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Posts posted by Westside

  1. 2 hours ago, The Red King said:

    The thread title is misleading.  At no point did the report determine or state there was no collusion.  Rather, it was their conclusion that there was not enough evidence to prove or disprove collusion.  So, the report's answer to "Was there collusion?" is simply, "I dunno.  Maybe?".  And with all the time and effort invested, that's in some ways even more frustrating then a clear, decisive yes or no.


    At the same time, it is vexing to hear Trump and some Republicans repeatedly saying the Report confirmed no collusion when they damn well know that's a lie.  Saying you didn't get a good enough look so you can't really say if a boy stole a cookie or not does not mean the kid didn't take one.  It doesn't exonorate him.  Yet that's exactly what Trump and the Republicans are claiming, despite knowing full well it is an outright lie.  And they're doing so trusting many Americans won't actually read the report and as a result might actually buy the manure they're peddling.


    It's good to know you're not biased in any way. 

    This was the funniest post I've read in days. 


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