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Typical TBD Guy

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Posts posted by Typical TBD Guy

  1. If I accept your analysis, which is superb, how many other GMs have so many high draft pick busts.  At some point I would love to see the analysis of other teams and their draft day futility.



    Interested in throwing up this morning? Go look at the 2002 draft, rounds 1-3.

  2. TD's mistakes:


    1. Not respecting the K position.

    2. Assuming undrafted offensive tackles make great interior linemen.

    3. Trading for Drew Bledsoe because of the big name and not because of the actual quality of his mid-career play.

    4. His ATROCIOUS 2002 draft - Mike Williams, Josh Reed, Ryan Denney, and Coy Wire all look to be major day 1 draft busts.

    5. And the big one - his coaching personnel decisions.


    Hey TD, according to ICE you check this message board every so often, so check this, you arrogant piece of stevestojan jerkoff... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  3. Glad to see you finally came around to the dark side, Todd! I myself have been a member of the dark side since the Houston home game last year. After Drew's sorry performance in that particular game, a light bulb finally turned on and I finally realized what all the Patriots fans were warning us about.


    I'm willing to give Drew a chance for the next 6 games because - quite frankly - who else is there to turn to in the next 6 games? But as soon as JP is healthy and ready to go, I say put him in and let the new era begin. And as soon as this miserable season is over, NONE of you apologists better be talking about keeping Drew here any longer. His cap number is just too big.




    njsue, you are my first nominee for TBD's Ultimate Drew Apologist :D !


    I ask you, is it not probable that both the offensive line AND Drew are the problem? During Drew's last two years in New England, his line was blamed for most of his continued mistakes. And yet as soon as Tom Brady started behind center for this exact same line, all of a sudden the Patriots were Super Bowl winners.


    This is not to say that someone like JP can become a superhero with our current line, but Drew is definitely magnifying their deficiencies with his physical immobility, his pathetic pocket awareness, his slow decision-making abilities, his failure to survey the entire field, his frequent lapses in throwing mechanics that are inconceivable for a 10+ year veteran, and - most importantly - his complete lack of confidence in himself anymore (which he admitted to over the offseason).

  5. 1. Drew Bledsoe gone. No more conditional returns. No contract restructuring. Just gone. If you can find any reason to refute this statement, then consider yourself the Ultimate Drew Apologist.


    2. Cut Trey Teague. Only the most talented interior linemen are able to play well at such low weights as his. If he's not cut, at least move him to a backup role.


    3. Use all this freed up money to sign a free agent C and a RT worthy of a starting role, i.e. don't promote Ross Tucker and Marcus Price.


    4. Move Mike "Big Vagina" Williams to left guard, as Coach McNally once suggested. He should be more effective going against the giant DT's instead of the light but quick DE's. Hey it's the only way to salvage our Patulski-esque #4 overall pick. Yes he will temporarily be one of the most grossly overpaid guards in the NFL, but when his '05 contract is up I guarantee his new contract will be quite fair...


    5. We NEED to resign Jonas Jennings, as well. He's our only good offensive lineman at the moment.


    6. Make Lee Evans the #2 receiver. He actually gets open a lot, but unfortunately Duh Bleedslow can no longer get it to him. Josh Reed is an outstanding #3 WR, but a craptacular #2.


    7. Move Willis to starting FB and keep Henry at HB. Cut Daimon Shelton - he sucks, and the traditional FB role is a fossil in today's NFL. By next September Willis should be 100%, and I like the strategic possibilities with having both guys on the field at the same time. Plus, one can spot the other in 1-back formations, giving our offense an excellent change-of-pace attack while the other gets a breather. The injury argument with keeping both, of course, still stands.


    8. Resign Pat Williams, unless he asks for too much or unless Ron Edwards between now and December shows us something. Phat Pat is still playing at a high level right now. Plus watching Ted Washington play today, you can see how being over 30 isn't necessarily a death sentence for a DT.


    9. Move Vincent to FS and McGee to starting CB. Our defense is still not producing enough turnovers, and Izell Reese/Pierson Prioleau are clearly not capable of doing so.


    10. Focus primarily on special teams for the 2005 draft. I was torn between crying and punching in my TV when I saw Angelo Crowell and later Mario Haggan negating 2 outstanding returns...

  6. 33250[/snapback]


    I want to clarify one thing about my post. Being negative on a Bills message board and at the actual game are two different things. I'm not condoning excessive booing, verbal criticism, leaving early (unless for a reason other than displeasure with the game's outcome), or not showing up if you bought a ticket (unless for a reason other than displeasure with the team's season); that type of behavior can negatively affect the Bills' performance. RWS should still be a place where the HOME TEAM gets the advantage.

  7. LET me tell you ! the the fans here are anything but PATHEDIC! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



    The only thing that's PATHETIC is your spelling... :) (just playing with you)


    I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting tired of the mediocrity that the team and some of the fans have begun accepting. When I see faults with the Bills' play, I'll let my opinion be known. I understand the original poster's point in that we shouldn't turn this message board into an extended version of Jerry Stevestojan's overly negative columns. On the other hand, blind optimism is not only idiotic but a waste of time. I come here to learn more about my Bills team and about general football strategy/X's and O's. I want to learn and discuss the team's and players' strengths and weaknesses. I want to learn and discuss the good that our team is doing as well as the bad. Who wants to read pages and pages of rah-rah threads saying "Go Bills! We're so totally awesome?"


