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Posts posted by twoandfourteen

  1. 4 minutes ago, QB Bills said:

    Look at the hapless receiver group throughout the season. A gimpy Benjamin and whole bunch of nothing after that.


    Look at the porous offensive line and how teams never blitz us because they know they don't have to which means there are 7 or 8 guys in coverage on almost every passing play.


    Look at Dennison's antiquated and predictable scheme and how we run on first down more than any other team.


    Now tell me how many QBs in the league could do more than Tyrod has this season. Very few, in my opinion. 


    The Tyrod bashing here used to irritate me but I've realized that group is made up of people who aren't all that bright nor seem like they understand context when evaluating individual players in a sport with many moving parts.


    Name 15 NFL QBs that a GM would trade you straight up for Taylor, right now. 




  2. 9 hours ago, Hurricane Marv said:

    Tyrod Taylor is stastically, a fine starting QB in the NFL.  The entire world knows this and has been telling us for two years.


    But a bunch of armchair forum fans scream that he doesn't pass the eye test because he's not John Elway.  OK, let's see what happens.


    Now he's in the playoffs.  In the playoffs at 28 years old by the way, which is meaningful.  I want to keep the guy - I don't get why any sane, rational football fan can hate him all things considered.  Yes, I've watched him too.   


    What statistics are you looking at? By every statistical measure, he's not a good starting NFL QB. 







  3. 18 minutes ago, JerseyBills said:


    People better be careful what they ask for , who is an available upgrade for Taylor??? 

    Give him a run game and good defense and he will reward you with 10+ wins imo.

    He wins , is a respected leader by his peers, he's just not one of 4-5 QB in the league that can do it by themselves and unless we have an opportunity at one of those guys, I'd love to build around Tyrod. I said this all year



    Pretty much any QB that can throw the football accurately presently in the NFL or draft eligible. 



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  4. 1 hour ago, transplantbillsfan said:

    Yes, he is.


    We will look to upgrade on him, which is fine and what we should do.


    But Taylor might be around another year as we make a (possibly even more...?) legitimate run at a ring :flirt:



    All the posters who said we'd never make the playoffs with Tyrod as our QB (you know who you are... there are a good handful of you 0:)) should just come here and eat crow! After all, we're all super stoked we're in the playoffs! :thumbsup:


    I never said we wouldn't make the playoffs with the guy. I've just maintained that he was in the 30-35 range as far as NFL QBs go. 


    Backup QBs have made the playoffs in the past. But regardless, TT gets full marks from me for being the QB of the Bills team that finally broke through. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    This joe Webb comment might literally be the stupidest thing I’ve seen on this board since I’ve been here.  


    Freaking IMPRESSIVE 


     Is it really though? 


    Remember, we're talking about "viable", not "ideal" or even "good". 


    Tyrod Taylor is responsible for creating a crisis at the most important position on the field. There is no argument against that. There is no BS obscure stat that can excuse it. He was terrible against the Saints. The offense was terrible as a result. It also wasn't the first time this year that he has run the offense right into the ground. 


    So yes, even ol' Joe Webb became a "viable" option at the position... because he has taken NFL snaps before and the production couldn't really get much worse than 56 passing yards and a FG. That is what Taylor had done to the Bills passing game and offense as a whole at that point in the season. 


    Joe Webb also happens to have playoff experience as a starting QB in the NFL, as I'm sure you probably know. Taylor does not have that, by the way. I had to look it up, but interestingly enough, his stat line from that playoff start should look awfully familiar.... 11/30 180 yards 1TD and 1INT. Around here, there are guys who are ready to put a bust of you in Canton for putting up 180 and a TD. 


    Let's also give JW credit for taking the wheel in a historic blizzard and leading the Bills to a win that will go down as one of the most memorable ever at the Ralph.


    At the end of the day though, he's not a good QB. He probably shouldn't ever take another snap.


    So yes, I will absolutely claim that after Tyrod's multiple abysmal performances this year, culminating with the 56'er he put up against NO... all options at QB became "viable", even Joe Webb. That's what happens when things get desperate. 

