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Posts posted by wnyguy

  1. 32 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Birds of a feather, a/k/a I Love the Poorly Educated.




    For months before the rally, Ms. Boyland had bombarded her friends and relatives with messages and links to long videos about the fantastical theories she had come to accept as fact. Many of the false claims spilled from QAnon, the pro-Trump conspiracy theory movement that rose in popularity over the course of his presidency and promoted the idea that many Democrats and celebrities are part of a global pedophile ring — a theory that 15 percent of Americans believe, according to one poll this week. Many of its supporters falsely believed that President Biden had stolen the election, and some attended Mr. Trump’s rally on Jan. 6.

    Ms. Boyland’s sudden fixation so alarmed her family members and friends that some of them asked her to stop talking to them about politics — or just to stop talking altogether.

    Some of her closest friends believe that Ms. Boyland was a vulnerable target for the conspiracy theorists. After a stint in drug rehabilitation, she had returned to her parents’ home and largely avoided drugs for several years, her family said. But the isolation brought about by the pandemic was making it harder. QAnon filled a void in her life, they said, helping distract her from thoughts of returning to drugs even as it acted as a different kind of hallucinogen.

    “I was worried that she was trading one addiction for another,” said Blaire Boyland, her younger sister. “It just seemed like, yes, she’s not doing drugs, but she’s very obsessively online, watching all these YouTube videos and going down the rabbit hole.”

    Oh, sounds like she deserved to be beaten to death then, right?

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Kemp said:


    Didn't figure you for one who would be fine with a Muslim head of the House saying that his world view is guided by the Koran. 

    I learned something new about you. I wonder if Callahan agrees with you.

    I don't see a thing wrong with any government official being guided by the Koran if it does not interfere with them also abiding by the Constitution, by which they are sworn to uphold. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. 2 hours ago, eball said:

    This one aspect of McD’s coaching, in particular, is infuriating.  Last night he did it again, multiple times, and all it does is give the offense a chance to regroup and strategize.  Why aren’t the Bills practicing these situations during the week so they know what to do when the moment arrives?


    Last night McD had a terrible 4th quarter.


    Gotta agree, I really hate those defensive tine outs when the clock is ticking and the opposing offense is scrambling. McDermott does this a lot and I don't get it. Let the clock run!

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    A homeland security official told NBC News that the Department of Homeland Security is monitoring a “heightened threat environment” in the United States and is concerned about attacks on Jewish Americans, Arab Americans and Muslim Americans.



    Also heightened alert for parents attending school board meetings. 

  5. Just now, Justice said:

    I know you say that but if you can just imagine the level of hate one can have for his oppressors. Allow me to dumb it down for you.

    Let’s say a child of about 12 years old in 2014 lost his entire family to an airstrike. That kid is now 22 years old. Raised without a family. Nobody to teach him right from wrong except for maybe some sick ass Hamas members. How the F do you think this kid will come out??


    See everything is black and white for most of you. When in reality it’s gray as hell. 


    I think even with the hatred, the passionate hatred, one can have there should be a level of humanity inside. The things that were done on the Hamas attack showed that there was no humanity, making those terrorists appear to have no soul.

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  6. 20 minutes ago, Justice said:

    I’ll answer your question but you need to answer mine as well. For one I’m offended you think I wouldn’t answer this question. It does call for the annihilation of Jewish people, but if our country was occupied would you greet the enemy with love or hate? Would you accept defeat? Would you not fight? You’d be facing a far superior army. What would you do to resist the occupation? And please do not say it isn’t an occupation. Just answer the question. 


    I know that I wouldn't participate in the inhuman raping and torture and killing of civilians. That's my answer to you.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Yes, they are evil


    Yes or no, Israel is building settlements on land that is suppose to part of the peace process for Palestine? 



    Why to burn away that sympathy Israel had going for it Can't believe the IDF didn't blame Hamas





    Palestinian health ministry says 200 to 300 people may have been killed in Israeli strike on hospital in Gaza

    From Abeer Salman and Tamar Michaelis

    Preliminary estimates indicate between 200 to 300 people were killed in an Israeli strike on a hospital in the center of Gaza City, the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza said in a statement Tuesday, noting many people still remained beneath the rubble.

