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Everything posted by Westside

  1. That’s a lot to ask for a draft to fill.
  2. No, I think it’s more of a on the wrong side of thirty and he’s injury prone. We’re still going to need to draft a DT in the first or second round. This team has quite a few holes to fill to depend on the draft to fill them. Add in having no money to sign good players, I hope we don’t have another injury plagued year because our depth is non existent at this time.
  3. GOD help us if brain dead bribem cheats his way back into the white house.
  4. That’s all it’s good for. Leading the idiot brigade while it’s masters rob and destroy our country, then leave the useful idiots behind to take the blame while they screw off with millions of dollars. It’s too stupid to think for itself.
  5. Trump didn’t abandon NATO. He made them pay their fair share. Which is smart considering we were paying for everything.
  6. I agree with the idiot part, but how can you ignore the last 50 years of making racial comments about black people? I think he is an idiot and a racist. MTG is just a loon!
  7. Where you one of the lefties who lost there ***** when Trump called it a shithole?
  8. I agree, I think he and boogie were terrible picks.
  9. Is anyone watching where these Chinese men are going in the United States? Does this worry anyone on the left? I’ve never seen such a idiotic policy this administration has regarding illegals!
  10. Know do a shower scene with biden and his teenage daughter.
  11. Does he have anything left? I know nothing about his play the last three years.
  12. Who??? I've never heard of him. He looks a lot like Roy Jones Jr.
  13. You're quite the simpleton. It must be cold in moms basement today. Freezes your brain.
  14. Every accusation is a confession.
  15. Does that include your denial of child groomers on the left and biden showering with his teenage daughter? Is that a confession?
  16. How dear they protect children from predators! Makes me wonder why you're fighting so hard against it?
  17. Compared to joke showering with his teenage daughter? GTFOOH!!!
  18. You said biden was in mental decline while MTG was an idiot. It seemed to me that you were saying biden isn't an idiot just old. I disagree, he has 50 plus years of saying idiotic things. If you're going to call MTG an idiot, call out bidens long history of lying, racist idiotic things he's said.
  19. No to Zeke, we want to get younger not older. No to Jones, too injury prone.Pretty much everything else is solid.
  20. The lying cheating leftists are doing what they do best! How about New York finest start cracking down on this corruption? Nope, they’ll just follow orders and stand by as the corruption continues. Totally unacceptable!!!!
  21. They planned for and wanted an insurrection by the right. When it didn’t happen, they hid their agenda and punished trespassers with cruel and unusual punishment. Then the left tried to hide any evidence that might expose their sinister actions!
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