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Posts posted by LSHMEAB

  1. 1 minute ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


    What does any of this have to do with the fact that the former President of the United States signed off on warrant to proceed with spying on US citizens, because they were his political enemies, without even so much as a hearing in a secret court?


    They'd been looking at Carter Page for years. Probably because his actions in Russia would be of interest to anyone involved in surveilling foreign intelligence. Just like Bruce Ohr had been a prominent prosecutor of the Russian Mafia and Peter Stroek had been leading FBI efforts against Russian influence. All of this before SideShow Don ever awkwardly stepped into the political arena.


    Who'd a thunk they'd all intersect with the investigation into election interference BY THE RUSSIANS? Who'd a thunk that would intersect with the investigation into Trump? Must be a personal vendetta!

  2. Where's Barack Hussein Obama's birth certificate and when is he gonna carry out his secret Muslim plot! We've got to answer that question once and for all before we can fully expose this latest RussiaGate conspiracy!


    It's amazing how entrenched you become to these things before quickly moving on once it's disposed of. Doesn't that sh*t get tiring? God Bless your stamina.

  3. Sometimes when "experts" describe a game as lobsided, it's because it's lobsided.


    I don't think fans have come to terms with just how bad this roster is. 


    I expect a terrible season. Not because I want them to fail, but because facts take precedent over emotion. There's no doubt many of these "experts" possess little knowledge of what the Bills have going on. We're a small market team without much cache, so I've gotten used to it. They'd rather discuss the Cowboys linebacking core than our QB situation. At the same time, just because they don't know why the Bills are gonna be bad doesn't mean their conclusion is incorrect.

  4. I'm admittedly skeptical at best about Josh Allen. There are just so many damn red flags. The second preseason game provided a glimmer of hope, but I've reverted back to extremely skeptical.


    I've been a Bills fan for too long to have blind faith, so I actually admire the faithful. Life is better, if not realistic, for those with optimism. Just curious if anyone is losing a little bit of that faith with Allen. We can talk all we want about the offensive line, but the guy was beaten out by a 5th round pick with one more year of experience.



  5. 23 hours ago, njbuff said:

    In your word, Trump is a Russian agent and Hillary and Obama are the Golden Children who could do no wrong. Gimmie a break with you lefties and your bullshyt.


    Did you mean world? Hillary is an old woman just like Trump is an old man. I don't think anyone on the left considers her a golden "child."


    Hyperbole is not a good look.

  6. I don't know why you guys are so focused on Meghan, and not W's "bigots and swaggering despots." Probably a bit biased about W for personal reasons.


    You could loathe his politics, but you never questioned his manhood. Anyone who dodges an incoming shoe attack so effortlessly has my respect. Still can't figure out how an obese old man who's likely never been in a fistfight is so revered as a "tough guy."

    6 hours ago, /dev/null said:

    Oh Hellz F*cking No!  ABC is pre-empting college football for McCain's funeral :censored:


    I'll never forget the 98 Bills-Jets game being pre-emted by Clinton's impeachment. Like the only sequence of plays I missed in a 10 year span. In those days, I'd go to Best Buy every Sunday and convince the TV dude to put the game on. It's even worse to pre-emt a sporting event in 2018. There's like 8 million other options for people wishing to view a funeral.



  7. 1 hour ago, njbuff said:


    The evidence is overwhelming to the fact that the left damaged our justice departments and tried to overthrow an American President Election.


    You don't have to belong to any political party to understand this, but you leftists continue with you protection parade of these OBVIOUS criminals, for whatever reason.


    It's all about protecting your own than wanting justice for all.


    Again, you don't have to like Trump at all (and I am sure you don't) to understand what happened.

    Yes. The omnipotent Deep State, what with all it's power, colluded to ensure President Hillary Clinton's election.


    It couldn't be that a few people of conscious in the DOJ had well founded suspicion that something wasn't right with SideShow Don. It couldn't be that you're contorting those rational suspicions to concoct some radical conspiracy that never actually took place. Attacking the investigation is the oldest trick in the book. I'll give SideShow Don credit. He has played the simultaneous victim/hero card better than anyone has ever played it.


    It seems though that the schtick is growing stale. If he wasn't so damn insufferable, he'd be a somewhat sympathetic figure. Then again, the very things that make him insufferable are the things we're drawn to. At this point, he's really damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Unless of course, the old dog has a few new tricks.

