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Phil The Thrill

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Posts posted by Phil The Thrill

  1. 17 minutes ago, WideNine said:


    I am glad Ralph gave us the Bills, but he could have done more to retain the talent he had, not to mention reigning in his foolish pride a bit.


    The GM's he pushed out the door:

    Polian (got the Panthers to the NFC Championship in the 2nd year of its existence, then took over as the Colts President, most of us know what he did there, drafted Peyton Manning, AFC Championships, Superbowl victory)


    Fired John Butler and the whole talented Bills front office - who then went out to San Diego and turned the Chargers franchise into contenders.


    Pushed Wade out the door too, who managed the difficult task of cleaning up an aging roster of beloved veterans and was the last coach to take the Bills to a playoff (till finally - last year). Everywhere Wade goes those teams get better, usually a lot better defensively, and win. Currently the DC for the Rams....with their offense, if Wade gets their defense turned around, they will be extremely tough to beat.


    In the wake of his pride and senility, we were left with a series of incompetent Ralph puppets, GM rookies (sorry Marv, I know you meant well), a marketing guy, and a series of terrible coaches, Williams, Mularkey, Skelator (Jauron), Chan, Doug (good luck with that) Marrone....ugh.







    This is a really fair take.  Basically the majority of “the drought” starts with Ralph’s poor decisions.  


    Initially he tried doing the right thing with the Donahue hiring.  But everything after was an epic failure and “tarnished” the organization.  Russ Brandon having a say in football decision was also very bad


  2. 4 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:



    This was actually a serious question 

    Just now, Augie said:

    The last time I worried about history was when I was in High School, which was it’s own bit of history. Ancient history. 


    Sure it’s definitely in the past, but fun to think about considering both men’s careers went down the toilet after declining a chance to interview 

  3. Back in 2009, Russ Grimm and Brian Schottenheimer turned down the opportunity to interview for the Bills vacant head coach position.


    If you recall, Grimm was somewhat of a legend on the old BBMB.  So many fans wanted him as HC, despite never having ascending to anything higher than a position coach.  Yet some Bills fans really wanted Russ.


    Brian Schottenheimer rode the coattails of a decent run with NYJ.  He was considered to be the “Hot” coaching candidate.  I can’t remember anyone being too Disappointed he turned down the Bills, but some felt slighted.


    Long story short, Grimm was fired in AZ a few years later.  Still never ascended last OL coach and is now out of the NFL.  


    Schottenheimer was fired from NYJ and was out of the NFL.  Now he’s made somewhat of a comeback with Seattle though I don’t think he’ll get any HC interviews

  4. 39 minutes ago, Nihilarian said:

    In the 2009 off season Buddy Nix wanted to hire Marty for the Bills HCing job and he desperately wanted the job in Buffalo too. Seems Nix worked in San Diego with and Shotty they knew each other. Bills owner Ralph Wilson said no and that was that.


    It was well known at the time that Wilson had to have complete control over everyone and that included his head coach. It was noted that Wilson was on the phone with Jauron for hours every day during the season. Marty wouldn't have gone along with that for100% certainty and Wilson knew it.  


    My thoughts are that Marty lost a power struggle with GM with AJ Smith and part of that involved Drew Brees and Phillip Rivers as Marty wanted to keep Brees and Smith said no. Smith drafted the taller 6'5'' Rivers and wanted him as the starter. Actually the team drafted Eli Manning but he refused to play for the Chargers so they traded QBs with the NY Giants.


    Marty was fired after the 2006 season and after a 14-2 season. The Chargers (AJ Smith) then hired Norv Turner who turned them into poop after 6 years as HC. 


    For whatever reason I think Schottenheimer was blackballed by the owners kinda like Colin Kaepernick is being blackballed now only for a different reason. 



    ** On a side note Bill Polain stated he would have hired AJ Smith as his GM if hired in Buffalo as their czar/team president. On another note, Doug Marrone told Polian after he left as the Bills HC that both Whaley/Brandon were badmouthing him to the new owners and stated it was a bad situation with Russ Brandon involved in the football operations. 


    If this is true then I have more respect for Buddy.   Also it would show, again, how Ralph was not a great owner by the end of his tenure. 


    I thought the hiring of Gailey was just so inspiring.  

  5. Just now, bills11 said:

    Despite being successful he was ultra conservative his reputation was definitely worse than it had any business being . Irrespective of his approach the Chargers were not the same team once norv took over they lost their toughness and mentality.


