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Sandhill Mike

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Posts posted by Sandhill Mike

  1. 2 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Peyton Manning’s teams also ran these pick plays beautifully for years.


    I feel Manning's success with it against New England (in his later Colts years) is the reason the Patriots do it and do it so well now.  If Emperor Hoodie sees something that will help his team, he adopts it.  He's never seen a competitive advantage that he didn't like.


    Frankish Reich, you've got the right idea.  If it's good enough for them, it's something you need to look at too.  Break it down, find out how they use it, get it in your game plan. 


    I think the Pats work with the refs (as allowed) not so much to learn how to play within the rules but to learn where the blind spots are.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, mattynh said:

    Other teams like the Bills should probably do more of them.


    I seem to remember the Bills trying it in at least one game a few years ago (I want to say Sammy was still here) and we got two OPI calls on the same drive... Shocker, I think it was a Pats game.


    Just for fun, here's a Brady quote from a 2015 article:


    “Every team runs different versions of pick plays,” said Brady. “We had referees in at training camp to talk about the rule and explain it because we got called quite a few times last season, especially on times where we weren’t even trying to pick it was just two guys running the same area and we ran into a defender and they threw the flag for a pick and I’d be like, ‘Wait a minute, we weren’t even trying to pick on that play and you’re throwing the flag.’ What constitutes the flag? It basically comes down to if it looks like a pick then they’re throwing the flag. … We get called, I watch other teams and they do it and I swear they don’t get called. We do it and the flag comes out.”



  3. 2 hours ago, vorpma said:

    How do you respond to this nonsense by those who think it was an "easy road win for the Pats." Tell me BB was not sweating at the Bills drove late in the fourth; don't know what to say!


    Belichick allowed himself to smile after the last kneel down.  It sure looked like relief to me.  I'll bet Pats fans everywhere were freaking out, even with Barkley in there.  This was the first time in oh-so-long that the Patriots just could not put our team away. 


    The way they're playing me has me eager for THIS year's rematch, I don't care where they play it.  Bring it on.  Put some coal in Brady's stockings for Christmas.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Not at the table Karlos said:

    Wallace should have plowed into him. But then it prob would have been DPI


    That's what I thought when watching it.  The Pats decoy even made like he was going to initiate contact before pulling back... THEN he stuck the leg out.  If Levi had run into him, somehow it would have been the Bills fault and Gordon's catch and run would have counted anyway.


    I would think that sticking your leg out like that would be unsportsmanlike, even if you whiffed.

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  5. 24 minutes ago, Motor26 said:


    Eventually we've got to stop blaming the refs.


    I weary of refs and their inconsistencies in rule enforcement... but you're right.


    Just like good pitchers get their strike zone, good teams get those questionable calls... winning is the answer.  We haven't been good enough in the past to get around the calls that don't go our way, magnifying them.  With all the mistakes yesterday, picked up flags, questionable calls/non-calls, the Bills could have beaten the Patriots on the last drive.  I feel we are closer than we've been in a loooong time.


    I read/heard somewhere that Belichick brings refs in before the start of every season and has them review rule changes and how they intend to call fouls.  Sounds quite reasonable and anyone could do this (I assume)... sure looks like it helps those guys out.  We typically get as many holding calls in a couple of weeks as they do in a whole season.


  6. 2 hours ago, fergie's ire said:

    Not sure if I have seen it discussed...and may have been lost in the sea of Josh Allen posts...but I was incredibly impressed with Edmunds.  Last year, Brady abused him...and he didn't have a great week last week...but in this game he consistently was in the right place and quickly.



    That defense and everyone on it played lights out.  I couldn't be more proud of those guys.

  7. So glad the Pats fans are here to educate us and tell us how we should admire Jones for playing that way.  A lot of what I've heard has come off as defense lawyers protecting their client.


    Looking at the hit again from some other angles, I can see why they didn't eject but don't hand me any crap about Jones not trying to hurt Allen.  I won't buy it and I base my judgement on what I saw and how the defender reacted... just my opinion. 


    As for Pats fans and what they think - stop the presses! -  these are the same folks that defended Gronkowski going WWE on Tre.  Probably thought Wilfork was blocked into JPs knee, too, and that Rodney Harrison never hit anyone late.  I can only assume that those that stop in here to "enlighten" us do it for the attention... probably get no replies to their insights in Patriot land.


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