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The Senator

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Posts posted by The Senator

  1. Lets not try to equate typing skills for intellect, thats why I have a secretary. I'm saying that Marv was here when we lost both tackles ,finishing J.Kelly career, and came up with Fina ....He was here when everyone in the world knew that we needed D-line(nose tackle ) help. People take the rose color glasses off .Marv doesnt know crap about being a G.M. nor did he aspire to be one. He is as un qualified as it gets he knows know more about personnel than me or you. Come with something more tangible than " Marv's a smart guy he will straighten this out crap when you have ZERO body of work to base this senseless comment on


    You have a secretary because you have no typing skills, or no intellect?


    The old saying comes to mind, "Better to remain silent and have people think you're a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


    The Dean can speak for himself, but I think we were both just wondering how Marv, who retired in 1996, had anything to do with drafting Erik Flowers in 2000.


    But I don't want to confuse you (or your secretary) with facts - especially the fact that Marv is a former GM in the CFL.

  2. Indeed they are Carmel Delights here..I just found a sign-up sheet in another dept.


    I was under the impression it depended on the company that was contracted to make the cookies.  There were at least two different suppliers (ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers come to mind).


    Now that's interesting - I just love those things, and when I bought them here in The BuffTown, I'm pretty sure they were called Somoas. I bought many boxes, both from friends and from the girl scouts selling them at The Ralph on game day, and I know they were called Somoas.


    Then I signed on for a few more boxes at work from a guy who was selling them for his daughter in Ohio, and couldn't find Somoas on the sheet - the were called Carmel Delights.


    Someone needs to get to the bottom of this, Dean.

  3. Is that we ended up with Eric Flowers or could never get a Quality nose tackle ...................No way in Heck Marv is calling the Draft ..........thank God Modrak is here to Carry the " I WOULD RATHER BE A COACH" G.M. or we would be more of laughing stock...............Memo to Marv as G.M. help your buddie fill his staff....he seams to be having trouble ....I guess everyone dont want to jump off the cliff together  :pirate:


    I'm not sure I understand - Marv retired after the '96 season. You're not blaming Erik Flowers on Marv, are you?

  4. looking at the HOF website they say Shaw played until 1969.  Since the merger took place in 1966 I guess Shaw must have played a couple of years in the NFL.


    Actually, the merger took place in 1970, though intraleague play (Superbowl)preceeded the merger by a couple of years.

  5. Maybe I disagree with you (and The Dean) in the sense that I think the best and brightest American minds DO tend to come from the Ivies and the other top schools. Statistically speaking, they do. Fewer than 1% of all American adults will have ever had the academic qualification necessary to get into an Ivy, and about 5-10% tops could make it through the easiest Ivy program if accepted - even history BA at Harvard! So if you're not among the top 10% intellects in the country, maybe an Ivy degree would seem impressive (unless you're a top 10% intellect at a "lesser" school for whatever personal reason - financial or other). Hey, if your son or daughter got accepted to one of these programs, wouldn't you be proud? Certainly you wouldn't "yawn" at such an accomplishment early in his/her life, right?


    Your perception of the Ivies as a sort of "rich boy network" also seems outdated. Undergrad acceptances at Ivies moved from social status-based to merit-based decades ago. Many still happen to be rich, but that's because there's still a strong correlation with wealth and aptitude, i.e. doctors and lawyers tend to have and raise smart children who can pump out the high school GPA's and SAT scores needed for Ivy admittance.


    Finally, I don't think liberal arts degrees are anything to laugh at, especially at the top schools. I'm sure there are some burn-outs who do nothing but drink, bang hot chicks, and take communications courses after getting accepted into an Ivy. But the vast majority probably continue to remain pretty serious about whatever their academic interests become - history or the like. A typical Harvard-qualified liberal arts major isn't the same personality as a typical Dumb!@#$ U. liberal arts major - just a guess.


    However, I DO completely agree with you in the sense that those who constantly look up to or - even worse - brag about these degrees are pathetic human beings. A Cornell engineer, for example, would be wise to STFU if he's constantly screwing up at your engineering firm while you, SDS, with your questionable academic pedigree ( :lol: ) are doing laps around the other employees.


    Back to the original subject, no I don't think there's an Ivy League conspiracy at OBD. Jauron probably would have gotten the job even if he graduated from Dumb!@#$ U. Levy wanted a smart, competent leader for the job. Levy saw a smart, competent leader in Jauron. And yes, there are smart, competent leaders who come out of Dumb!@#$ U....though percentage-wise, there are undoubtedly less of them than at Harvard or Yale.


    WOW!  :lol: OK, rant over.





    (Neither eloquent nor precise, but containing a modicum of truth.)