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  8. The conspiracies are really drying up.


    Trump's demise will not result from some egregious legal matter nor will it result from his supporters' sudden spiritual awakening. Trump will fall when Lock Her Up! and Build The Wall! and Peter Stroek! and Bruce Ohr! become tired. His tweets are increasingly stale. The last rally he did was remarkably low energy. The stand up act is aging and he's got no new material. If he could reconcile that fragile ego with his sense of self preservation, he'd bow out gracefully. But he cannot.

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  9. 1 hour ago, The_Dude said:


    Ya know, bud, I’m not sure I’m following you on this. 


    I think youre being sarcastic, but hard to tell. 


    Ya know, I was lambasting Trump recently and a Trump supporter brought up a point that was halfway decent. He said ‘I turn a blind eye to his (Trump’s) unethical behavior because politicians in general are unethical so why should I care that Trump is a jackass if I like his policies.’ Now I don’t hold those feelings and I despise Trump. But I can understand how that person feels the way they do on the issue. Every immoral politician of the last 50 years deserves blame for the jackass in the White House. 

    Sarcastic indeed. I think Trump is a whole different kind of ridiculous, but those who hate him are just as responsible for the phenomenon as his congregation.


    They LOVED it when he was attacking Lyin Ted and Low Energy Jeb. Then they HATED it when he was attacking Clinton. Love and hate are damn near the same thing, so they couldn't look away. The guy IS talented.


    But yeah, if it's only about character, I can understand why they wouldn't bail. I prefer to focus on policy, though his shenanigans offer plenty of comedic material.


    I wasn't knocking you personally for stating you hate Trump. On some level, I HATE SideShow Don. I think most reasonable people hate SideShow Don. Just never found hate to be particularly effective.



  10. Just now, 3rdnlng said:

    I heard that he was a clean and articulate black person. Per Uncle Joe: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," That's our TYTT.


    I don't know about any of that monkey business, but I know I could never vote for a grown man ADVERTISING fellatio on another grown man. Did you see that disgusting Disantos ad? Lets hope Florida rejects those shenanigans.

  11. 19 minutes ago, The_Dude said:


    Well he’s a very stable genius so probably pretty good. 


    A stable genius running a smooth oiled machine the likes of which mankind has never seen before in human history since the beginning of time. And doing it all by the book!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  12. TakeYouToTasker demonstrates a thorough, articulate(not sure if he's black) argument in favor of unfettered capitalism. I don't agree with a word of it, but it's "compelling." That being said, it's a losing proposition politically. That's precisely the reason conservative elected officials try to avoid it. They're not even touting the tax cuts because most people do not sense a direct benefit.


    Democrats are more than willing to slip on the banana...like every time. The Clinton campaign was the worst I've ever seen. I still don't know what she was FOR. People are selfish. They tend to vote selfishly. What's going to benefit ME? Vulture capitalism doesn't benefit the masses. Never has. Never will. If Dems stopped doing crazy sh*t like overreacting to politically incorrect social stances, this would be a completely different country. 

  13. 6 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


    Who "needs help" isn't the point.


    First of all, it's the millionaires and billionaires money.  They earned it, or more accurately put, they created it by combining capital with labor which they purchased.


    So, again, the wealth you're talking about doesn't even exist, except for the fact that bright and industrious people summoned it into existence through their vision and execution of a business model; which was only possible because of a system of property rights which protects their right to the fruit of their labor, which they in turn can sell to others if they choose.


    The whole system of wealth creation literally depends on an individuals expectations that what he earns belongs to him.


    Undoing that concept is an absolute recipe for disaster, as has played out all over the world.


    As to "businesses that can't pay 15 bucks an hour" nonsense, this shows an incredible lack of understanding about how supply chains work, and exactly what it takes to bring a product to market, along with what profit margins look like for businesses, and how they might be impacted by the introduction of elastic labor costs.




    Any updates on this?

    It always boils down to "they earned it," doesn't it? Without government intervention, capitalism falls on it's face. We've seen that time and time again in this very country.


    The concepts of common sense equity and merit based wealth are not mutually exclusive. 


    If Republicans believe in a Lord of the Flies economy, they should just be honest about it. If you want to strip away Medicare, Social Security, monopoly laws, minimum wage laws, unemployment, etc., just be honest. Some of us think a few steps forward could actually be beneficial.