    Also, the original poster's definition of a true fan is a little weak. A true fan is one who always roots for his team no matter how much he/she dislikes the team's individual players, the season record, the general direction the team is headed, etc... I don't think anyone on this board besides the Patsies trolls are rooting AGAINST the Bills; the negative posters and the even-tempered ones alike don't want the team to do bad, but they do want to criticize the team when the criticism is deserved. What I think Sunday's final score will be: Raiders - 30, Bills - 17...I suppose this prediction makes me a false fan :) ?



  8. Rudy, I like your newfound optimism. It's a good way to go through life.


    However, I myself am an unwavering realist and always look at the facts. The best predictor of the immediate future is the recent past, and for the past 15 regular season Bills games we have seen a team loaded with talent yet completely devoid of heart. When the going gets tough, these current Bills get folding.


    Final score:


    Raiders: 30 (their offense will unfortunately match up well against our D)

    Choke Artists: 17


    I give us a 10% chance of winning in the Black Hole this Sunday, but feel free to dig up this post if we do manage to squeak out a W - I'm starving for some crow!!!

  9. Now I know we wonder if he reads this board. Well when he read "ICE" on my name tag, he got this funky look on his face and said "Wow all the way from Tulsa huh"?



    Ice, so if this story is true - and I have no reason to believe it isn't - that means Mr. Donahoe views this board somewhat frequently? You should have asked him what he thinks about Hollywood Donahoe's avatar...

  10. It's a catch-22, folks. We all know Choker is going to cost us anywhere between 4 to 8 more close games this season (that's a given), but unfortunately there's no one better to replace him at this time. While our arseclown of a kicker lies somewhere between #31-32 in a ranking of employed NFL kickers, he's probably very close to #1 in a ranking of unemployed ones.


    BTW, in Jerry Stevestojan's article this morning, I think his opinion was actually right on target for a change. He backed up his normal doom and gloom perspective with some pretty powerful facts concerning Choker.

  11. Bills have some skill players on offense. Whats the problem?   Oline?  Drew Bledsoe a statue back there?



    We have no legitimate 2nd WR, a fat underachieving slob for a right tackle, an interior offensive line utterly incapable of sustaining blocks for longer than 2-3 seconds, and a physically slower yet sturdier carbon-copy of Rob Johnson for a QB. And to make matters worse for the Bills offense this year, Eric Moulds has now added his name to the long list of current Bills choke artists.

  12. As has already been noted, we don't want Lindell run out of town because of this one game. We are simply looking at Lindell's career production with the Seahawks, his production with the Bills in the past 17 games, extrapolating this production for the course of the entire 2004 season, and concluding that Lindell = no playoffs this year (if we expect to be playing in a lot of close games).


    No doubt Lindell SHOULD be cut, but the only question is who do we replace him with that's better? I can't think of any right now, and if TD doesn't have a clear-cut choice either, then we're stuck with this a-hole of a kicker.

  13. Putting a side the "trade so and so" theme for a minute. . . Who is most disproportionately earning a large salary and isn't playing to that level?



    1. Rian Lindell (as you already mentioned)

    2. Drew Bledsoe (as you already mentioned)

    3. JP Losman (because he's not even playing)

    4. Willis McGahee (expensive backup HB)

    5. Eric Moulds (overpaid for his actual career production - think about it)

    6. Lee Evans (only been 1 game, but so far looks to be a non-factor this season)

    7. Mike Williams (as you already mentioned)

    8. Trey Teague (as you already mentioned)

    9. Lawyer Milloy (only slightly overpaid)


    As you will notice, 7 of the 9 guys listed happen to be on the offensive side of the ball. TD is clearly getting more "bang for his buck" with the defensive draft picks/free agents.


    By the way, I'm not trashing Losman, McGahee, and Evans. I'm just saying that currently their first round salaries are much higher than their actual/expected season production.

  14. 1) What is Ryan Lindell's cap hit if we off him now?


    2) What kickers are available right now to bring in?



    1) If we cut him now, $225K cap hit this season and $450K cap hit next season.


    2) I can't help you here, but according to TD good kickers are a dime a dozen...

  15. True enough, but the Patsies go deep every 10-15 plays though, and we didn't throw any long balls Sunday. As it's been said around here, once in a while you just gotta chuck it to keep a defense honest.



    Yes, and also unlike the Patriots, our offensive unit is prone to costly penalties and turnovers throughout the course of a long "dink and dunk" drive.

  16. last year all anyone could say was RUN THE BALL, this year the saying is going to be throw the ball deep



    Neither extremes are good. You won't get very far in today's NFL if you are predictable and one-dimensional.


    I would have liked to have seen more of a downfield passing game against the weak Jags corners. The amount of running we did was fine, but the passing should have been more diverse than just 1 pass attempt greater than 20 yds (to the TE no less).


    Given the current state of the O-line, it's somewhat understandable why Mularkey and the offensive coaches did what they did Sunday. However, the players on the O-line better learn the nuances of their position pretty friggin quickly (try no later than this Sunday?) because the losses can add up and before you know it we are sitting at the way bottom looking up in the playoff race...i.e. another season wasted.

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