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Posts posted by Lfod

  1. 1 minute ago, Shamrock said:

    My analogy was just a kid with a learning difficulty, you know, struggled with the alphabet or counting, but bailing out of jail... Lfod, that escalated my parenting anxiety. ?

    Well honestly I was going to say something like that but I really was thinking it might have hit the wrong button with some one. So I just went with some experiences my dad had to go through with me. He still loves me though.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Bills757 said:


    No need.  Just taking his head out of his butt will be a great start.


    I put myself in Coaches shoes. I did it because I wanted him to start Nate Peterman at the exact time he ended up doing it. 


    I would be repenting right about now. So it may have sounded sarcastic because it was meant to be funny. I was very serious.

  3. It most likely just a talking point used to debate over who should start at Quarterback that doesn't hold any merit. Just something to throw in there to strengthen your point but I agree it's not a strong position to take.


    Take into account we got destroyed by the Jets and the Saints so the locker room was already lost. Nobody is risking future contracts over mutiny. These players want to be in the NFL. If not playing for the team at least you know they are playing for themselves and thier own family and future.

  4. 1 minute ago, zow2 said:

    Not to overreact or anything...but McD should come out tomorrow and not only declare Tyrod will start at KC.  But he should say Tyrod will be the starter for the remainder of the system.  If McD turns this into a flip-floppy type QB situation then he loses the team and loses credibility as a head coach.

    Coach should go to the Church of Tyrod and repent for his sins. 

  5. I'd say most to all the moves they made this year had been in preparation for the future. Also while trying to keep it together this year and stay competitive. Yes the production lost this year hurt but hey people still talking playoffs so was it really that bad? If you think about this level headed you still have to like it even though it's painful right now. 


    We we're taken very seriously until the Jets game happened. Everyone was on McDermott's jock until 5-2 went downhill.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Toledo Bill said:

    After these 3 performances how in the world can you say this team is alive for the playoffs? Mathematically, of course, but come on...

    It kills me every time playoffs is mentioned now. The Mathematics!!!! If you can believe the playoffs are still a go you surely can stretch yourself to call Peterman franchise right now.

  7. I agree with the point that the playoff drought has caused people to over react. When you put the word drought into every opinion it loses its power. What I would say is quit living in the past. 


    Nate had a bad game. He made bad choices. Was way over aggressive with the ball. The anti Tyrod if you will. I wouldn't just toss him away like trash but he needs more work. Not a finished product. Not deserving of his own song just yet. I rewrote the Peterman song in my head.


    After the first 2 interceptions I was like good now it's out of your system and.... Nope ok now it's out of your system and... Nope. 

  8. 32 minutes ago, corta765 said:


    Agreed. It's easy to trade players to load up on picks and open cap space. It's another thing to draft the right players and add the right FA's. That said give at least Beane some time his season doesn't really start until Feb.

    I can't argue with that. Not enough time has passed to really judge in my view. I'm not negative on this regime and honestly I love the bold moves all year. It was sad to see the 5-2 start like dust in the wind but at least I got the excitement out of it.


    We have the ammunition this year so no better time to fire shots in the next draft. I still have a feeling Tyrod can be acceptable with serious talent around him but I would definitely love to have an elite franchise quarter back and finally put all the debates to rest at that position. 


    Hopefully the message board experts paint a good picture of who the Bills are likely to draft and all the info around these players. I'm looking forward to reading it all.

  9. 13 minutes ago, corta765 said:


    If I am being honest that would be almost refreshing if it failed. The 2010 season we knew was a dumpster fire going into and the last time I had pretty much zero expectations going into it. If we draft a QB and they flame out well he ain't the guy and we probably are drafting Top 5 for the next guy. It has been awful in a sense to go 6-7 years now of being 5-5 now or 4-5 or 5-6 etc.. and know we have the slimmest playoff chance but it does exist only to of course miss. To me if they go for broke and go broke at least I know where we stand, this has been worse in a certain sense.


