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Posts posted by LSHMEAB

  1. 11 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

    How much did Daboll have a say in this?  If he was a major part of the decision, I'm not trusting his evaluation skills either.  Hopefully, Allen can save their bacon, but I hate the situation they're putting him in.  They have nobody to blame but themselves.


    With Daboll's abysmal track record, I'm surprised he's getting such a pass around these parts.

  2. I think the basis for a thread like this is that many of us believe Allen was a terrible pick. There's nothing in his football background to suggest he's ever going to be an elite quarterback. My personal opinion is that he won't even be a good one. When you hold that belief, you probably don't fully consider how tied this regime is to the guy. There will almost certainly be no second chances at QB for McBeane. Would LOVE to see JA prove me wrong.


    Time will tell. 

  3. 33 minutes ago, westside said:


    The only thing dieing is the progressive party. America is tired of the crap you liberals are pulling. We are tired of antifa and there bullying ways, tired of the "protesters" interupting congress and senate meetings. We are tired of the cry babies and temper tantrums because hillary lost.

    You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. We President Trump supporters love all the new jobs created and coming back to America, we love the tax cuts. We love the fact he tore up the trade agreements and came up with fairer deals for AMERICA!!!


    President Trump has done more for the good of our country than obama did in 8 years in office. 


    So suck on that sour puss!!



  4. Would not directly incentivizing corporations to hire in America been a more effective prescription than simply slashing rates? Unemployment HAS steadily decreased over the past decade, but I continue to observe the erosion of the middle class, so this is clearly not a standalone solution.


    I suppose it comes down to whether or not one believes income disparity is actually a problem.


    Advancing technology and the resulting diminished need for labor is really the elephant in the room. And I know, SOCIALISM!

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, TPS said:

    Usually it's the guys on the right who declare the deficit sky is falling. Yawwwnnnnnn........Reagan proved deficits don't matter.....


    Deficits don't matter? That's good to know. I was a little concerned they'd be slashing entitlements to pay for the trillion dollar corporate welfare program. That would seem to be a bad idea for a country with an expanding wealth gap the likes of which the world has never seen.

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  6. I've always maintained that Trump's outrageous behavior was never going to be his downfall. His downfall was going to occur when he lost the ability to outrage. Let's just be honest here. People voted for a performer. He had a hell of a run, but many are tuning out. Totally lost his cache. The steadily declining poll numbers are quite real this time.


    What I find irksome is that the media will almost certainly sugarcoat the narrative. "Decency has won the day and the American people have come to their senses!" Naaah. They got bored


    This particular fiasco with the NYT piece feels like one of the final episodes of a dying sit-com. 

  7. 28 minutes ago, PetermanThrew5Picks said:

    I know. And I get the strong feeling we are doing that is my primary frustration. The NBA is totally different. But the term "the process" was widely accepted as a tactic the 76ers FO did to placate fans on a crap team because he wasn't as good as the best NBA GM, Celtics Ainge, and had to compensate by tanking.. and his team is still probably not as good as the Celtics who were always in win now mode. 


    That's the only comparison we're making. I'd say the best GM in a similar situation to us is John Elway. Never had a quarterback did well in free agency.. has his version of a developmental flyer QB in Chad Kelly (our Peterman) but he's not dumb enough to start him, he got the QB he wanted in Case Keenum for a good deal. Has he had some disappointing years? Absolutely but he never called anything a process, he takes the guys he has and tries to IMPROVE it. Not destroy it. And doesn't hide behind the process to buy him a few years of sucking like our performance Sunday. He takes accountability and wants to get better. Another big difference.. he didn't roll into this season with Chad Kelly cause he's not dumb. And I'm pretty sure 80% of QBs on the roster are miles better than Peterman. The other 20% probably suck.. but a. They don't start, and b. They're not running out putting historically bad performances.

    I'm asking for a GM with talent and confidence not to admit "we're gonna suck but you gotta trust me here.. cause I can't compete with the wizardry the other GMs are doing.

    Exactly. Compounding matters is that Beane has brought in a number of players and they've all been sh*t.


    I'd be more inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt(cause I have no choice) had the free agents he HAS acquired looked like solid moves. That really seems to be getting lost in this whole ponzi scheme.

  8. 5 minutes ago, PetermanThrew5Picks said:

    It's times like this that I actually like hearing Yeezus freak out.. cause it's refreshing from the insane explanations of how we're going to win the SB in 5 years through PROCESS.

