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Posts posted by Rebel101

  1. On 1/26/2021 at 1:48 PM, IronMaidenBills said:

    I want to resign Feliciano and Williams. Our Oline continuity should be a high priority. I don’t care if we let Milano walk. He isn’t worth the money if he can’t stop TEs. 

    Everyone who says they’d rather have Williams a mediocre RT when the RT draft is so deep over a man who the stats have literally shown are defense is nothing without makes no sense. Our OL was subpar all season. Pass Pro was their only strength and they weren’t even consistent. And Feliciano was even worse then Williams was. Milano is crucial to sustain this defense. Feliciano and Willams can be replaced. Show me stats that prove me wrong. Tre White has been bullied by TEs his entire career you want him gone too? 

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 3 hours ago, BillsShredder83 said:

    Would love this, but i already had a feeling he wouldnt make it to 30, and the Sr bowl seems like its going to gas his stock heavily. Guys going to be this years Henry Ruggs of the draft

    He might tho, there this is a deep WR group and they are predicting 4 QBs could go in the first which will help push some down. Waddle, chase, the kid from Purdue and a few others all have higher grades. But you never know what will happen. 

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  3. On 1/27/2021 at 6:57 PM, DCbillsfan said:

    Beane will find a playmaker with speed.  My guess is WR.

    Yeah I think WR or CB. The WR Corp is deep this year but I believe we go speed as well. But I also think we under utilized McKenzie his entire career here. He would have been a complement to Diggs Brown N Beasley no knock on Davis at all but I believe we could have got more out of the Joystick then we did.

  4. 20 hours ago, Adamb412 said:

    He's almost as explosive as kelce, younger, and a match up nightmare. We should give Philly a 2nd round pick for ertz and cut brown and kroft. Keep knox though

    I agree but I think year 3 Knox figures it out. He is just learning the TE position. I think Josh Allen and this loss motivates him and helps him understand himself, what he’s capable of, and what is expected of him. And I believe the Bills believe that as well. So with the cap space being an issue and us possibly not being able to resign Milano and Williams we grab maybe a Greg Olsen but not a top tier player(which I think Knox will eventually come). Oh n I’d keep Milano over Williams. Unpopular opinion in some circles but the draft for RT is better then most and Williams has some flaws. Milano has none. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Steptide said:

    Gotta be honest, I'm pissed. I'm proud of this team for making it as far as they did, they exceeded my expectations, and this season as a whole was a lot of fun 


    Having said that, I have no idea what this coaching staff was thinking last night. I love McDermott and generally I love what daboll has done this season. Admittedly, I have no idea what goes into a week leading up to an NFL game. I'm not there obviously, but the plan going into this game (offensively and defensively) was just putrid. An extreme lack of aggression on offense and defense cost us greatly in this game. After the first half, I thought we should start blitzing heavily. Kc was tearing up our d with short throws. The bills just stuck to the plan, and never seemed to change their scheme. On offense, and this is probably partly on Josh, their was little creativity. I watched every game play for play this year. I know the bills offense is better than what we saw last night. To the bills credit, they were getting into scoring position at times. But field goals? Wth McDermott? This one is gonna sting for a while. Very frustrated. Why do coaches out think themselves? You're playing the best team in the nfl, what was your game plan? Arghh. Thanks for listening

    I can’t believe we played soft the entire game and NEVER JAMMED KELCE ONCE!!! Everything I read and watched breaking down tape jamming Kelce was crucial and I never once saw it happen. And if it did it was far and few times. Agree with you 100% coaches lost this game. Allen was alittle his old self trying to force things but the schemes on both sides of the ball was horrible. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I think it's because neither Allen nor anyone on the Bills has ever mentioned it. 


    Even the former QBs who are analysts, the only one I've heard mention it was Matt Hasselbeck, and that's likely because as a player he suffered a similar injury and like Allen, played through it.

    I mean you’re right no one really knew the extent of his injury. But dude it’s because they are to busy trying to swallow mahomes whole and rub his head and his foot at the same time. What do you expect? Lol

    • Agree 2
  7. 8 minutes ago, Magox said:



    I agree with his take.  I do think that Josh put on additional pressure on himself going into this game and tried to force passes that weren't there.  He also missed on a few passes that were by his standards very easy to make.  Simply put, he just didn't have a good game.   


