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Everything posted by FGD

  1. A City of No Illusions does not run the past. The guy is a 4 Star Mudering Bum, but this isn't the Soviet Union we don't airbrush the past
  2. Before I am tempted by the training camp kool-aid: 5-11 1, No pass rush when it counts, especially the 3 headed marshmellow of Denny/Bannan/Kelsey 2. Won't be able to run to closeout a game 3. Lindell 4. Losman's lack of accuracy 5. I hate to agree with Denny Green, but they did not let the draft come to them and by my calculation left 2 or 3 picks go by the wayside. 6. With a young QB you need really solid O-Line play especially at Center and I don't see that
  3. EXACTLY!! If anyone's criticism means they are disloyal and stupid for even venturing a discouraging word, then any praise means ZERO as well. As long as someone makes an argument, than they have met the requirements to post in my book.
  4. Texans 13 - Bills 10 I agree this team has talent Good young DT's Deep WR's Potentially special RB Veteran Safties Solid Line Backers and no matter how it turns out Bledsoe was taking them NO WHERE But with a rookie QB I would more optimistisic IF: They eliminated mistales - Penalties are still a big problem A solid O-Line - If Gandy and rest prove me wrong so be it. To win 10 games which means play-offs it has to be super and they are a long way off from that. Consistant Pass rush - It can be a great defense, but so far the pass rush is weak. They gave up a lot of crucil big plays last year which Sam Adams alluded too. (C, mon Kelsey!!) To win with JP it has to be close to zero tolerance on 3RD down and that is a tall order. Dependable Kicker 45 and in - As yards of folks have mentione Lindell ain't it. I LOVE BUFFALO and the Bills and I do not believe it makes me less of a fan to find fault AND still park my butt in front of the TV dying and living with every play
  5. What no Dances With Cliches er Wolves?!? I knew after I saw it that Goodfellas was going to lose
  6. A Fine List, especially for Time. Light, heavy, foreign and domestic. Great call on M, check out another Fritz Lang gem, Metropolis Alexander Nevsky for the climatic battle scence. Umberto D will rip your heart out (Thumbnail: Old pensioner in postWWII Italy becomes dispirited his only companion a small very loyal dog. Pensioner decides to kill himself and trys to shoo the dog away furiously. Does do it or not? Rent the film! Sounds sachrine, but it is compelling. Not, Not Not a date movie) The Bicycle Theif - Also excellent. I love the 7 Samuri (sp?), but Yojimbo holds up better. As for Nemo its sop to kids
  7. I'm with apulshunny (sp?). We have not had a world beating GM since Polian was here. Two good caretakers, but one's who make decisions that fail at the biggest spots As for telling folks to shut-up because they don't know anything. That means your praise of the team is equally worthless, because you do not know any more than the skeptics. We are ALL fans who don't know everything. If you think TD merits a break on these picks make an argument. With Campbell and Euhus hurt I think Everett makes more sense than Parrish. Unless Lossman is Rothlesberger II, this is going to be a training wheel season which puts am even greater emphasis on run/Stop the run. If TH does not report, we got zero at back-up running back, because in my book Shaud Williams can't do it behind this line. Build the lines and make the WHOLE team better, especially a short rookie QB, who has already been hurt.
  8. So what do you think? TD seems to bank on line on the cheap. Is TD's approach to the lines sound? Clearly he has confidence in the scouting reports for WR's and sees them as a value. But, if the he choses not to make the Shelton trade ot invest a #2 in a linemen, how is he going to improve Lossman's chances for success? Roscoe, bust or hall a famer? Geez I do not know. But, it seems to me the Bills have to start investing more in their lines. It is how all tems are made better. One FA signing so far to offset Jennings and williams? Without serious tackles up-front fletcher is weaker. Our center position still needs an upgrade. I think their backs, wr's, db's and lb's are good enough to get to the playoffs. I for one think TD is fooling himself with regards to the interior lines. Remember all our opponents have had another year to scout WM and his importance to a team with a rookie QB. (As for TH, we can say screw him, but we all know how emotional football is. If one significant guy is angry, even if the guys are ok every reporter is gong to beat on the story like a raw nerve until it becomes a real problem.) So if you see it another way, why shouldn't i worry about the lines?
  9. I thought Pittsburgh would just rest a few stars, but to lose to a team's second stringers is a new humilitaion I never considered in my 30+ years of following the Bills. IMHO Bledsoe is done, but the other question is what is our football IQ? These 2ND string Pittsburgher's really knew their stuff. Our 1St stringers were not up to it. Coaching is HUGE, but could Pittsburgh's staff be just as effective with our second string guys? Is their secondstring really that much more talented? Its easy to say Dump Bledsoe, but what kind of car are you asking Losman to drive? My offseason prioroty would be linemen, either side of the ball.
  10. Bengals 24 - Buffalo 10. Turnovers and Lindell cost the Bills.
  11. Bledsoe's playing better still too many turnovers last week against a bad team, but is it Lindell's turn to be completely exposed? 1) He can cost with a miss. 2) He can cost us because the staff won't trust to make a 45 yarder in the cold, so they try a trick play that fails or blows up. The Bills are playing so much better, but on the road in the cold Lindell sure makes me pine for Christie of yore.
  12. I know R.Rich said 10/17 was THE DEADLINE. But I just found out I MIGHT be able to get tickets. is there any room left? 4 spots would be perfect and of course if needed a check before Friday I'd FedEx it to you I wrote you from my work address, but my guess is you have gotten a chance to respond yet. Thanks and GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I am no Hurricanes fan, but I watched Maghee a lot his one real year in college and his burst was incredible! On a number of plays he was Bo Jackson gone, but that was before the knee injury<p>Today Willis was THE difference, but there are 3 optical factors I have trouble juggling.<p>1)Maghee current burst. 2) the overall quality of the defensive speed in the NFL and 3) the relatively poor Buffalo offensive line. What do you see?<p> Put another way if you were soaking up the Bills win with a few adult beverages and you saw Maghee on another team and heard the same story recited. Would you think damn my team should have taken a chance or would you say I still think my team did the right thing passing on him in the 1St round?<p> What do the cold hard facts say to you?
  14. 7 punts to start the game left me fully resigned to a loss, but then the tease before the loss. The cold hard fact is nothing is as deceiving as close loss.<p> This team is lost and while I understand Fassell was a total jerk in his interview this team needs an guy who had been a head coach before. This is year 4 of OJT and it hurts. I drank my full of Donahoe Kool-Aid, but after the last off saeson when so little was done to improve the lines especially the defensive line I realized we need a new GM and at Ralph's age I don't know if he is up for another overhaul.<p> There is some talent here, but very little team. The problems have been tallked about before, but they all point to Mr. Too-Smart-By-Half. The Losman draft deal and Maghee pick being absolute my favorites.
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