna win that cup, ya know were gunna win that cup, we got crozier in goal yea.

    Just Awesome


    Awesome indeed - I believe the actual name of the album was "Shoeny Sings" - even more surprising is that one of the producers is "Dr. Dirty" himself - Jon Valby!


    Great job tracking it down.

  6. Does Hillary Clinton eat from the bushy bowl?  If she does just caugh..................................................................................................................................................................."is that your interview technique?  Your an idiot- this interview is over"


    That was hysterical - I wonder how he dupes guys like Marlin Fitzwater or Donald Trump into coming on the show?

  7. I don't know if you were talking about me, but I wasn't judging him by his myspace.  I know that those sites aren't necessarily an indication of what kind of person he is.  I was simply saying that the name DC snipers after the word "hero" deserves a  :doh:  no matter if he was serious or not.


    No no no - I wasn't talking about you - or anyone else in particular - in fact I go out of my way to avoid one-on-one confrontations on the board - I was just stating my own feelings and condolences.

  8. I hope those who are passing on the links of condolence threads to the Colts organization have enough sense to actually read it before linking it. I am ashamed of some of the people who have posted here.


    A young man is dead. Family and friends grieve that loss. Show at least a minimum of compassion, of human decency.


    Well said, wnyguy. Judge not, lest ye be judged. Myself, I choose to mourn rather than judge.


    What a terrible tragedy - no matter when - but especially at this time of year.


    Condolences to the Dungy family.

  9. Why don't they just hypnoitze the Bills players and staff into thinking it's the first drive of the game over and over again! ;)  Maybe then we'll score more than one TD a game. :lol:


    Because TD & Company would somehow find a way to screw up - I can see all the zombie-like Bills wandering aimlessly, mumbling...




    Come to think of it, has anyone ever seen Tom Donahoe and Leslie Nielsen in the same room? :rolleyes:

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