    I think KC will mix it up and try to put pressure on him and attempt to take away the deeper stuff.  If that's the case then he'll need to soften up their defense with the short to mid range stuff and as the game progresses and he's getting into the feel of the game he can begin to punish them with the deeper stuff.


    He's got to hit his check downs this game because I have a feeling that it will be there for him the entire evening.

    Agreed. This is my only concern Allen feeling like he needs to prove himself or do to much. If he can play his game and take what the defense gives him our defense will allow us to win this game.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. On 1/17/2021 at 6:31 PM, UConn James said:

    I don’t recall whether Milano played in week 6 vs. them.

    And Tremaine was still playing injured with his shoulder. 


    This is a totally different matchup.

    Milano didn’t play. Edmunds n Tre White both played with injuries in week 6 and the offensive gameplan was horrendous oh and Allen was Still hurt as well. We tried to force a run game in week 6 it was something Daboll was doing a lot of early on trying to get it going it never did but I agree we win this game and it’s not going to be as close as people think 

  9. 2 hours ago, BuffaloRebound said:

    I’m assuming Daboll didn’t run Josh against Baltimore like he did against Colts because Ravens are a more violent defense and he didn’t want to expose Josh to hits.  Short of a Timmy Smith coming out of nowhere, it’s gonna have to be Josh doing it all. 

    I think it had more to do with exposing Josh to a defense that is the best at stripping the ball and that is Josh’s biggest weakness 

    49 minutes ago, LOVEMESOMEBILLS said:

    Not having a healthy Beasley is messing Daboll's gameplan up right now. We've been using him all year in short yardage passing game that mimics a running game by moving the chains and chewing up clock. Much like the Pats* use to do when they had Welker and then Edelman. 

    I agree Beasley and his ability to be open is *****in up Allen. I am wondering why we signed stills for the playoffs and aren’t running 5 wide. 

  10. Everyone keeps saying because of last week blah blah. Philip rivers doesn’t get sacked and we kept blitzing. I think we chose to blitz to make the colts throw. Everyone knows rivers doesn’t take sacks let alone hits so the blitzing as any smart person would know was pointless but we kept doing it. Why? Because Frazier wanted them to think they could beat us through the air and hope Rivers would be his own demise. We play a zone press coverage this week and all the people who say because the ravens are a top 5 defense Allen can’t beat them will apologize. Allen puts up 350 plus and Daboll doesn’t call a bunch of stupid ass run plays that ruin drives(Hopefully). Allen is better then Jackson and he will prove it. Everyone thinks the Ravens are coming but Josh Allen is COMING 

    • Like (+1) 3
  11. 3 hours ago, saundena said:



    Hate to say it- but this seems right to me.  I think last week we were a bit overconfident and stumbled through and ultimately beat an inferior, but a well rounded team playing out of their mind.  It was a wakeup call.


    The Ravens, like our Bills, ended the season on a high note (5 or 6 quality wins).  They are not well rounded like the colts, but their strengths match up well to our weaknesses.  I think we will limit Lamar Jackson's arm for the most part, and we will even manage to limit their rushing attack (Lamar's too).  But the Ravens will stick with the run, control the clock and make enough plays to their tight ends- an area that the Bills have struggled with for what seems like decades- to win the game.  Josh outplays Lamar, but Defense loses us the game.


    We will be able to score I think, but our quick strike nature leaves little room for error.  We can't have too many three and outs otherwise our defense will be gassed.  


    While I fear that Josh will start a little "too tight" and that we get behind by a TD early, I don't think he'll make any costly errors with the ball.  His near fumble last week should have put the fear of God into him.... and honestly, there is no way that our O line plays that badly again, two weeks in a row!  Ravens score a late TD in an otherwise close game.


    The Ravens and Titans were our worst matchups.  They are the teams that scare me.  If we do happen to beat the Ravens (and stay healthy), then I think we will cruise, beat KC and ultimately win the SB. 