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  14. 21 hours ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


    You aren't "naturally opposed to it".


    You've chosen to be opposed to it because you've chosen to subscribe to a set of economic theories which have directly led to the extermination and starvation of millions of people over the last century;  while at the same time ignoring the fact that the standard of living of the poorest Americans was drastically lower during the time when CEOs made 30 times what laborers made.


    85% of the cuts went to the top 1% because that's who pays all the taxes.  The top 1% pays more than 40% of all taxes, and more than the bottom 95% of tax payers combined.  Relief naturally goes to the emburdened.  Where else could it go?


    And the results?


    Consumer confidence at an 18 year high


    Record low black unemployment


    US jobless rate at an 18 year low.[/I]


    US "real" unemployment rate at a 17 year low, and falling faster than the official rate.


    The falling away of pre-employment drug testing as employers struggle to find enough qualified candidates.


    The DOW stabilizing near a record high.


    401k savings at a record high.






    Standard of living was drastically lower when CEO's made 30 times the worker? Seems arbitrary. 


    There's no question overall economic numbers are terrific. They've been trending that way for awhile now, especially for folks who were already wealthy. It's safe to say deregulation accelerated that growth, environment be damned. I wouldn't think a $15 basement wage is some kind of radical proposal. Companies won't suddenly overhaul the hiring process. They'll continue to employ as few humans as possible. They'll eliminate as many jobs as possible. That's how capitalism works. If you can't pay somebody 15 bucks an hour, maybe you should re-evaluate the business model.


    I don't think millionaires and billionaires need any help. They're doing just fine. I worry about the lower skilled folks increasingly left behind. Modern technology is a blessing and a curse. Some drastic measures will be needed in the very near future as labor becomes more obsolete.

  15. 1 minute ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


    Can you speak to this "disastrous corporate giveaway"?


    I hope what you come up with is better than your emotional, and unreasoned screed after being provided with ample and sourced evidence of our Southern Border policy being tied directly to eliminating a robust modern slave trade.

    85% of the cuts went to the top 1%. Now if you believe trickle down economics work, then so be it. Time will tell. Just don't sell it to me as a "middle class miracle."


    I ascribe to socialist economic policies, so I'm naturally opposed to it. 


    When people talk about making America great again, I think of a time when the CEO made 30 times what the worker made. Too many people are left behind right now and that's not really a partisan issue. I don't see either side making any appreciable difference. If you simply raised the minimum wage to adjust for inflation, it'd be nearly 20 dollars an hour. These fools are only asking for 15.

  16. 1 hour ago, Doc Brown said:

    A president is held to different standards though as they should be.  If McCain died when Obama was president and Obama did something similar, Sean Hannity (insert other right wing pundit) would've driven a tank through the White House to get him out of office.


    I think the statement Trump put out yesterday after he got flack for raising the flag would've been the perfect statement to put out right after his death.  "Although I disagreed with some things politically, he was a man that honorably served his country for many year....yadayada" was perfect. 

    I try really hard to avoid the subject of Trump. He's irrelevant. It's discouraging to see that kind of dude occupying the oval office, but other than the disastrous corporate giveaway, he hasn't done much. Doesn't have the balls to actually make cuts to the budget, so we'll kick that deficit issue down the road for the next guy to clean up. A Paul Ryan presidency scared the sh*t out me. 

  17. There's an awful lot of analysis into something that's rather simple. There is no empirical evidence supporting divinity. Quite the contrary. The scientific errors contained in religious texts are pretty much a non starter. Perhaps there is a higher power. I'm open to the possibility. I'm certainly not gonna waste my life painstakingly studying something that can never be proven. I think religion has oft times benefited society. Right from wrong. Don't kill. Don't steal. I don't really need a book to spook me into morality, but some do. It's also caused millions upon millions of premature deaths. As long as your religion doesn't infringe upon my right to do as I please, go on and do you.


    As to this topic; John McCain was a war hawk, slow to come around on civil rights and didn't know much about the economy. I couldn't stand him as a politician, but I believe his "intentions" were good. Intentions are tricky. They're more emotional than factual and you could argue irrelevant. Either way, the guy is dead. The left is quite obviously using him as a prop and the right is pissing on his grave because he dared challenge the dear leader. Both are disgusting. But when you piss on a dead man, you lose the moral high ground. It's not about political correctness as much as it's about common human decency. I don't see much of that from folks purported to be pious.

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