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Posts posted by theesir

  1. The Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum field is the place where the USC Trojans play football, two Summer Olympics were staged, John F. Kennedy accepted the Democratic presidential nomination and Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass.


    It was also a location for "The Gangbang Girl #32," a hard-core pornographic movie that featured 40 minutes of group sex on the gridiron turf, The Times has learned.



    I guess he could go all the way, is now the understatement of the year.


    My link


    Is there a statute of limitations on old news? This happened in 2001!!!!

  2. I have not listened to Howard in years but recently bought a car with Sirius and started listening again in the morning. I have to say, Howard is one of the best interviewers out there. I'd put him up there with Charlie Rose, Terry Gross and Bob Edwards. Completely natural and gets people to talk about things I think they had no intention of putting out there. In the past 2 weeks I have heard him interview Sasha Baron Cohen (not in character), Macy Gray, and this morning, Jack Black. All three interviews were insiteful and entertaining and came across like a conversation between two friends. I was bummed to get out of the car when I got to work.

    I could do without the locker room act most of the time, but the interviews are worth listening too.


    Oh, and by the way I enjoyed AGT last night.

  3. An my English professor used to say, "There are a lot of good writers in the world, but only a handful are willing to work." Sullivan is a lazy reporter. If he didn't have a job at Buffalo News, no one would pay attention to him. There's a lot of reporters who rely on having the podium instead of actually doing their jobs (a big reason a lot of them hate 'bloggers'). We'd be better off without them. The best thing that can be said about him is he crystallizes what is wrong with sports media and is a great example of what not to do.

    I think there is a BIG difference between being a reporter and a columnist. Sully is a columnist. His job is to spew opinion, not report news.

    His role is to insight conversation and considering how controversial he is, I think he's doing a pretty good job.

  4. One of the concerning things about this injury (and the same for Kyle WIlliams and Merriman) is that an Achilles injury is usually followed by hamstring injuries. I hope this isn't the case for these guys but it is worrisome to say the least.

    The good thing about Merriman and Williams is the type of surgery and injury are much different than a rupture. Hopefully not as difficult of a recovery.

    I remember after Marino blew is achillies his lower leg looked like a little girls arm for the rest of his career.

  5. Its pretty sad that you can't take children to football games


    I have been to mlb games in multiple stadiums, along with NHL games and all are great family atmospheres where you can enjoy the game and not have to worry about drunken idiots puking on you, fights breaking out around you, or hearing idiots screaming profanities and vulgar insults around just because their team is losing, or because a fan from another team is sitting near by.


    With the NFL, the fans seem to have the attitude of it being their right to do those things and get excessively drunk because "thats part of the experience" and if you don't like it, don't take your kids or go to the "family section" of the stadium


    This is all going to eventually lead to the removal of private tailgating before games by the NFL, and into controled/regulated NFL/team sponsored tailgating areas where you will be buying beer like you would in the stadium and eating from concession stands



    How pathetic is it that going to a football games means I have have to throw away all expectations of people acting with some common decency. And what's even worse is that the scumbags who are puking all over themselves and acting in ways that no civilized person should act are DEFENDED and CELEBRATED or at least excused by so many of you out here.

    It IS NOT a better gameday experience because I and thousands like me have chosen not to subject ourselves to that scene anymore. What is happening is there is a generation of young fans that not only have not seen a wining team in their life, but are never taken to games by their parents for the same reason they would not take them to a drunken frat party.

  6. rather would have an all pro rt or te.

    I absolutely HATE this kind of IDIOT response. THESE are the kind of people that call radio stations and THAT's the reason they cut off callers. Who wants to listed to people calling in with crap like this!


    Perhaps you need to have this explained to you. Teams in the NFL are not limited to only signing one player per year in free agency. The Bills did not choose Smith INSTEAD of a offensive lineman! These chose Smith. That's the end of that sentence. They have not signed a tackle. That is a completely DIFFERENT sentence, not in any way related to the first. :wallbash:

  7. What's a "Buffalo News"? Is that one of those prehistoric methods of distributing information on a stone tablet or papyrus?


    Seriously, when is that means of information going to die? In the 24-hour newscycle, what's more useless at 7 a.m. than news printed 6 hours ago that happened 12-24 hours ago. Read one tomorrow's Buffalo News' front page stories right now at cnn.com.

    Wow! Do you work for WBEN?

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