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Posts posted by mcjeff215

  1. You can look at it two ways... first, he's an old dude that just can't give it up and should get the hell out of the public eye. Or, you can see it as something that keeps him going and a bit of a tribute to those that suffer the same fate. With the exception of this, he's largely never seen. Even with New Years Eve, he only does small segments.


    I may be in the minority, but I think it's nice to see him make the effort to do those little segments after what's happened to him.

  2. Prices have come down so much it was doable. Even got a surround system to go with it. Fantastic. Now my only gripe is when there is something that isn't HD. I would say 3/4s of the games on NHL Center Ice are HD but I get pissed when one I want to watch isn't. Spoiled


    Yeah, one really notices the difference once HD has been in the house for a couple days. My wife got me one more present two days ago, it doubles as my 30th birthday present... 2009 Nissan Frontier.

  3. You make sense...stop it! (Well, other than caring about the name...seriously.)


    There are pros and cons to each, and it makes sense that, if you have Apple computers at home, an iPod might be a better choice for you (much of your music is probably already in iTunes format and isn't compatible with a Zune).


    Ha. Yeah, I freely admit that name thing is idiotic and is no way to seriously judge a product. I was half kidding when I posted it as a reason I wouldn't buy one.


    It almost sounds like slang as well. "Dude, I so Zuned her last night... who's the man now?!"

  4. I would guess that a 5 year old iPod that has had zero problems would be crushed by a Zune that breaks after 1 year. Good call, keep the iPod bashing coming dickweed.


    We have two ipods (three if you count the stupid little 512 MB shuffle I use for running) and we've never had a problem with them. They're not without their own issues, though:




    I couldn't buy a Zune for two reasons. First, I think the name is slightly retarded. My mind sees it as a concatenation of "Zulu" and "Dune." Secondly, my computers are both Apple machines, I don't see that being an easy experience... Zune+OSX.


    I used to be one of those annoying anti-Microsoft pro-Linux/Apple IT dorks. At some point in time, I had a bit of a realization. Who really gives a damn? Honestly? It's software. What costs less and lets more work get done for a given application of technology? Yup, I'm ready for management now.

  5. I don't get games on local TV here as I live in Atlanta. I need to go out of my way (and spend extra money) to be able to watch/listen to the Bills games. Two years ago, I dropped Sunday Ticket as I can't justify paying the extra money to watch a team lose. Over the past two seasons, I've bought the Field Pass off of NFL.com.


    I'll probably continue to do that. It's $30 a season or so, that's not bad. I put the games on, plug the speakers into the computer, and play with my daughters or do something around the house. If they happen to come on regular TV, I'll watch as it's a bit of a treat.


    No plans to pick the ticket back up, though.. UNLESS we pick up some rock star coach and have a tremendous offseason.

  6. No no, they're not bonuses, they were "retention payouts." I think I'm going to go out of my way to avoid giving my money to AIG in any form. A friend of mine that I work with has a relative that owns a construction company. Their major backer is AIG. He's told me they've had a huge drop in business and (besides the economy) one of the reasons is that affiliation.

  7. I enjoy the morning and afternoon guys, the only time I have to change the dial is when they let listeners call in........90 percent of the points are garbage. Everyone in this town thinks their the Bills owner and have everything figured out.


    That's the truth. I stream it over the 'net down here in Atlanta and I couldn't agree more. Even points that are "correct" are usually so far fetched that they're laughable.


    I'm also have convinced that WGR "sucks" to some because Buffalo is a much more knowledgeable spots town. Whereas "woo hoo! Our guys score touchdowns, your guys suck!" works in a lot of markets, I think the Buffalo demographic expects a lot more. How many times have we heard that "buffalo is a drinking town with a sports problem" joke? It's probably about the only city in the country where any given stay-at-home-mom can explain the virtues of the 3-4 or the left wing lock.


    Though, what the hell is up with spinal decompression? Also, any outsider listening to the radio as they drive through the region must think Buffalonians are a bunch of personal-injury happy lawsuit junkies.

  8. As much as DJ has irritated me, seriously now, what's the alternative? Some fruitcake coordinator that "just might be the next big thing?" We'll not be bringing in any top level coaching talent. We haven't exactly been great at picking coaches. I guess if you go with the blind squirrel theory, we're bound to get a good one eventually.

  9. I would love for him to be our coach. LOVE IT.


    No Stojan. I freaking wish we were in a position to run up the score every week. I don't think I've ever said, "Gee, we're winning by enough now, we should just stop scoring and let them get all the calls." Pound it down their throats. When they cough it back up, pound it down a second time. It doesn't bother me in the least when BB does it.


    We gotta stop fumbling the ball, then maybe we can do it too.

  10. No one is talking about it, but neither the City of Toronto, nor the Bills team can tolerate a move to Toronto. Today demonstrared the fans would cheer against the "home team" and the team wouldn't wouldn't want to play there. Listen to what Bills players were saying after the game ... turns out they really count on all 8 of those home games every year.


    Nah, there's difference between the 'home team' and 'the team from a close American city playing a single game a year here.' If it truly was a Toronto home team, we'd have seen a much better crowd.

  11. As Bill Parcells says: "You are what your record says you are."



    I'm protesting next year by not renewing my NFL Sunday Ticket....If they do well, I'll see them on nationally televised games.


    I did that the year before last and went to just paying for Field Pass so I can listen to the games. I still get Center Ice as that feels worth the money. I just got sick of paying for heartbreak. I follow them as much as I always have, I just don't get to watch them at home.

  12. So, I missed this game because I had to take my little girl to an ice skating practice thing... was it *really* as bad as everyone is making it out to be? Or is it a carry over from the last few weeks culminating in today's suckfest?


    Was it REALLY a "can the coach NOW!" game?

  13. this seems to be the stores fault as much as anyone's


    You can't expect any one of the people to be able to stop and help the guy up - they probably would have been trampled themselves. The people in the front of the line can't stop - they were being pushed from behind by 500 people. It is the store's fault for allowing 1500 people to crowd around an entrance.


    Could go either way. The store *wants* the crowds, obviously. Unless they did something negligent, like mop the floor 30 seconds before they opened the door, I think it falls on the shoulders of the shoppers. Sounds like a classic case of people just sucking and not respecting a line and order of arrival.


    They'll start doing the lotteries before long, much like they did with concert tickets back in the early 1990s. Used to be you'd wait in line for hours and hours to get good seats. They killed that with a lottery system such that the guy that gets there at 7:59 has the same chance a the guy that slept there.

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