    Last week the defensive scheme was horrible. HORRIBLE. Unless Leslie Frazier is as smart as I am and they blitzed to make the colts think they could pass. It was horrible. If he did do that he should have played more of a press. But if we play a zone press this week. We can easily beat the ravens by 14. 

  12. 21 hours ago, Dablitzkrieg said:

    He's right.  The defense is going to kill this team if they don't figure it out.  The shallow crosses to Pittman and the TE's were open all day.  Even Lamar can make those throws.  It's tough when you can't affect the QB with pressure

    One of the main problems of this game was the scheme. We should have been playing a press zone instead of blitzing Rivers. Rivers doesn’t take sacks he gets the ball out to quick and they are pros they know this. I came to the conclusion that Frazier blitzed to force the colts to pass instead of run it down our throat and control the clock. He was playing chess and took the gamble and made the colts try to beat us with the pass. I mean atleast I’m hoping that’s what he was doing. Because if not it was a horrible game plan. A press zone should be what we run against the Ravens tho I hope 

  13. 36 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    I'll just be happy if they're there. With the playoff win, this season is officially successful. Everything else is icing.


    Josh is only in year 3, so I'm sure they'll be back.

    Yeah you say that. And I agree but that might not be for awhile. I honestly don’t know how the chiefs have paid mahomes and kept it all together. But once Allen gets his contract and next year with the cap being reduced even more this will get alittle hairy. Plus Daboll n Frazier gone. 

    10 minutes ago, Seasons1992 said:


    This is my thought process.

    Mine as well. Getting there is gonna be the hard part. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Hebert19 said:

    1.   Love roberts and think he is fantastic at his craft...but he has also made some bonehead decisions the last few weeks that cost us some field position.  


    2.  Mckenzie showed he can handle punt returns and may actually be more dynamic there.  


    3.   Tucker can and will boom it into endzone as much as he can with roberts out there so kick returns aren't a huge dynamic this game.  


    4.   Allows us to activate Stills.  Stills Beasley Diggs Davis and Brown sounds like a nightmare to cover and may take away their desire to blitz.   3 of those guys can score in a second in single coverage and Beasley and Davis are great outlets.  


    We need weapons here and dressing Stills helps with that even if he just runs go routes 10 or 15 times to make them respect that opposite Brown. 

    People are going to come crazy. But I hate Roberts. He does stupid ***** all the time. He is consistent yes but he brings it out to much when he shouldn’t and he doesn’t do anything fancy or great he is basic. I’m all for Stills over Roberts and left McKenzie return a few. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  15. On 12/30/2020 at 12:30 PM, SCBills said:

    All this talk about Stefon Diggs, but in the context that “maybe he’s made Josh Allen the QB he is”...


    Um, excuse me.. Rodgers has Adams.. Mahomes stepped into a situation where he inherited Hill & Kelce.  

    Yes, great QB’s typically have a great WR.... what am I missing?  How can an NFL analyst compare these three guys and only mention that Allen has Diggs?

    I agree. But I think ***** like that pisses Allen off and fuels him. Bills fans know the work that kid has put in bro... He deserves the MVP and he is grateful to have Diggs but Diggs is grateful to have Josh as well. And what makes this team so special is Allen’s leadership and the fact that Diggs and Allen both enjoying pushing each other. I’m excited for this team. But also so nervous because I am still a Bills fan 

    • Like (+1) 4
    • Agree 1
  16. Run when we have the lead play prevent defense which I hate. I literally told my boy 34 seconds and we’ll play prevent so Hopkins will have a chance at a jump ball. This prevent defense ***** is ridiculous and they are still calling the plays for this defense like it’s the unstoppable force it has been in the pass. Heart breaking loss. I hope McDermott, Daboll, and Frazier learn their lesson on playing it safe. ***** is for people who play not to lose. 

  17. Why did they go away from letting Josh control the game? Maybe the shoulder? Our play calling has been completely different the past few weeks and we were forcing the run. This offense is to potent to commit to running the ball all game when you’re have an offense that should always have someone open. ALWAYS!!! I’m just wondering wtf made them completely change game plans when you had a QB going at an unbelievable MVP rate and it seems when that is the game plan he plays better. Sooo????

