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Bing Bong

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Posts posted by Bing Bong

  1. 1 minute ago, Ga boy said:

    I think it it possible to not hate TT, and think he's not the guy.  I wish TT was the guy, because I think he's good guy.   Yall are convinced that Peterman is not the guy.  I don't see why making the playoffs this year  is so important.  I'd rather see if Peterman is the guy, and use those 2 firsts on OL.


  2. 1 minute ago, grb said:


    Uh huh. You'd willingly sabotage the Bills' first playoff appearance in 17 years just not to see Taylor play a few more games.

    Your words : And I may be the only person who doesn't want to go to the playoffs this year if it means playing TT for the remaining games.


    Supposedly this isn't motivated by spite,  but because playing Nate Gawdforsaken Peterman a few games this year (somehow) brings the Bills closer to Super Bowl victory.


    Is that really the best explanation you got?

    I'm honestly surprised how many people think this way

  3. 2 minutes ago, Ga boy said:

    I don't think anyone can say that Peterman is not the guy.  I am resigned to the fact that he won't play as long as our playoff hopes are alive, but I would still like to see if he is the guy.  I'm just saying that I'd rather be eliminated as soon as possible, and take a better look at Peterman, than go to the playoffs with a QB that will not be here next year, and is not the guy.

    o_O and I'd rather watch the Bills in the playoffs

  4. 12 minutes ago, Ga boy said:

    Really don't hate the guy.  I didn't hate EJ, JP and the rest.  All great guys, but great guys don't win the Lombardi.  I agree that TT is average, and he may get us to the playoffs.  I just don't think that gets us any closer to the Lombardi.  It we want to be great in 2-3 years, we need to find the guy.  Is Peterman the guy?  Many have already thrown him on the trash heap.  I would like to see him play for 3 games.

    Peterman is not the guy. I would like us to have a chance to make the playoffs. Not see Peterman play in an otherwise tirefire offense.

  5. 10 minutes ago, re enlightener said:

    Anyone who hated my flaming of watkins since about 4 weeks into his first nfl season with us, will remember I said he plays soft, doesnt attack the football and cant catch 50/50 balls.


    Today in a close game he lazily stuck his arm out to pretend to make an effort at a nearly perfect pass about 2 feet behind him instead of slowing down to high point it and take a hit (he just paws at them with one hand when they are contested.)   He did this constantly in Buffalo and unless it was out in front of him or near the sideline/endzone he wouldnt come up with the catch.


    SOOOO today he literally tips the ball (about to hit the ground), up and to the side about a yard away right to the cb which gave Goff a nice INT.


    There was no chance of an int if twatkins doesnt do that, and it looked like an easy catch if he had just slowed down to catch it and take a little contact.


    Moral of the story, I coudlnt stand his soft play and wasted talent way before the trade, and Im so thankful now that he is gone and we have instead a quality pick AND a quality CB who I really am liking this year.


    Woods was the guy we should have kept, said it before he left, and its just as true now as when I sad it for the last 4 years.

    he is soft, regardless he was a huge part of why the Rams won today.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, PABillsfan23 said:

    You can probably count on one hand how many times TT threw a receiver open or hit one in stride. He waits until the receiver is open then chucks it.  Usually not very accurate making the receiver adjust therefore getting little to no YAC 

    dude you throw AJ Green open, not Deonte Thompson or Nick O'Leary. As for in stride, sure, he's never been accurate.. but look at that 2nd and long play everybody is pointing at; good weapons have hands to catch it and run with it. Nick O'Leary literally has to adjust his body for a basket catch on the ground to cradle so he doesn't drop it.

  7. 4 minutes ago, JohnC said:

    As the season advances it's interesting to watch how our draft picks are developing. Our first round pick CB White has generally played well right out of the gate. In this game I thought Dawkins played well although his holding penalty on a big play was damaging. The player that is coming along after a horrible start is Zay Jones. You can see him gaining confidence and making catches that he didn't in the first half of the season. 

    I remember the commentator was just praising right when he was called for holding. Chalk it up to commentators curse.

  8. 19 minutes ago, OldTimer1960 said:

    Has more ever been made of benching a marginal and limited QB?  I am on record as respecting Taylor’s effort and ability to avoid turnovers, but come on, some here act like he was performing at a Hall Of Fame level and was benched irrationally.  


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  9. 1 minute ago, JohnC said:

    That so called monumental screw up had no bearing on the game because the Bills were going to lose to the better team regardless who played. 

    True, 5 interceptions probably has no bearing on the game. And football games are always foregone conclusions anyway hahaha. If you're a linebacker watching your idiot coach trot out the same 4 pick quarterback in the second quarter instead of the team captain.. you tell me how your morale would be.

  10. 8 hours ago, JohnC said:

    So he made a bad decision. Big deal! It wasn't a catastrophic decision because it will have little lasting impact. As it turned out the decision that you considered ill-conceived at least had the positive effect of forcing the reluctant qb to be more aggressive. When a player, at any position, is not playing the way the coaches want him to play then at the minimum it is an understandable decision. You don't have to agree with it. But it was far from being a zany decision.  


    I'm not designating Taylor as the source of all the team's deficiencies. He's playing with a lot of deficient players on his unit. But when a coach gambles to jolt a flaccid offense, even if it is a long-shot effort, I'm not going to make it out  to be an outlandish act. It didn't work out for the rookie but it did result in the veteran to play better. The irony is that the HC is criticized for being too conservative and in the same breath is being criticized for being too radical. As far as I'm concerned I'm not bothered that he started the rookie.  On the other hand I would have been harshly critical if he wouldn't have started the veteran in the second half and in the following game.  

    It was a horrible decision. And how is that not a big deal? If he's criticized for being too radical in one game, conservative in the next, maybe he doesn't have decision making skills.

  11. 1 hour ago, Big Curt said:

    Tyrod is better QB than Peterman.  Point blank period.  He's better than Alex Smith and about half of all NFL QB's.  That throw to O'leary  was unacceptable and he has to be better, however he didn't throw any interceptions and he WON a big road game.  Give the man some credit.  Every game that Jim Kelly Won wasn't pretty either. 

    If a 14 yard completion on 2nd down is his worst play, I'd say he didn't play too bad. Peterman would have thrown a pick.:lol:

  12. 6 hours ago, JohnC said:

    In hindsight it was a bad decision. So what? If Taylor would have started do you think the outcome would have been different? Of course it wouldn't. Our defense was atrocious and our offense is limited with or without Taylor taking the snaps. This was a game in which Rivers was seen laughing throughout the whole game. Bosa came off the field laughing how no one even blocked him. The Chargers chuckled their way through this game in both the first and second half of the game. Your fixation on the decision is way out of proportion to the outcome. 


    You accuse me of attempting to spin this situation. That's not what I'm doing. You keep magnifying the issue as if McDermott's qb decision was an act that should be considered disqualifying. That's utter nonsense. The Bills are not now a playoff team and will not be for the near future. So the HC is attempting out of the box decisions that have you in a perpetual scolding mood. For whatever odd reason you are making a decision that didn't work out be not only a threat to collapsing an already faltering franchise but a threat to western society. 

    Lol Tyrod has more control of the locker room than McDermott. You think the defense wasn't ready to mail it in when they saw Peterman trotting out second quarter? Maybe we lose that game anyway, but it wouldn't have been because the team knew they had a near impossible task with 5 pick Peterman.


    Everybody knew Tyrod gives us a better chance to win, and we were/are in the playoff hunt. That's the narrative. McDermott's "out of the box decision" was a monumental screw up.

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