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Posts posted by Lfod

  1. I didn't mind the play. It's not a score at that point changes the outcome. Why not let the rook take shots? If we ran and got stuffed people would of wanted a pass. 


    Yes it didn't work out but I could see the reason. Keep testing that kid I like it. Why waste a chance to test the kid? Let him get a passing touch down and get confident.


    Dennison gets balls when he has a QB he's confident in. It looked like that to me anyway.

  2. I'm concerned by the entire offence. I may not be smart enough to pinpoint details but it's obvious we have low to no production on that side of the ball.


    I don't want a conservative offence that just wants to hang around I hope they abandon that philosophy. I want long calculated sustained drives for touchdowns. I want to feel like the offense has a potential to score every time they hit the field. I wanna be feared not a joke. I wanna be up by 21 points still going for the throat like I'm down 21 points.


    I have no particular wish. I hope they do everything they can to fix the hot mess that is the offence. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

    Understandable...but look how much the Eagles and Rams gave to move up...and look how quickly they turned around...they were both dumpster fires two years ago...Even the Raiders were12-4 last year after being horrible for so long...sure they had an off year this year, but the point is that QBs turn around franchises faster than any other position.  If we should have learned anything the passed 17 years it should be this- get your QB first and build around him.

    Hopefully they strike gold if they trade up. If not it will get ugly for them. Take risk with the understanding it's your feet to the fire if it fails. It's easy to say just go do it when it's not your GM job to lose.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, BadLandsMeanie said:

    I think people are bringing up criminal charges because so far, nobody else is doing anything about it.


    Call it what you will, but literally nothing was done about it. "Offsetting penalties" canceled everything out. Poyer pushed a Pat (sound like a Dr Suess line) so that cancelled out the penalty for attacking a prone player from behind. And the Hughes mouthed off to an official, so that penalty was enforced.


    If these are the rules, they are idiotic. No other excuse for it.


    So, people want some justice. Here are the options.


    A) Patriots bench him for a few games (What I would do if I was the coach, but it won't happen)


    B) League suspends him for enough games to make it seem fair.


    C) Bills take him out themselves next game.


    D) Fans handle it in some very bad way.


    E) Law enforcement handles it


    F) Nothing happens


    The only two sensible outcomes are A or B, where the people with the responsibility, behave responsibly.


    If they do not, they are inviting one of the less civilized approaches.


    Since people have no confidence that A or B will happen, the next most responsible approach is E, law enforcement. It isn't a stupid idea. It is the next best responsible approach left to citizens if the ones with authority chicken out from their responsibilities.







    If Gronk had attacked Tre repeatedly I could see it being criminal. I think in the game of football it might be real difficult to get it that far off a cheap shot. Not that I am saying it can't happen. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, Gugny said:


    He probably is my favorite player in the league.  But I still think he should be suspended for the next 4 games.

    The guy is a beast. He dominated. Yes he was getting mauled. I think people are just venting feelings a lot like Gronk was venting his. It's to be expected I think that people would react strongly. He didn't need to do what he did because it wasn't gonna effect the outcome. Self control is what's needed and what's expected I imagine at that level in football and it wasn't just a little extra pushing or jaberjaw. 


    Take out the names of the players and teams. Whatever happens to Gronk should be the same to anyone who would do the same as he did. It could be people are over reacting bring up actual criminal charges and such but some if that is just anger over the incident. I don't really care what happens to him punishment wise just don't send the message that it's ok to do something like that or it's a minor thing.


    That's the point your stressing to people not to over react. That's this is NFL and stuff happens. That would be my message to Gronk. Sometimes flags don't go your way and plays get made. You have to be in control of your emotions. A lot of money on the line to act before you think.

  6. Just now, P51 said:


    What separates or differentiates the act of a man hitting a defenseless woman and a man "assaulting" a defenseless man?

    I thought at this time in history people were striving for an equality. So I'd want the same equal treatment if attacked then everyone else. 


    Just pointless talking points to deflect blame of his favorite player.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Watkins90 said:

    Well, we will have to agree to disagree. I guess maybe someone on our team should have shoved him, but what good would have ensued if we just started throwing punches?


