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Posts posted by formerlyofCtown

  1. 17 minutes ago, Q-baby! said:

    You mean like a president who has been accused of being a sexual predator and nothing is done about it? Like that? 

    Being accused doesn't me he did it.  Sorry but he's been accused of all sorts of things with no evidence.  Clinton's, Biden and Obama have clear evidence of wrong doing.  Including acts of pedophilia.  Both Clintons were on Epstein's actual guest list.

    Trump doesn't need to do that.  Have you seen his wife.  If he wanted to he could trade her in on a younger model.  

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Good, you should be happy with the New Democratic majority in this country. Won by the ballot, for the people. 


    Nothing like authortarian regimes. 

    You know what all four of those individuals I just named have in common?


    They were all elected and everything they did was legal.

    The difference is that they won their elections legitimately.  Really caught the left off guard when Trump beat them even though they had it rigged.  That's twice they failed.  The other was when Gore lost.  That pesky Electoral College limits what they can do as far as fraudulent ballets.

    The truth is that I don't believe what people in other states believe I don't want to live how they live.  New Yorkers should have more say about things in NY and South Carolinians should have more say about things in SC.  The federal government should have very little to say about anything.  Their job is to protect the States from foreign enemies and to protect the Constitutional rights of the people not all this other BS.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Big business supported Hitler. He ran a nationalist movement, smashed the unions and crushed the rights of all people. You are just spewing right wing propaganda by making Hitler seem like a leftists. He did nothing socialist, he was a racist, Social Darwinist and militarist. Your ignorant claims of socialism in the Nazis is laughable. It’s a silly as those saying today’s Democrats are tied to the KKK because Jefferson Davis was a Democrat. 

    I'm an anarchist there guy.  I don't listen to media I don't like R or D.  I could give 2 ***** less about who dead men supported.  Lol he did what all socialist regimes do.  Like I said, do some research.  The title of my paper was "The socialist body count".  Stalin, Hitler, Mao and even a small nation's leader like Castro. 


    Socialism isn't the actual problem.  Humanity is.  Power corrupts people, people don't corrupt power.

    • Like (+1) 2
  4. 5 hours ago, Kemp said:




    Blue states support red states.


    Red states are welfare Queens.


    While it may not be my personal business to have access to Trump's taxes, Congress should absolutely have access to it to ensure there are no potential security issues with other countries.


    And if there has ever been a need for oversight it is now, while a known con man occupies the office.

    Did they ever find the 400+ Billion that disappeared while Obama was in office?  

    1 minute ago, Doc said:


    I'm agreeing with you.  The rich won't pay a cent more just like they haven't been.  What I'm saying that if they truly wanted to "fix" this, they could have done it in the first year of their admin when they had the House and 60 votes in the Senate.  They didn't, so the idea that Joe can "fix" it now is bunk.

    Sorry.  Misunderstood, dealing with too many Snowflakes that don't realize what and who a Snowflake is.  I love the Bills but I won't say on this board what I think of Buffalo and the State of NY.  

  5. 6 minutes ago, Doc said:


    Joe and Barry could have changed it in the first year of their administration.  Oh wait, "Republican Congress."  :rolleyes:

    Explain it.  I think I gave a pretty good explanation.  Everytime you raise taxes.  They raise the prices.  You can't possibly be that foolish that you don't understand it.  They don't pay their taxes.  You and I do.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  6. 6 hours ago, SoTier said:


    Nope.  I think you missed the great bruhaha on PPP a couple of weeks ago (I don't remember you taking part in it on either side) when some of the Trumplets and most of the alt righties got their panties in a wad because moderate and leftist posters became more active on PPP and refused to be bullied into leaving.  Several of the most disgruntled set up their own site where they can share their conspiracy theories and hatreds, and pretend the entire world believes as they do without having anybody challenge their bull manure.

    I don't think the right are the ones attacking innocent people and burning down stores.  Who's the bully.  It's like the bible says up will be down and down will be up.  Everything that people think today is the opposite of what actually is.  I feel sorry for y'all you're going to bring about the suffering of your children and you're children's children.