    Fortune favors the bold. I know that sitting on your hands isn't an answer either. I definitely would not be against trading up if the proper home work is done. I wouldn't want them to do it just to do it. 


    I think I am more worried because I have seen what a calculated risk looks like to this regime. I think it's me more concerned with who they choose then the actual move to trade up to grab some one. I'm not trusting the ability of risk management 5 interceptions later. Thats the reason for my real hot take.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Dr. Who said:

    Implicit in the argument is actually drafting a franchise qb.  Obviously, there is risk, but what we have is not good enough.

     You are correct. The post was directed more at drafting. I really have no strong opinions other than if they trade up I hope they are right because it's doom if not. No one can explain away using multiple picks to move up and not landing the franchise QB. 


    Also this is Buffalo so I am assuming most likely that rookie starts sooner then later because we will have a same type of year dumpster diving for a QB to play bridge unless it's Tyrod and a whole year of is he good enough debate. Coach has already made the call to throw in a rookie early. Second time this happens and its the wrong call it will get ugly fast I think.


    No matter how it plays out. If I agree or not I will hope for the best.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. My hot take is you build around Tyrod and Shady with every last pick you got. Not against getting a QB in the draft but trading up and getting the wrong guy would be very ugly.


    I don't think people ever ask themselves in a realistic way how they would feel if we traded up and got a horrible QB. 

  12. I enjoyed the 5-2 start. I enjoyed the wins. The last three games were about as bad as you can get so I understand feeling down on the Bills. It would be easy to just start following the Patriots and feel like winners. 


    I can't leave my team. They like a kid you have that isn't perfect but you love them anyway. Still bail them out of jail even while saying how stupid they are. 


    Am I wrong thinking if this team had a losing season everybody would be more relaxed touting the moniker "rebuild"? That the real reason for the hurt is missing the playoffs because we in a drought and that's all that matters? 


    The new regime is getting dumped to early in my view.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  13.  The Bills have never really committed to Tyrod so this shouldn't be a shocker to you. A contract restructuring for less money and let him test the market doesn't scream commitment in my book.


    He also didn't even commit to his decision to let Nate start because he pulled him at halftime. Don't worry Tyrod will be back but our defense will probably play so bad that we lose anyway. You would at least think benching Tyrod in the first place would be a huge clue that they were not committed to Tyrod. Couldn't be more clear at this point but....


    Keep hanging on to that 6th seed. That last Ray of hope even though before we even started Nate the team was getting destroyed or at least was in a serious decline so keep thinking the QB change made that much of a difference or really would now.

  14. I was wrong about the Jets game. I thought the bills defense was the best. I usually go to my dad's house to see the Bills games but I skipped going for the Saints game and I would have skipped the Chargers game but after the QB change I didn't wanna miss it. That leads me to the second thing I was wrong about.


    Starting Nate Peterman and Tyrod being a big factor to the Bills having no passing game. If Tyrod sucks it's amazing he can do anything at all. Not bashing Nate. I didn't expect Nate to have that bad of a game. I was hoping the streaker would get out of Jail in time to save the Chargers game but I was wrong about that too, bail must of been a lot. We all should of donated.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  15. You wouldn't have pulled Nate Peterman out after halftime if your plan was to keep him as your starter in my view. 


    If you wanted him as your starter then you stay the course and ride those ups and downs. In his own words he said a lot of rookies are playing and you ride those ups and downs. With Nate it wasn't done. You pulled him scared. 


    I agree with others. If you put Nate in you stay through it. If you do pull him then you don't do it after it has gotten so bad there is no hope Tyrod can turn it around.