    That's all I am trying to get at.

    Not the popular opinion but I agree. Two wrongs don't make it right. Don't lower yourself to Gronks level yadda yadda but the bills players were not even showing any emotion so I get the other sides feelings. 

  8. I don't know why people want to ruin the fun of all the outrage. It was a dirty hit and it's being called out. Don't worry your best friend Gronk won't be arrested. People just venting about a guy who did a real dirty thing. 


    I think out of all the places in the world you would understand this is a Bills message board and maybe defending your man Gronk and being a fanboy isn't a real great idea in this place. Let people vent while you stroke your Gronk poster at home. Like you should be surprised at the reaction a dirty hit like that on a Bills player would get here. 


    Sorry you are more worried about defending Gronk then Tre White our amazing draft pick. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, corta765 said:


    I have see far worse hits then what Gronk did in the last 5 years and those didn't require nor should they have a DA being involved. People commenting for the justice system to get involved are a straight embarrassment to the fan base.

    Can you provide a link to those videos? I want to see far worse dirty hits. 

  10. I think you consider the severity of the action. Put it on a scale. Out of everything you could possibly do wrong after a play were does it rank in your mind? Could you think of a worse thing a player can do? Then you let the punishment fit the crime. There's a difference between a speeding ticket and committing murder. 


    You let the punishment equal the severity of the action or you send the wrong message. It looked to me he had the intent to hurt the dude. It wasn't a welcome to the NFL love tap. It was ok you intercepted a ball thrown to me I am going to hurt you after the play. That's a calculated thought out move to hurt some one who made a play on you.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Dr. Who said:

    Well, I think we have the ammo to grab the third best qb.  If Darnold comes out, I'd be more than happy with either Rosen, Darnold, or Mayfield.  If not, I think Jackson may be around for one of our firsts and I would take a shot.  No way in Hades you are selling this fan base on any form of even potentially building around Tyrod.  He appears a fine person and an excellent athlete, but I don't think he's really capable of being consistently good at qb.  Given the lower threshold, I would agree he is a solid backup.

    I think getting a QB is the safe pick. I just wouldn't like to be forced to take a QB out of desperation. Hopefully the Bills can get to a favorable spot and we are not picking at scraps just because we still hungry.


    It would be awesome to not squander good defensive performances anymore. You need to strike gold on this pick. If you trade up you need to hit or it's a stain.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Dr. Who said:

    And yet last week, some folks were suggesting we build around Tyrod.

    Well I won't deny that it might be a direction I still would go potentially. I think Tyrod is a playmaker. I still not sold that he's trash. He played hurt all game I respect him a lot.

    I wouldn't be hurt if they did build the offense around him only if it made sense because you might not be able to grab one of the top 3 QBs or have to spend to much to get it.


    I know one thing. If the offence produces we win today. Do whatever you have to. It needs to be fixed.

  13. I think the offence has been a weak link in this team all year and partially last year. I think the defence has been the reason we had a hot start. I'm glad to see them keep it sort of together today trending back up from the KC game.


    I think this team has heart they just have a really poor offence so they can't win enough games. I think if we had an offence this discussion is a different one. I think the defense played good enough to win today. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, starrymessenger said:


    Both QBs have had to deal with untimely drops. 

    I understand that. I was just saying the rook might not be horrible. That he will throw a ton of interceptions but the light might come on with repetition.


    Taylor made some good plays today. This offence isn't clicking as a unit enough for playoff caliber. We need an offence that can put up 21+ points more frequent. Honestly I'm just glad the defense is back to being solid. I think they played a good game and Tre White got his interception.

  15. 2 minutes ago, starrymessenger said:


    There's always a world of opinion out there. My reason: I saw him make throws (two good fades) that Tyrod just cannot make. E also made a few other throws (slants) that Tyrod can make, but Peterman's ball was more accurate.

    IMO if Peterman once gets a chance to acclimate to NFL game speed he will adjust and impress. He might even be good, but for sure he will make rookie mistakes. They all do.


    Peterman threw some nice passes that shouldn't of been incompletions. The kid will struggle if you put him in but people will always be quick to want to move on.

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