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Troll Toll

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Posts posted by Troll Toll

  1. I just read through the whole thread and listened to a few of the vids posted. I have friends that are dead heads and one plays bass in a cover band. I appreciate everyone commenting on what it is that they love about the Dead. I have just never been swept away by them, but I love the enthusiasm that the fans have for the band. I don’t dislike them, but they don’t really move me strongly one way or the other. I am envious that they don’t register strongly with me the way they do for you guys.


    Funnily enough, my favorite band was mentioned in this thread, the Beach Boys! I guess Brian Wilson is to me what Jerry Garcia is to you. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, shoshin said:

    2400+ dead today. Really big jump. the highest before today was just over 2000. 

    I hope this is the peak for this wave. I doubt it’s the peak for us as a country because I don’t see that we have the will to do what needs to be done to keep the economy rolling and manage this at the same time.

    Trying to remain optimistic but the will for people to do what’s needed seems lacking. People want their cell phones free of apps. People want to walk the beach. People want to go to church in groups. If nothing gives on this, we all give. 

    It isn’t going to be easy, but look at it this way: 


    1. We will have far better testing for future waves

    2. We will have way more of the necessary medical equipment available

    3. Employers will be putting in policies to help mitigate transmissions in the work place.

    4. We have some promising medical treatments whereas initially we were flying blind


    I know people find Fauci polarizing, and some would probably see it as CYA when he says we are so far below the model estimates because of how well we have followed the guidelines. I actually find this to be a genuine sentiment from him. You see pictures of NYC where there are no cars and no people. 

    Due to the nature of NYC, I don’t know how long it will take to clean up the mess. I think most of the country will do well though.

  3. 18 minutes ago, TPS said:

    You can read the Trump Economy thread beginning the first week of March to see the timeline...

    I’m in the market, I was there, it started falling fast around February 20th.


    Furthermore, the reason it started to fall then was because it wasn’t until the middle of February that China looked to be approaching large numbers of infections. The market was concerned with the interruption to supply chains in China.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, TPS said:

    So, are you suggesting trump was completely unaware of the severity of the virus then?  China lied?  It's a nice scapegoat and I'm sure they've been spinning the tale for quite some time now.  Those with TLS can't seem to accept any criticism of HIM for anything....  #OrangemanGOD


    My argument has always been they were fully aware of its severity, but he (and others like Kudlow and mnuchin) was more concerned about the economic/stock market numbers until Wall Street got his attention on March 16th.

    Wall Street was getting hit hard in the middle of February.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    First off, you take it seriously and don't try and blow it all off as a hoax, or say it will be over in April. 


    You have to prepare. Biden will have an easy time exploiting this. Biden will just say, "I promise to take this job seriously. I will read my NSC briefs, I will listen to security briefings, not bloviate and lie for the news cycle." 

    He’ll have a hard time doing that when his own soundbytes say otherwise:


    Chang's comments come after Biden mocked President Donald Trump's position on China at a campaign rally last week saying "China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man...they can't even figure out how to deal with the fact that they have this great division between the China Sea and the mountains in the east, I mean in the west."


    Biden continued "they can't figure out how they're going to deal with the corruption that exists within the system. I mean, you know, they're not bad folks, folks. But guess what, they're not, they're not competition for us."


    Chang also took issue with Biden's characterization of Chinese leaders saying "he also said Chinese leaders are good folks, we know those same Chinese leaders are committing crimes against humanity. Locking up 1.1, maybe 3 million Uighurs, in concentration camp-like facilities where a not insubstantial number of them are dying. I just don't understand why he made that comment." 

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Did we test at first to prevent the spread, or was Trump still calling it a hoax? 



    How the heck would we test millions of people in January? You don’t just pull tests out of thin air. We are still a long ways away from being able to do testing on hundreds of millions of people. There was nothing we could do to prevent the spread of this virus once it was here in January, we could only slow the spread. 

    Personally, I think it may have already been widespread in the US before anyone realized it. We had people in my office at work in December/January that had a cough that was lasting weeks and weeks. I had a coworker out in Rochester that was hospitalized for pneumonia and had chest x-rays back around January 10th. It will be interesting to see how things shake out when we have widespread antibody testing. 

