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Posts posted by Lfod

  1. 2 minutes ago, ganesh said:

    THat is not a nitpick.  They needed to come up with points there.  Not only we missed the FG, we gave the ball back to the Chiefs at their own 42 yard line and they scored a FG>..That was  a 6 point swing

    That has been the story on the offensive side this year. So many missed opportunities to really beat down the opponents.

  2. 48 minutes ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    He’s certainly leaving (at least at this point). I would think that he goes to a team with a good defense that wants to play ball control.

    Well if Buffalo is moving on from that philosophy I can understand. It almost was good enough the way it had been running. I'll always wonder if was really talent when he walks out the building. I think he could possibly the face of a franchise if in the right circumstances. 


    The offensive side did gave a few stalled games in the past. I don't think that's all because of Tyrods talent level. People say he holds the ball to long. I see it as his ability to create more time for himself in the pocket. That's amazing being able to create so much time especially if you believe the o line is not good.


    I don't think it would be the worst idea to actually to ask Tyrod what kind of receivers he wants and can trust. Then he might be able to take more shots. Tyrod might actually not throw the ball because maybe he might be smart and practice with them and know they can't be trusted to be clutch wide receivers.


    When I seen Nate Peterman I got scared. Just seeing him getting destroyed like he did made me look at Tyrod in a different way. I was even in favor of Nate Peterman starting. Nate let me see what it looks like when you throw the ball.


    I think whatever the direction they take next year at Quarterback they need to invest on the offence next year. That is the reason we are hovering I think. You need to be able to put up points.


    I don't assume we can't get better at Quarterback but I also think it that the entire offence itself needs them draft picks in my opinion. My philosophy is different because I would be an offensive minded coach if I was in that position in a franchise. In all honesty I think the GM did sell this year short for the future and I hope he's a master at his craft.


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  3. 9 minutes ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    I think that is realistic. Jacksonville and Denver feel logical. Those teams have good defenses and, in Jacksonville’s case, a run game. Denver still makes more sense to me as their window is smaller. They seem more likely to go with the vet. 

    If Buffalo let's Tyrod walk an he leads another team to the playoffs my view on the decision makers in Buffalo will turn very negative and skeptical one. 

  4. I was hoping that Nate Peterman was a very cerebral Quarterback. That being very intelligent would be his strength instead of being an athletic wonder. It may of been a long shot but if there was a potential then it was worth a shot. 


    I wouldn't bury him over the very poor first showing but I do think you take it into consideration moving forward. What I saw was a player being overly aggressive with the football not making intelligent moves. 


    I was in the mindset that you have to be understanding that a rookie in his first start might struggle but you have to admit it got as ugly as it possibly could.

  5. 3 hours ago, Captain Murica said:

    While we are at it. Maybe, we shouldn’t have let Marrone get away.


    I never once seen the man smile. He was all business. Given the title of Saint Doug and the team was turning around. I understand it's over and done now but I always wondered if the team would have taken that extra step to the playoffs if he would have won that power struggle.


    It's looking more like he made the right move for himself as time goes on. He wasn't bending over for anyone and honestly I would choose him over McDermott and Anthony Lynn. I want a total jerk like him running the show. He came back  from the ashes to claim a head coaching gig so I am sure it's no sweat off his sack reguardless how dumb people think he is.


    The way they empower the head coach now makes me think they regret not letting him win that power struggle. Once they realized that a proven name in Rex turned out to be trash they went with another up in coming hoping they get another chance at a power hungry cut throat maniac that would do anything to win. Step on anybody you have to just to win. 

  6. I would keep Shady crazy to dump him right now. I would keep Tyrod Taylor unless a better option comes along. I would keep EJ Gaines as well. I would definitely remove Shareece Wright it seems like he is a weakness to me. I don't hate Tolbert if he was used in the correct way.


    I don't know who the rest of the players you mentioned are so I guess dump them and bring in names that can be remembered because they make plays.