    It's not if we coined the term from them. The premise is that a GM needs time to really get it right no matter how bad it gets. It's an excuse to suck because you have hope on the 5% chance these guys know how to fill out a roster. They certainly know how to create crippling gaps in a roster.


    That's my only comparison. The process in Philly was to buy time and keep the fans brainwashed into not rioting over how bad they were.. we can't let it happen here boys


    Right. But my point is that a valid argument can be made for "tanking" in the NBA.


    When you're "tanking" in the NFL, it's because you have no idea what you're doing.

  9. 20 hours ago, BeginnersMind said:


    Last year's wins were smoke and mirrors, as you know. That was a miraculous season in terms of results for what was closer to a 5-11 team in talent. The only reason they got to 9-7 was because of crazy turnover ratios in the first several games of the season. 


    So take the 5 win team and add some spice of: Incognito loses his mind and Woods retires. That's not something they could have predicted. Now draft a guy at #7 that they need to develop (and they do), and you also have a first round talent who's not helping this season, which makes them worse. 


    Then add that last year, they were getting *some* production from the players they are paying 47 million in dead cap space to this year. (The only guy with moderate talent that they gave up for little was Dareus and his was the worst of all contracts. )


    All this amounts to what is, indeed, a building process. When the Sixers used "Trust the Process," all the fans knew that it meant they would be tanking for a few years to get good picks and jettison terrible contracts. And slowly build a culture. It did not happen in 2 years, or even 4. And it was not a steady rise. You cannot fix something this broken (You do remember Rex Ryan right? Not to mention decades of awful management...this team has barely a draft pick on it from the last 5 years!) in a couple years. It will take a whole bunch of years for the organization and team to reflect what this duo+Kim is trying to do, and this year should be the worst one. 


    If you want to attack Star, AJ, Davis, and Murphy signings, I get it. But with the exception of AJ, they are on one-year deals and never part of the future. Beane took a flyer that some vets might help patch something together this season. After one game, I won't judge all of those decisions but I also don't care much. Of course I want them to win, but I'd rather have 3-13 this year, clear this cap hell they are in, and look for improvement next year. If this team isn't markedly better after year 4, with a better cast of players and a team trending upwards towards what looks like several years of playoff appearances, there's a problem. Right now, there's not.


    What I know won't work: Firing another coach/GM after 17 games like the "Fan Owners" want. That's been proven for, umm, 30 ish years in Buffalo.



    You need like two good players in the NBA. 


    The Sixers comparison is absurd on it's face.

  10. 13 hours ago, Kwai San said:


    MY EXTREME bad - thot we were talking Murphy the RB not Murphy the DE.....in that case I digress, based on one game he DID not look good at all.  Murph the RB looked good to me but obviously I wasn't clued into the right Murph to which statement I replied too, My bad.  I DO stand corrected.  I still stand by my original statement - one game doesn't define a team.


    Sage words told to me awhile back;

    You are never as bad as you look in a beatdown or

    As good as you look in a Blowout......


    @Hapless Bills Fan - I do stand corrected......

    The misunderstanding was on my end. I'm partial to defensive ends and probably a little obsessed with the TRENT signing. Just awful IMO.


    Mike looks like a nice player. Pretty sad that he may be the best offseason acquisition, but I digress.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 23 minutes ago, Fadingpain said:

    He was featured a lot on HBO's HARD KNOCKS this year.


    He's a total family man with a nice wife and cute little girls.


    Definitely not the sort of player who gets into trouble or anything like that.


    I hope he can make an improvement!



    You say that like it's a good thing. Quick question. Who's the "toughest" guy on the Bills? KW is a tough player, but he's a dinosaur.


    I think this team is in desperate need of some dirtbags. I look around the roster and I see waaaay too many "nice" guys. I'll give them credit for at least recognizing the dire need for pass rushers. At least they're taking a shot.

  12. 2 hours ago, Kwai San said:


    Dunno about you but Murph seems like a good pick up.....I say a wee bit early to make a decision on most of the others....more than one blowout game is needed before I scream bust.



    "Murph" was possibly the worst pickup of all. Good ole "Murph" strikes me as the kind of guy who'd like to have a beer with the opposing QB after the game to chat about interest rates. If you're not sure about the QB situation, you damn well better have edge rushers because no defense can excel without them. Gotta be a top priority going forward.

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