  16. 23 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

     Actually the playoff hopes weren't dead then and are not now. Realistically, a good team would take care of their business on the road vs a mediocre at best NYJ squad and even a home game vs NO should have been close. The Redskins moved the ball almost at will VS NO yesterday. If Tyrod Taylor is a halfway decent QB, a win at Arrowhead vs a struggling Chiefs team that has managed one win in five games shouldn't be too big a task. The QB change backfired in a big way, but it was really the only time it could possibly be done. A rookie QB could not be started @ Arrowhead or vs BB at home. The team isn't very good, and neither are the QBs , and they probably weren't beating LAC yesterday regardless of who started. The AFC is bad, and if the Bills decide to become the " good Bills" again this season they can make the playoffs. It's on them. 

    Isn't a playoff team usually supposed to be very good? Wasn't the stomping from the Jets enough to make anyone stop and really consider after a beat down like that we probably won't make the playoffs? 


     Wasn't it crystal clear after the Saints absolutely dominated the bills? Put Nate stuff aside and didn't the defense get dominated by the Chargers? Would that still make you think we are playoff bound? The numbers say yes we could make it but the teams play says no. Just a heads up the Bills won't make the playoffs this year.

  17. 4 minutes ago, NoPlayoffs said:


    No they weren't.  That's just the narrative now for those people who can't admit they were wrong.

    The playoff hopes we're over after the Jets to anybody who could see how bad the team was destroyed by the Jets. I guess if you want to get technical yes they still could make it. I wouldn't bet money on it and I wouldn't have after the Jets game. Would you have?

  18. I understand that sentiment. Living on a dream. I just did that on Sunday. Now my opinion is that we should build around Tyrod and Shady with every last pick. I know that's not a popular view most likely but I do have reasons in my mind as to why. 

  19. I thought a lot about it. I think some fans including myself got thinking maybe the grass is greener on the other side. To be honest the entire offence with Taylor at the wheel has had some stalled games this year and last. They also had some impressive and exciting games. It seemed like most games fell in the middle or slightly below an average. 


    Not everyone needed the Nathan Peterman experiment. I did need it. I don't regret it. I would do it again the exact same way. At this point I would not try it again. Not because Nate threw 5 interceptions. I didn't see Nate flash himself as a player. Forget any negative and try to see a positive. I was not able to myself maybe others did. 


    The experiment lead me to a conclusion. I like Tyrod Taylor. I like him a lot. The guy has been loyal, took a pay cut for my team and maybe not lived up to everyones standards but he was doing the best to win with the talent we have and the plays we run. I turned my back on Tyrod and I was very wrong.


    Now I'm left with the hard truth. It's more then just a QB. Call it lack of talent or bad execution. Call it bad coaching or horrible management. I don't know what caused such a hard fall after the Jets game but something is seriously wrong. Thanks for the wins though I enjoyed them.


    Well how I feel now you absolutely put Taylor back in. Not only that but you keep next year and build around Taylor and Shady with every draft pick you got. I understand if people disagree.

    • Like (+1) 3
  20. Despite being benched the man had his helmet on ready to come in. I would not be upset if he was our starter next year with the draft used to build around him. 


    That is why I am happy he was benched. It really made me appreciate the guy a lot more when I seen the alternative. Also he was firing more bullets. It might of been a good wake up call to him to play safe but not so safe it's boring.

  21. One thing that earned my respect for Tyrod Taylor is how he had his helmet on at the start of this game. Nate definitely made me appreciate Tyrods play a little bit more. I still wish he would just let the ball rip. I also still think we lose today if he started. This defense has completely fallen apart.


    I've been down on his play lately but I'm having second thoughts about him. Crazy thoughts about building around him next year....



  22. 8 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:

    Should have kept NP in the whole game---like a puppy that poops on the carpet, gotta rub his nose in it so he doesn't do it again.


    Why put in next week's starter in the middle of a hopeless blowout?

    That's how I felt as well. The game was over. Tyrod wasn't coming back from that far behind. It's an insult to both of them and yourself as a head coach. Titanic man go down with your ship.


    I wasn't mad he made a risky move that blew up in his face. I was mad that they pulled the kid like it would make a difference then throw in the guy you just benched in a game that's already over.

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