    The Palestinian government in Gaza said in an earlier statement that the strike on the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital had resulted in dozens of deaths.

    “A new war crime committed by the occupation in the bombing of Al-Ahli Arabi Hospital in the center of Gaza City, resulting in the arrival of dozens of martyrs and injured at Al-Shifa Medical Complex due to the bombing. It should be noted that the hospital housed hundreds of patients, wounded, and displaced people from their homes forcibly due to the airstrikes,” the government statement said. 

    Hamas released a statement on the strike, calling it a "genocide."

    “The Al-Ahli Hospital Massacre in the heart of Gaza Strip is a genocide. Enough silence on the aggression and recklessness of the occupation,” Hamas said in a statement.

    Israel Defense Forces spokesperson Daniel Hagari said the IDF is looking into the reported strike, saying since it was fairly recent, the IDF is still unclear whether the hospital was hit by an Israeli Air Force (IAF) strike or failed Hamas launch. 



    Hamas knew what Israels response would be, that it would be brutal and that innocents in Gaza would be killed. Hamas chose to do what they did anyways, sacrificing their own.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Justice said:

    Two sides of the same coin. If it weren’t for the international community Israel would’ve been wiped out the Palestinians. By expanding settlements they’re doing it slowly until there’s no PA territory left. 

    Yes or no, does the Hamas charter not call for the total annihilation of the Jews. It's a simple question.

  9. Just now, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Yet, people can rarely counter what he's saying.  Curious.  It's almost like they're answering everything based on feelings instead of facts.

    Ok L.Ron, if Billsy ever posts something coherent and/or intelligent without calling those he disagrees with slanderous names or gifs then please let me know, I have the buffoon an ignore.

  10. 35 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    My comment was not being able to counter anything Bill said then calling him an idiot.   I care nothing about name calling in itself. 


    Happens a lot when you righties reply to him.  You can't refute/deny/counter his post so ya'll just say something lame...like calling him an idiot.  

    Well that may be true but the only reason we call him an idiot is because he is one. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  11. Just now, Justice said:

    Because it’s not allowed by law?

    Cheap labor. Actually this point kind of strengthens my assertions because they actually know who’s good and who’s bad. 

    Nobody can dispute the things I said. You guys. Just brushed them all off. You guys actually think this attack was plausible. 1+1 doesn’t always equal 2 though. 

    I can admit that this world is crazy enough that anything is possible. 

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  12. Just now, Justice said:


    Oh on the contrary. He might believe sacrificing a few pawns in order to retake Gaza is the most patriotic thing he can do. 

    Getting killed never stopped anyone from doing anything heinous. 

    Then why was Israel attempting to appease Palestinians in the first place? Why not cut off their water, food, and electricity in the first place? Why grant them work visas inside Israel itself? Your theory has holes.

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  13. 1 minute ago, B-Man said:




    Back to the thread:


    Israeli troops already in Gaza in search for hostages; clashes increase in the North





    Yet another indicator that a large-scale incursion into Gaza is likely just hours away. Israeli ground forces have already penetrated into Gazan territory, conducting “localized raids,” the IDF announced an hour ago. The primary goal is to find the hostages:



    If any hostage, even one, comes out of this alive it will be a miracle.

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  14. 4 minutes ago, Doc said:


    I'd also add that just because you call it an "insurrection," it doesn't make it one.  And where is the proof that he led the attack on the Capitol?  He said to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."  Nowhere did he ever say "break into the Capitol" (that was someone else).

    Facts? You're gonna go with facts here? That is a lowdown, dirty thing to do. I say, how dare you, sir.

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  15. 7 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    That is not what that says. I’m sure several republican candidates have a higher favorability among Democrats than Republicans too, especially if switching to independent. Take Christie for one. Doesn’t mean democrats would actually vote for him.


    Silly goose. 

    I don’t care let him run. Can’t wait

    If he promised to never talk or make speeches he'd have my vote. His voice sounds like it hurts when he talks. 

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