    Red flags were going off for me that something different was going around well before the first diagnosed case in the US.

    • Like (+1) 3
  7. 33 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Our tests didn't work at first. And "Europe" didn't get hit hard, only parts of it did. 


    Trump has proved himself perfectly incompetent in this affair. He doesn't pay attention to his NSC briefings, he admits that. That has cost lives here 

    We’ve done more than twice as much testing as any other nation. Generally, we’ve done better per capita than most nations as well. If Trump is incompetent, what does that make all the other world leaders who are asking for his help? He has proven to be the opposite of incompetent in this crisis, but whatever makes you sleep at night.

    • Like (+1) 3
  8. 4 minutes ago, TPS said:

    I'm not claiming we should've adopted WHO's test, rather the point is the information (genetic sequencing of the virus) was made available to create the test in early January.  I also posted a few days ago a link to research funded by DARPA published January 30th that suggested the R0 for the virus was twice the initial estimated range (which was 2-2.5).  

    The information was readily available by the end of January that the virus was a serious threat, and some in the administration were sounding the alarm at that point (Navarro for example). As I commented in real time in the Trump Economy thread, it was very clear the economy/stock market was taking precedent over combating the virus.  As I commented then, you could see Trump finally took leadership on this after the market crashed March 16th, the day after the Fed dropped interest rates to zero (he commented that Sunday evening how Wall Street would be very happy--they were not). 

    I even stated he finally looked presidential at that Monday afternoon presser.   Yes, yes, others were also late to the game, but to say Trump was focused on this from the beginning is spin.  Wall Street forced him to take it seriously March 16th.


    One of the reasons Europe got hit so hard was because the tests they were depending on from China were very inaccurate. The experts said in the briefing yesterday that they were working on testing in February and we now have the best testing in the world. Other countries that were hit 3 weeks before us are asking for our tests. The administration’s effort and results on every front has been outstanding so far. 

    • Like (+1) 3
  9. 36 minutes ago, shoshin said:


    That's not what he said. He was pretty clear. He believes it is not up to governors to open up the states. It is up to him.



    I disagree. His tweets are responding to the media saying legally he can’t force them to open up. He is simply telling them that is incorrect. The governors shut things down and they can reopen them, he is not saying they can’t. Trump is saying that IF he has to force the state governor to act reasonably, then he does have the power to do so.

    • Thank you (+1) 3
  10. 1 minute ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    I'm not sure what it means... coordinated in our transportation? Plane travel? Federal highways? Trains? More than that?

    He's never pressured a Governor to close, so not sure if he will pressure to reopen (or not reopen).


    He is basically saying his team will communicate with State governments, letting them know their recommendations for reopening different counties based on their data. If he finds anyone to be pulling some political stunt to keep things closed beyond reason, then he will step in and force the issue.

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. People claiming Trump should have shut everything down in January are nuts.  Deaths in Europe didn’t look out of the norm for one of these China diseases until mid-March. China has a new illness emerging every couple years. Should we immediately shut everything down EXCEPT infected travelers (because it would be racist/xenophobic) every time China causes another disease? Should people gets used to losing their jobs every 2-3 years because of China? That appears to be the Dem position if you follow their talking points. Good luck at the voting booths with that viewpoint!

    • Like (+1) 6
  12. 41 minutes ago, BillStime said:



    Data shows the New York outbreak came from Europe, not China. The virus was silently spreading here since February.

    Trump sorta closed flights from China in early February. Now dimwit can’t understand the virus got here from Europe.


    If Trump had acted in January, this would have been avoided!

    New York coronavirus outbreak originated in Europe, studies show


    Taiwan closed all their airports on 12/31/19.  As soon as they knew about the virus in China. Look how Taiwan has dealt with covid.  


    America, the greatest nation in the world, is not being wipeout by war but by a virus because we have zero national leadership.

    We have a president concerned more about ratings and popularity than the health and economic future of our country.  