  6. My point is not to denigrate (well, as an engineer I'm sort of obligated to razz the liberal arts majors  wherever they have studied :lol: ), but to say that I would neither look up, nor look down at any Ivy League undergraduate.


    And yeah, I was a Liberal Arts major...but man, I can still differentiate by parts...and there's no holding me back when I reach my local maximum. :lol:

  7. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


    Actually, a Cornell reject...  :lol:


    My point is not to denigrate (well, as an engineer I'm sort of obligated to razz the liberal arts majors  wherever they have studied :o ), but to say that I would neither look up, nor look down at any Ivy League undergraduate.


    However, it appears I may be in the minority, so I am just trying to guage other people's opinions...


    I wouldn't say you're in the minority - most people realize that both Harvard and Yale produce their fair share of intellectual non-entities, i.e., Yale - George Bush; Harvard - Ted Kennedy.


    Now as for Cornell, well...we're all just freakin' brilliant! :lol:


    As stated earlier, the man distinguishes the place, not the place the man.

  8. Well, Shoop's done a fine job with Kerry Collins and Tui...YIKES!  i don't want this guy anywhere near our QBs.


    Yeah - the poop around here is that he and Jauron are buddies and Dick called him up - they had a conversation - but no details about what was discussed. Jauron basically stated what I reiterated - Shoop's pretty well settled in Oakland.


    (Though I guess Al Davis could change that.)


    Raiders QB coach meets with Davis

  9. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/chi-0...ack=1&cset=true


    Well the Chi Trib reported the Williams were talking to Former Bears offensive coordinator John Shoop.  Of course, the article states they were looking at him for the COORDINATOR'S position.  As this article was printed days after the Bills hired Fairchild, there's some talk that it might be for the QB coach slot.  There's also a good chance the author is just full of s#it.


    Yeah, I saw that too, but I thought you already corrected the Tribune and forced them to print a retraction, no? The Bills do hold informational briefings for the press at OBD, so I gotta think at leat one reporter in Buffalo would know if we had interviewed anyone, or had anyone scheduled for an interview - I gotta agree that the author was "full of sh#t."


    Besides, you should have the inside 'scoop on Shoop' - hey, I like that - isn't there anything in the Bay area press? From what I've read, he's pretty happy in Oakland and his wife is a minister there, or something like that.


    Nothing at all from OBD on the QB coach - I'm guessing that Kelly's not back in town yet. :lol:

  10. Well, you got me with the poorly schooled...I'll give ya that.


    Kelly knows/knew how to play QB.  I have no reason he knows how to coach the position.  Remember, Frank Reich was basically JK's NFL QB coach. 


    Matthews is similar to Frank and AVP in that all of these guys spent a LOT of time with the old clipboard on the sidelines.  And all of these guys have been cited by fellow players and coaches as being valuable in the development of the team's other QBs.  Will Shane be a good QB coach?  Dunno...and I'd rather not have the Bills be the place where he experiments...same with AVP. 


    BUT, at least AVP has shown the willingness to do what it takes to learn the trade.  He's starting at UB.  There's talk of Matthews getting a look at the QB coach position at other teams as well.  These guys seem genuinely interested in becoming NFL coaches and are taking the steps necessary to reach that goal.


    My feeling is JK doesn't want to be a QB coach in the NFL.  He seems to be doing very little to get the necesary experience. One would think he wold have hooked up with a college team or started coaching high school ball.  Honestly, I think Jim thinks it's cool to be back involved with the Bills now that Papa Marv is back.  He might accept the Bills' QB coach position if offered it.  BUT, if he really wanted to be a QB coach, he'd also talk to Green Bay, St. Louis, etc...WHOEVER, in order to get the experience.


    This is simply a media exposure thing and makes about as much sense as Miami's short-lived appointment of Marino to GM.  Nobody expected Danny boy to put in all the hours needed to do that job correctly.  I don't think many of us truly believe Jimbo will do all the work necessary to become a fine NFL coach, either.


    OK Dean...good points well taken, but come on now - comparing Marino's aptitude for the GM job to Kelly's ability to coach one or two guys at a job he knows as well as anyone is - ya gotta admit - a bit of a reach, no?


    I'm not quite sure I agree with the part about Reich being Kelly's de facto QB coach either, thought I can't remember if we even had a QB coach at the time or if Marchibroda filled that function. Also, it'd be enlighteding to me if you could name the QBs that Reich and/or AVP helped develop, and with which teams those young QBs soared to greatness! :lol:


    Anyway, I agree - Jim probably does think it would be cool to be involved with the Bills, now that The Marvelous One is back, and this is probably the only scenario where he might be interested in a coaching position, and I think he just might be effective here. I don't think he'd even consider it if it wasn't The Bills and Marv we're talkin' about, and I wouldn't want to see him somewhere else, 'cause I wanna see him here. I think he and JP would work well together - and Kelly could smack JP around if he screws up! :lol:


    All that aside, why haven't we read about the Bills interviewing anyone for the QB coach position?