  6. 2 hours ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    McDermott made a horrible miscalculation in assessing Peterman's readiness.  He's made several boneheaded moves regarding personnel (Tolbert being the worst) and in-game decisions (OT punt vs. the Colts).   He actually said he wanted to challenge the the Charles Clay drop in the end zone last week as a TD. Duh!  Among all of his questionable decisions starting unfortuNATE (aka Putrid Peterman) was the worst irrespective of any bad games by Tyrod none of which he singlehandedly lost. 


    A+ trolling right there.


    I actually respect this. Well done, my good man.


  7. 7 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    It's not about 5 picks in every game. IMO,  he isn't a viable option in the NFL with many flaws in his game including absolutely no poise under pressure, spotty accuracy, inconsistent mechanics, poor decsion making, and weak arm strength.


    Flaws? Tyrod Taylor can't run a modern passing NFL offense. That's a pretty big flaw. 


    As for NP, He's far more accurate with better mechanics and anticipation than Taylor. 

    Better decision making will come with experience. I would expect an 8 year pro to be ahead of a 5th round rookie in this aspect of the game.


    As for arm strength, Taylor can most likely throw it much further over the head of the receiver or out of bounds than Peterman can. So you've got me there. 


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    11 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    Stick reading the site and never posting.



    Duh No. What I understand is that there is no viable alternative to Taylor on the 2017 roster.  How unfotuNATE.


    The kid has looked completely fine in his other appearances, including stepping into an all-time blizzard and running the offense better than Taylor has for much of the season. He deserves credit for that, especially after the disaster in LA. 


    The truth of the matter is that while Peterman is far from a world-beating NFL QB at this point, Taylor hasn't really done anything to take 2 out of the picture. I'd rather watch the kid go out and throw 5 INTs trying to make a play rather than Tyrod out there tolberting us for 4 quarters with 60 yards and a FG to show for it.


    Also, even Joe Webb is a viable alternative to Tyrod Taylor. That's how poor our starting QB situation currently is. 



  9. 37 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    It's on the list as one of the dumbest coaching decisions I've ever seen. 


    Keeping Tyrod in after throwing for 56 yards and scoring only 3 points at home would have been even worse. Taylor has had multiple very poor performances this year. The guy needed to sit and a change needed to be made.


    Taylor is a glorified backup. You are acting like McDermott benched 1988 Joe Montana. 



  10. 9 minutes ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    I question the seriousness of that question:


    Davante Adams.......who has never gotten 1,000 yards in a season........playing mostly with AARON RODGERS.......just got $14M+ per year.


    Watkins AVERAGED 1,000 yards his first two seasons.........including 80 yards per game with Tyrod in 2015.


    Playing with Goff has at least temporarily cost Watkins perhaps a 7 year $100M contract.   


    Probably looking at a 1 year "prove it" deal in the $8-$10M range.




    You forgot to mention that Davante Adams also has 22 Rec TDs over the past 2 seasons, which is #1 over that time span. Funny how things like that are omitted. He also put up 997 and 885 receiving yards. Yes, not quite 1000, but it's not the "Tyrod Special" 407 that the Bills WRs are putting up this year. 


    Anyway, strangely enough -- there are only 3 WRs with 20+ TDs over the past 2 seasons. Adams, and then Antonio Brown and Jordy Nelson, who are both tied at 20. Adams is worth $14M a year. Especially to lock him up with Nelson & Rodgers for the foreseeable future. 


    But If you add Tyrod's rushing TDs, Sammy would totally have probably made that list too for '14 & '15!




  11. 37 minutes ago, BADOLBILZ said:


    For all the yakking about how former Bills WR have done better without Tyrod.........the truth is that Watkins and Woods are going to produce less than 1500 yards receiving and probably 13-14 TD's for the Rams.


    In Buffalo a healthy Watkins returns to 2015 form with Tyrod and puts up 1200-1300 yards and 10-12 TD's.


    If Woods were with him,  healthy for the first time he'd easily far exceed the 600 he put up in 2016.......his 781 yards so far is hardly a massive total.


    I'd say it's safe to say they would have put up 1800-2100 yards receiving between them and 15-17 TD's with Tyrod in 2017.




    Serious question:


    If you were to ask Watkins and Woods who they would prefer to play with as their QB -- Goff or Taylor, who do you think they would choose?




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