  18. On 10/19/2020 at 9:55 PM, Justin C said:


    That was all during the summer and since then the Sabres signed Taylor Hall in free agency. 


    Also explain the 4-0 start when this wasn't bothering them and now all of the sudden they lose two and this is why the morale is down when that story came out back in what, July or August? Stop digging the hole deeper for yourself.


    Lol I’ve literally stated I don’t know what is going on. But something is in the air. It started with the defense. Spain said which y’all knew the real reason. Wtf that suppose to mean? Could the defense issue being we have no star to plug the center, Zo for his leadership, & and Jordan Phillips for his energy. All 3 of those pieces are crucial losing all 3 will take time replace. But something got Josh Allen and this offense ***** up too.

  19. 13 minutes ago, EmotionallyUnstable said:


    Nothing personal here, but I never got this perspective from anyone, national media, average Joe, etc:


    Why is is that if they played bad or below expectation, something is off? Or a locker room issue? 


    Maybe they just got their ass beat, or our schemed or out played? Sometime it is as simple as that. This is not a Bill O-Brien or Adam Gase led team. They aren't at eachothers throats.They were just handed the L, and to me, thats all it was. 


    On to the next one!

    I honestly think it has to do with the Pegulas more then anything. Read a good while ago about their money troubles. Then they cut the sabres and a bunch of people said it was hemorrhaging money. In the article awhile ago it said the Pegulas were using the profit from the Bills to pay for the sabres and their Fracking business wasn’t cutting it. They had just bought a custom yacht and wouldn’t change the life they were accustom to and had a whole meeting with the Bills staff how the life she’s accustom to was more important then anything and it had the entire upper management in the Bills with a low morale so who knows WTF is going on

  20. 5 minutes ago, EmotionallyUnstable said:


    Nothing personal here, but I never got this perspective from anyone, national media, average Joe, etc:


    Why is is that if they played bad or below expectation, something is off? Or a locker room issue? 


    Maybe they just got their ass beat, or our schemed or out played? Sometime it is as simple as that. This is not a Bill O-Brien or Adam Gase led team. They aren't at eachothers throats.They were just handed the L, and to me, thats all it was. 


    On to the next one!

    Just my personal opinion. They are a completely different team. The vibe the energy all of it. And Diggs was off tonight. And Allen has clearly been off his last week. The D has been off all season. I read a report awhile ago how the corona has caused the Pegulas to bring the morale down and that was at the beginning of the pandemic. So I don’t know what it is. But something ***** with peoples heads.  More so in the last 2 weeks. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  21. 30 minutes ago, Billever76 said:

    Is their any doubt that FRAZIER is deathly afraid of the lower percentage deep ball that he neglects all the other ways a team can beat you?.....we would be better suited to play the run and short to intermediate field and be prone to getting beat once in awhile deep than gashed all game on long 17 play drives killing your defense and demoralizing your offense

    I hate the way Frazier calls a game. HATE IT!!. He plays safe in the dumbest ways possible. He’s soft when he thinks he’s hard. I see why the Vikings didn’t work out back then. He plays not to lose a game and McDermott always says he plays to win. But our offense and defense I feel especially once we have a lead play not to lose. 

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    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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  22. 2 minutes ago, EmotionallyUnstable said:


    Go to bed. 


    Diggs has been phenominal for this team. Allen has benefited off of it, and Diggs has taken advantage of many of his throws. Stop selling into the media narrative. By many accounts, Diggs is a hard worker and good teammate. This was one game, one play. 

    No it wasn’t one play, it was one game. I love Diggs. I think he is great for this offense. His energy is great. But I think something is going on in the locker room. Or Josh Allen is feeling the pressure. But there is something you can see it. And Diggs just didn’t seem himself tonight. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  23. 52 minutes ago, Justin C said:


    Yeah look at this "little girl" acting like a baby or something.



    That’s what??? He walked to the line of scrimmage for one Offside. He didn’t look like he was running full speed. He dropped multiple passes. Diggs is a high energy dude nonstop go. I don’t know what kinda world you live in. But just because someone shakes my hand, doesn’t mean we’re friends. Something is off with this team. 

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