  11. You won't get any traction with weak crap like that from the better football minds on The Wall (KtD being one of them).  You might try trolling some of the "tard" threads if you're trying to get a groundswell.  Always better to start with the unthinking and/or poorly schooled types.


    Well ya may be right there, Deano, but I gotta think there's one person - at least one - who thinks Kelly knows a bit more about the QB position than Shane Matthews, no?


    So then, if KtD - one of the better football minds on The Wall, as you stated - thinks Shane Matthews being bumped up to OBs Coach is an "easily imagined scenario", then why would it be more difficult to imagine Kelly in the same role?


    Just wonderin'...I'm sure you'll explain...and probably keep explaining until Kelly is named the Bills' new QBs coach.:lol:


    BTW - as for "poorly schooled types", I pointed out in a different thread that G.W. Bush went to both Yale and Harvard - so being 'well schooled' does not necessarily guarantee intellect! :lol:

  12. That very well may be what is going on here. Jauron knows Matthews very well. They could be talking to him about either coming back to be Losman's tutor again, OR, retiring and becoming the QB coach. It's a natural progression for a guy like Matthews. And they could easily be waiting (both the Bills and Matthews) to see just who it is the Bills can get to be the #3. If they cannot find a good young prospect, they stick with Matthews as the #3 and keep a guy on the practice squad like Ochs or some draft choice.


    If they sign a young free agent for pennies that they want to develop, Matthews quickly retires and they bump him up to coach. Going into the draft, they may easily have a guy they like they think they can get in the late rounds. if he is still there in #6 they take him and Matthews becomes the coach. If he is gone, Matthews stays. It's just an easily imagined scenario.


    Well if they're talkin' to Matthews about being QBs coach, I hope they're also talkin' to some other former QBs..maybe a HOF QB...maybe Jim Kelly? :(

  13. My biggest worry is with the QB coach. Fairchild almost looks like he will want to have the duel responsibility as QB coach. If that happens, Fairchild will be too busy to properly coach the QBs; although, that would leave one coach out of the chain in developing the most important position in football. In other words, there will be no misinterreptation in the system being run.




    Well, if Fairchild gets too busy, he could always bring in someone to help out with the QBs...someone like Jim Kelly, maybe? :(

  14. was all that we heard about all this time he spent with Wyche and how good he was doing and how little of it we saw on the field.


    As many of you have stated previously, it seemed to possibly be Donahoe, Mularkey and Wyche making exaggerated comments to justify getting rid of bledsoe and making JP the starter.


    Hopefully Jauron, Levy & Ralph recognized that and base their decisions on it.


    Some of the other things we have heard about JP, like his 1st preseason where they said he was mixing up calls from the Bills with those from college and/or high school still bothers me about his ability to handle the job.


    He also has shown getting too excited and the coaches said they needed to calm him down.  Well, geez, the guy played high school and college ball.  Didn't he get somewhat used to playing the game from that experience.


    Of course, there are only a few cool customers like a Montana and Brady.  Then you have guys like Bledsoe with many years of Pro Ball and he still get sjittery back there an d looks like a rookie.


    Hopefully it'll all click for JP and this QB issue can be put behind.


    I'm still thinking that Sam Wyche is gone precisely because we saw so little of JP's progress on the field, though I'm sure there may be other reasons for Wyche's departure.


    I'm also thinking that it's quite a bit different - and more frightening - to see a bunch of 350-pound Pro NFL linemen bearing down on you than a bunch of high school kids or even college players, since most of them don't make it to the NFL. Add to that an incompetent coaching staff and the fact that, due to his injury last season, it was really his first year, and I'm not all that surprised that JP seemd confused at times.


    That said, I think JP showed flashes of great potential, despite the ridiculous offensive schemes, game plans, and play calling of last season's coaching staff. He probably would have been more comfortable and developed better had we stuck to a ball control offense, handing off to Willis 25-30 times a game - you know, the offense they said they were going to run before the season started - rather than all that crazy Mularkey stuff.


    He still needs to earn the job and has much to prove, but I think JP will be much improved this year under the new regime, with a competent coaching staff and a sound offensive game plan - particularly if he gets a great new QB coach - like Jim Kelly maybe? :(


    The Bills will be vastly improved this season - beyond expectations, I think.

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