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Posts posted by formerlyofCtown

  1. 18 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:




    ....you have to realize or probably already know that "always attack...never defend.." is their mantra......ironically that was a Nixon mantra (rad a book about his political career that quoted that very same thing).......they're incapable of engaging in a political dialogue.......it is "their way or NO way"...ask my way left Dem relatives.....they love to goad a political dissertation so they can pull their favorite line, "....hmmmp...let me explain this for you"......remember FUBAR from your college days?...that's them.......

    I have hit the point where I don't get angry at them, I feel sorry for them.

  2. 8 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:



    ...LMAO.....no surprise....1+1 escapes you, blinded by hatred........Fecal Freddie strikes again..............

    Sad when the answer is right in front of them and they can't see it.  But I guess that's why this country is stuck in the rut it's stuck in.  

    All they have to do is ignore the media and look around.

    It's really scary that social media has cut off the ability for you to comment.  This is likely to hide the fact that most Americans support Trump and dispise the left.  That is R, D and independent that dispise the Left.  Basically any sane and somewhat politically and economically intelligent person.

  3. On 9/4/2019 at 11:12 AM, B-Man said:

    I'm sorry.


    There is just too much nonsense being spouted by the Left to keep cluttering up the 2020 thread, or specific topic threads.


    We need this topic back..................?









    Worked in a treasonous manner with foreign entities to create a fake pandemic in order to gain a better chance at beating an opponent they couldn't touch.

    Worked hard to gain the confidence of less intelligent American voters.

    Put plans in place to help them commit more effective wide spread voter fraud.


    If people want the truth of what Dem run looks like then take a peek at NY and California.

  4. 3 hours ago, Thurman#1 said:

    Singletary in the first 10 weeks of the season last year had these attempt numbers:


    Week 1:  4

    Week 2:  6

    Week 7:  7

    Week 8:   3

    Week 9:  20

    Week 10:  8


    After that they figured he got it and he never again had single digits.


    Does that look a bit familiar?


    Wait a bit. It'll come for Moss.

    Moss has actually carried more than Singletary did to begin his Rookie year.  I suspect it's to make up for lost preseason reps.

  5. 1 hour ago, Hebert19 said:

    Isn't this simple.   No pre season.   No chance to get in a rhythm with the oline.    Tweaking oline has hurt both of them but more so moss who doesn't have the luxury of experience. 

    We are 4-2 and playoff bound.  You do that type of thing when you have the luxury to do so either because you are 2-4 or when you have secured the highest spot you can.  If we get a big lead then sure. Feed the kid the rock all 4th quarter long.



    They have actually already given Moss a larger workload than Singletary had his Rookie year.  If we want to see more of the kid then our D needs to play better.

  6. 4 hours ago, Kemp said:


    The economy was roaring under Obama, before Trump took office.
    You obviously don't understand how business works and will believe this to the very end.  Obama's EPA and Obamacare as well as Agreements with other countries and organizations were strangling the economy.

    Did you ever wonder why everyone in Congress exits rich?
    Sometimes they have their own businesses or are already Rich.  Most of the time they line their pockets selling you and I out.  Yet you would support a guy like Biden.
    This has nothing to do with being President.


    Real censorship can only be done by government.


    We agree on some things obviously, that just makes me scratch my head about who you support.


  7. 5 hours ago, Kemp said:


    Why do Trump supporters change the subject when confronted with situations they can't deal with?

    Not a Trump supporter.  Just not a big government socialist supporter.  He did well with the economy before the fake pandemic.  That is one of a few things he's done that I like.  Bushs, Clinton and Obama should be belt down and shot.  You ever ask yourself how the Clintons and Obamas are filthy rich when they weren't before their presidencies.

    That's also not changing the subject.  It is redirecting the ignorant criticism and false claim over to the actual guilty party.


    Why is Leftist babel and make claims that are inaccurate and Don't make sense when confronted by a knowledgeable person that they can't bully.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. On 5/5/2020 at 9:19 PM, billsfan89 said:


    All the time Miami makes these big free agency splashes and I never see them have any level of sustained success. I think the Jets and Miami are mid-level teams who will win between 7-9 games depending on how lucky they are with injuries and close games. The Jets have the QB and rebuilt their O-line smartly this time, but they lack weapons and their defense is nothing more than average. Miami lacks a lot of talent in several areas but is improved and they are well coached. Both teams are a year away. 


    Who I am not sure about in the division is the Patriots. Their defense and special teams are good but their offense could be tragic but I wouldn't put it past them to scratch out a decent offense with what they have. I could see the Pats winning 5 games or 11. 

    Miami was the biggest threat before they benched Fitz.

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