    Get us all tested 

    He put a travel ban on Europe too! That was also met with the racism/xenophobia rhetoric. Where did Europe get the Coronavirus from? Are you trying to argue that China got the Coronavirus from Europe? Are you saying we shouldn’t have a travel ban on China because no countries can get the Coronavirus from China? 

    The only sense that Trump could be blamed is in acknowledging that China used the Coronavirus as retaliation for the tariffs and trade policy changes that Trump fought for. I for one don’t think that justifies wielding a biological weapon, but Democrats would likely back the CCP like they back MS-13.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. If Trump wasn’t president, we would still probably be taking in infected people from Wuhan, Italy, Spain, the UK, and elsewhere. Anyone else would back down to the PC/racism/xenophobia backlash for the travel bans. We would likely be over half a million dead by now. How anyone can point blame at the ONLY guy in the US Government that acted early is astounding. There are some not so bright people out there. 

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Thank you (+1) 2
  14. 1 hour ago, BuffaloBob said:

    I just watched the “Final Cut” a few days ago while social distancing. Awesome movie. And Rutger was awesome in the whole final sequence as he hunts down Deckard. 

    Sean Young was stunning. 

    I’ve been meaning to watch it during this stay at home deal, I probably will in the next week or two. It also has a tremendous soundtrack!

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Yes, tweeted in January by the WHO citing China's numbers. Numbers we now know (and the likely WHO knew then) to be false. I'm not arguing that they shouldn't tweet relevant information in a timely manner, I'm pointing out that they've left up perhaps the most damning tweet in their entire organization's history rather than delete it. That's much more honest than I expected from them. 

    I’m guessing it is less a case of honesty and is more or less a total lack of self awareness.

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. 3 minutes ago, dubs said:


    I hope you and Boatdrinks are right! 

    You gotta think anyone with kids would be hustling to get a job too.


    It will be interesting to see if wages change significantly one way or the other when places open up for hiring. 

    My bigger fear is that many jobs that were there before may be eliminated for one reason or another. People need the job openings to return to.

  17. 3 minutes ago, dubs said:


    This is the biggest concern, by far.  The American citizen is really going to be put to the test after this goes away.  The challenge to get the economy going again is going to far exceed the virus (IMHO).


    Just think about this, the government has essentially stepped in and taken over a large percentage of the economy in the span of a few weeks with cash disbursements guaranteed for a long time.  There is much less incentive for people to get back to work if they know they can sit around and collect a paycheck for 50 weeks or whatever it is.  How are business owners going to survive if they can't get people back in the workforce?


    Maybe I am wrong about this, and I sincerely hope I am.

    People who do try and just take a free paycheck will pay for it in the end. Interviewers love to question employment gaps and kids looking to pay off student loans will be gunning for openings. A rational person would fear missing out on a job opportunity by indulging in short term greed.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Gary Busey said:


    I'm not replying to you.


    Buffalo Gal says the talking points being released by the TDSers are even nuttier than usual the last 48 hours.


    Her talking point example is Hydroxychloroquine is unproven for COVID-19 treatment


    That talking point is echoed by Dr. Fauci.


    So I ask, does Dr. Fauci have a case of TDS?

    Why is it that these so called life-long experts are always wrong and Trump is always right? Trump issues a travel ban that probably saved millions and millions of lives while the WHO and Fauci and the media called it racist. Now, shortly after Hydroxychloroquine trials have begun widespread use in NY we have the curve flattening and death rate reducing. 

    Trump has common sense and the good of America as his sole priority. It may not be TDS, but everyone else seems to not put America first and they’ve even gone as far as to say the phrase “America First” is racist. 

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    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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  19. 3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Historical analogy. At the Battle of Antietam, General Lee possessed the interior lines of defense and was able to allocate resources (troops, cannon) to the points where Gen. McClellan was attacking. Lee had fewer troops, but he was able to survive because he could put the troops where they needed to be and let the areas of the field that were not under attack be relatively undefended. Cuomo and the country need to do the same thing with ventilators 

    A better analogy would be if Lee took the resources to where McClellan was attacking, but directed McClellan’s troops to the defenseless areas, and then told the ill equipped troops that he won’t give them their troops and canons back, but he’ll give them cash instead.

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