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Everything posted by 78thealltimegreat

  1. Game…. man Mike McCarthy phoning his wife during the commercial break from the sidelines to start packing their belongings
  2. Like I said I’ll take that bet he wants an established QB and a chance to win a lot of games within a couple years to get Shula record he ain’t taking a rebuild like a Washington or Atlanta
  3. On I’ll take that bet Aussie the lure of returning the Cowboys to glory is a powerful pull for a coach especially Hoodie after what he watched Tom Brady do in Tampa
  4. I’d be shocked if Jim Harbaugh or Hoodie isn’t the Dallas Cowboys coach in the next two weeks
  5. Man the Dolphins and Cowboys are so eerily similar both over rated coaches named Mike Both overrated quarterbacks who their insane skill talent can’t makeup for Both have defensive geniuses for coordinators who when they face an offense with a pulse get lit up like a Christmas tree
  6. Wow how does Mike Mcarthy even survive to halftime Packers look good but man Dak Prescott sucks
  7. Suh should talk for years he was one of the dirtiest players in the game
  8. Mike McCarthy pretty much counting down to his firing the way the first quarter has played out
  9. It is an interesting question a healthy Dolphins team vs a healthy Jets team who would be better
  10. You make a great point just there is something about Tua he just doesn’t play well in big games
  11. I agree BillZ it’s clear the Jets with a healthy Rogers are number 2 in the division. Fins have a major decision to make on whether to pay Tua
  12. Miami did make the playoffs in back to back years they just seem ripe to regress though
  13. I think Allen is more responsible for the Bills getting a new stadium then anyone else
  14. I get the strange idea Taylor might not be the most popular person in the stands next week
  15. Cause of the two Monday games I’m guessing the winners Monday will play Sunday it only makes sense
  16. Have to Garrett credit I’m sitting at home thinking man you’re down three scores why are you running down the clock?
  17. If I am a Dolphins fan games like this make you wonder since it’s just about time to pay him should they move on from Tua?
  18. This is just painful to watch I understand what Fangios doing but with Howard out constantly running zero coverage against Mahomes is crazy
  19. Only a two score game but the Dolphins literally have no passing one more score and that’s pretty much it.
  20. Thats true they are one incomplete pass from beating Houston and sending them home
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