    BTW, telling the truth and speaking about reality isn't bullying.

  7. 11 hours ago, Q-baby! said:

    What’s Trump’s plan? Surely he has fixed everything after 4 years? 

    Things were going great until a fake pandemic came along.  The Left has a plan.

    1. Destroy the US Economy.  Steal all the elections they can.  Take everything away and decide it among themselves and their buddies.

    The right isn't much better.

    Trump is neither of those two.  He just has the right by the balls.  He's no hero but he has done more for the American people than either of the others, it's just that some people are too stupid and easily fooled to see what's going on. 

    Most people don't know what socialism is or how it works.  As a result they don't who it actually would benefit and why certain people would go corrupt to bring it into being.


    People should probably look and see who gets preferential treatment in such a society and what they get away with.


    I've started getting blunt in my old age so I will come right out and say it.  A famous actor could rape and murder your children and their fans in a socialist government would lock you up in guantanamo bay to keep you quiet.  Because they are a more valuable person to society than you are.  


    The fact that you laugh in any respect when that last stament is there makes you look like a sick individual.  (I'm referring to your reaction to my post, the laughing emoji)

    • Haha (+1) 2
  8. 13 minutes ago, Capco said:


    Come on dude.  I know it's Friday night and we all like to get a little bit drunk, but surely one who is this confident in their work would know the difference between sited and cited, right?


    I literally wrote a 1750 word Torts midterm not 4 days ago in 2 hours and 15 minutes.  3500 words is nothing.

    That was just the written part.  There were also visuals.  5000 words is the max for college papers.  Most professors don't want you to go over 1750.  I had to shrink my paper down to 3500 words.  Also you have to add 3 pages of MLA citations and all the deep research that goes into creating a report that is accurate.  I can tell from this discussion that legit research may not be something you are familiar with.  Maybe someday you can have a paralegal do it for you.

    BTW you can't write a research paper in 2.25 hrs.  You have to do the research.  Maybe that once again is the problem.


    Thanks for the correction.  If only you were so graceful when you're wrong.  You probably aren't even attending a university.

  9. On 10/21/2020 at 5:09 PM, Kemp said:


    I know that Trump and the Republicans have greatly altered tax law in the last 4 years.


    Corporations, millionaires, and billionaires paying less. People in NYC paying more in Federal taxes.


    Tax laws have changed countless times in the last 36 years. Very little to do with current tax law.


    Why do you believe we just found out that Trump is paying taxes in China? What's he hiding? What's he hiding in his American finances?


    I know you can't answer and don't care, so consider the questions rhetorical. 

    I'll answer.  None of your business.


    As far as NYC paying more taxes.  It's about time that the States that waste ridiculous amounts of money start paying the bill.

    Corporations, Billionaires and Millionaires will never actually pay taxes.  I can't believe more people don't understand this.


    If Joe billionaire sells you hamburgers for $1 each and Johnny IRS raises his taxes .50 on the dollar then you will start paying $1.50 for that hamburger.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Unforgiven said:

    socialism...communism...liberalism, all the same ***** .

    American baby, democracy...

    Want stuff?  Start a business or get a job. otherwise stop whining.

    You can be any one of those and a democracy.

    Socialism, Communism, Liberalism and Conservatism.  All other people trying to force their will and ideology on others.  

    What you are referring to at the end of your statement is called capitalism and it's the fairest system for humans.  It's a shame people get greedy and don't follow the rules of supply and demand.

    Socialism would be a wonderful government to have if we could just figure out how to not have mankind running it.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Capco said:


    3500 words?  That's it?  Hahahahaha.  


    The fact that you think that makes you a credible source in any sense is laughable at best.  

    No.  The credible sources are the people and data sited.  You obviously haven't gone to college.  I had to get permission to expand the word allowance.  That is a rather large college paper.  What makes it credible is history.  Study NAZI Germany and then tell me it wasn't Socialist.