    Agreeed.....terrible choice by SD.  Buffalo should have hired him.  Not Gailey

    Just now, Leonhart2017 said:

    Kick the tires Bean! It is time to bring Marty Ball to Buffalo! 


    Maybe he can coach ST’s!?!?!?

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, dpberr said:

    I don't think his on the field success was enough to mitigate his personality.  I always got the impression he was NFL John Harbaugh before John Harbaugh - people eventually are exhausted by the personality.


    You can be a curmudggeon if you win titles.  You can't be Bill Belichick or Gregg Popovich without the rings.   



    Ok so this makes a lot of sense.  I don’t buy the postseason record, because at the time there were a number of franchises that would have been thrilled to just make the playoffs (including Buffalo)


    One Old curmudgeon (Ralph) should have reached to to another old curmudgeon (Marty) instead of hiring an older curmudgeon (Buddy Nix) as GM

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. I remember when the Bills Rick Jauron In 2009.  Knowing Ralph’s tendencies to turn to former Bills, I was really hoping that he’d hire Mary Schottenheimer to coach.  I thought that he would be perfect considering he has history with the Bills, but more importantly, he was a veteran coach with a proven record of success in the league.  


    Instead I found out that Ralph apparently had issues with Marty back when he was a player decades ago.  An unfortunately instead of hiring a coach with a .613 winning percentage, he hired a coach who now has a .425 winning percentage and never was a HC again!


    It got me thinking though, why didn’t any other NFL team give Marty another shot at HC.  Everywhere that he coached (sans 1 8-8 year in Washington which included a big win streak at the end of the year) he was a winner for two decades. Yes he did struggle in the postseason, but some other coaches have had the same issues (Andy Reid). He also turned around three different franchises, most recently San Diego. I remember in 2006, when they fired him after a 14-2 start much to the fans anger.


    So why did the NFL never give Marty another shot to lead a team?  It couldn’t be his age.   At the time of his firing in SD, he would have been 62.  Not young by any means, but just about the same age as Dick Vermeil when he was hired by the Rams, and a few years younger than Vermiel when KC hired him.  Oh yeah...Dick Vermeil’s winning percentage?  .525


    Clearly it wasn’t Marty’s choice to not coach.  He ended up coaching in the semi-pro UFL.  Not surprisingly he was the championship.  


    A lot of coaches have been hired and fired in the NFL who havent had anywhere near the success that Marty did.  It’s a damn shame that Marty never got a chance.  And that other chance probably should have been in Buffalo.  




    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Captain Hindsight said:

    Bobby April was a good ST coach because they let him have every backup position player be a special teamer. I hated when he was here. Sure Roscoe had a few nice returns, but we so often had to IR starters because all of our backups were Bobby April guys and couldnt play defense. It kept us in 6-10 territory for years

    Bobby was actually considered a HC prospect at one time.




    Even so, I think he has a garbage take.  He’s manipulating stats without context to essentially confirm his opinion.  Anyone who watched the past 3 games Allen started can see that his performance was much stronger than his numbers indicated.  


    Dont take my word though, take the word of former players, coaches and even arm chair Twitter film analysts.  


    Or or you could take the word of a balding, hipster wannabe from Brooklyn who tries to cool by wearing a hoodie in promo picture.  He sure has a lot of NFL experience.

    • Like (+1) 3
  10. 7 hours ago, Gugny said:


    A few years ago, I brought my son to a Mets game at Citi Field.  Lovely day.  My son likes to bring home some sort of collectible anytime we go to a game.  This time he chose a Mets "matchbox type" car.  Around inning 6, we went to grab a bite so we could beat the 7th inning stretch crowd.  When we returned, his car was gone.  I was pissed ... kind of visibly.  An older man a few rows back pointed to another man in my row a few seats down.  He just pointed and said, "maybe he has it .. maybe."


    I confronted the guy and asked if he had it.  At first he played dumb.  I pressed.  Then he reaches into this big canvas bag, pulls out the car, and says, "you mean this?"  


    I'll admit ... I lost my cool and was about to kick the guy's ass.  But instead, I berated him for stealing a boy's souvenir.  He just sat there and stared at me.  I'm certain that his bag was full of other people's souvenirs.  Security just stood by and watched the entire interaction and did nothing.  I was disgusted.


    As you said ... thieves are thieves.  Pathetic.


    Agreed.... all the more infuriating when someone steals a souvenier for a child like that.  


    Did he ever give it back to you?

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