  12. 8 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    We are a nation of immigrants, all throughout our history. Open border country for a long long time 

    Hitler was no socialist. That is a foolish thing to say. 

    Lol.  Corporate tax in NAZI Germany was around 99% at one point.  Most factories were actually run by SS.

    Interesting that the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party was not a Socialist according to you.

    The biggest problem with this country is that people think they know something that they don't.

    The mainstream net give tons of inaccurate info.  Leftist media spins it one way, the alt right the other.  

    When all resources are the property of the nation(in reality whoever is in power), you have socialism.

  13. 8 hours ago, SoTier said:


    Treason maybe.  How many state secrets do you think Covid Donnie's spilled to his pal Vlad Putin?   It wouldn't matter much if Putin conned the info out of hm. 


    More likely would be some kind of corruption charge(s) based on using the Presidency  to profit himself and his family.  

    Lol.  Russia, Russia, Russia


    That's really sad.  That you believe that crap.  Trump has made money because he is in the construction business.  This is no secret to those who voted for him.  That is one of the many reasons that they voted for them.  He's no saint but what's good for Trump is good for Americans.  Construction only booms when the American economy is strong.


    At least he isn't like the scumbags that would destroy the entire US economy just to make an opponent that they can't beat look bad.  The pandemic and the numbers are fake and even the fake numbers aren't staggering.


    BTW.  It'll be 4 more years until someone other than Trump is president.  The only thing good about Trump is the economy and Americans first in the economic world.  I haven't found anything good about the guy that owns the Pedo Island across from Epstein's old place or any of the others.


    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 18 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    That bread is destroying America's morals.

    Hopefully I'm not misunderstanding your viewpoint but because you believe something is right or wrong makes you moral ideology, it doesn't make what's moral or immoral.  This society allowed took part in slavery and genocide.  How moral is that.  So if the majority thinks Rape and Murder are ok then does that make those things moral.


    True morality is based on if it harm's another person.  Please explain how a same sex couple getting married harm's another person.

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. On 10/21/2020 at 2:04 PM, westside2 said:

    This is a big nothing burger. Next.

    If they just follow the Bill of rights then people can marry who they want.  Things based on religious beliefs have no business in law and government has no business or authority in religion or stopping people from practicing their religion.


    The marriage they fight over is an institution of man not God.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  16. 7 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    My smell test of whether a country is free or not is how they control their national borders.  A free society maintains a border patrol/enforcement organization to keep people from entering illegally (or if you prefer, undocumented).  Socialist/Communist countries maintain border patrols to keep people from leaving.  Generally by force up and including lethal force.  It one of the biggest tools of state control available to them designed to enslave the most productive members of society in order to keep the elites and their armies of social enforcers living well.  If all the productive people leave the whole thing goes to Hell.


    My message to wanna-be American Socialist is that I have no issue with them being Socialists.  In fact there's nothing stopping them from doing it now.  Just get a business or some enterprise together and apply the socialist principals, whatever they might be, in running the organization.  See if it works.  But please don't try to force me to go along with your plan. I kind of get the idea that you all expect people like me, people that have jobs and a paycheck, are going to foot the bill for all your "great" ideas.  You want to play, then you need to pay.  Best of luck. 

    American Socialist think that everyone is upper middle class in socialism.


    They also think that being socialist makes you righteous.  The reality is socialism begins with theft and moves on to Democide(ironic term, though the far right is no better).

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 3 minutes ago, Unforgiven said:

    There's idiots everywhere. I bet they were no where near 60 million + American hating communist



    Like this idiot


    ou've chosen to ignore content by Q-baby!.

    Probably not.  Here is a little knowledge for you.


    1. There has never been a Communist nation in the history of the world.


    2. China and Russia actually have socialist governments.


    3. The other Socialist nation of WW2 era is...



    Nazi Germany.


    Everything Socialist regime that has ever existed has created a blood bath of it's own people.


    That in fact is one of the things they must do.

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