  7. It's best right now to just find common ground. At this point nobody is adding anything new to the conversation. It's making my forum experience really boring.


    Tyrod is average. He doesn't just "suck" like his haters say and he isn't "elite" enough to be worth defending. We are 5-5 and everybody has thier personal opinions set in stone.


    Anybody saying he is anything outside of average is hard to take serious sometimes. With Tyrod we have won some games and lost some games. That simple.


    Just let the season play out. I was as excited at 5-2 and I am as disappointed at 5-5 as most people. I'm just as hopeful and skeptical that this new regime is on the right track as anyone. 


    It is what it is. If Buffalo Bills football drives you that crazy go buy yourself some Patriots gear and feel like a champ because your drought is over. Talk bills football not the same repeated nonsense over and over. I read this forum and I know where every poster on this board stands without you repeating it. On to the Chiefs baby go Buffalo. 

  8. They tried the Nate Peterman experiment. It just didn't work out. He didn't make it to the second half of the game. I wouldn't get my hopes up on that happening again.


    5 interceptions in the first half. I feel pretty strongly putting him in will always end in disaster at this point. He just wasn't ready for the big show yet and it clearly showed to a point how can anybody doubt it.

  9. 6 minutes ago, joesixpack said:


    I said it in a previous thread. the choice the bills as a team are faced with is:


    a guy who won't take a chance, and a guy who never met a chance he didn't like.


    they both suck, just different how.


    Peterman gets you 5 INT in a quarter...Tyrod gets you 5 INT in a year but can't come back from a 4 point deficit.



    Well I just think you could never put Nate and Tyrod at the same level of suck. Tyrods definitely had some bad games this year and last. At least at some point Tyrods had some exciting plays and won games but I can agree that they are to far and few in between. 


    I don't think Tyrod is stellar or even great. I'd put him in the average category. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Air it out Fitzy said:


    Leave the thread w the racist nonsense.  


    Tyrod sucks, Peterman sucks, Cutler sucks, every bill qb since Kelly has sucked.  


    Get it ?   Or you're just a clown who cries racism at every chance ? 


    Im sorry you didn't try harder in school.   

    So you would place Nate and Tyrod at the same level of "sucking"?

  11. 54 minutes ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    Not even sure what this means but I think that he has more than 130 yards and the Bills still lose (although the Chiefs have been awful). I suspect Hunt runs all over him.

    I have to go with this. I can't see us winning the game with the serious decline in defense reguardless of how Tyrod plays. 


    If the defense all the sudden comes back to life and holds the chiefs to 14 points and a few turnovers then I would place a loss on the offensive side of the ball like I did when we played the Carolina Panthers. 


    Think what you want about Tyrod. He certainly is capable of leading the offence to a lot of 3 and outs. It's just over reacting to pile everything bad with this team on him and dishonest. Besides we tried another QB and look how that turned out. Not even a little good.

  12. Tyrod is the obvious choice. Tyrod is the better Quarterback. Nate wasn't ready for the big show. It would look real bad to start Nate again if he has to be pulled at the half because of a similar performance.


    It really doesn't matter who you start because the entire team is in decline but the rookie just played to aggressive and made to many poor choices to be considered right now. 


    I wanted to see Nate and I applauded the bold move but in hindsight it was a bad move. I don't care how bad anyone thinks Tyrod is because it wasn't 5 interceptions and being pulled at the half bad. I don't care how much of it was on Nate he just wasn't productive with his chance and Tyrod will never be that bad.



  13. Last time I presented this as a statement but now I'll  ask it as  a question. Why pull Nate Peterman at halftime in his first start  if they were that confident with him as a starter? You missed out on a whole half of the game to evaluate him. Doesn't make sense to drop TT halfway into a game he couldn't save. The only reason I could imagine they pulled him was to save embarrassment for everyone. 


    It like touching a hot stove pulling your hand back in pain, then touching it again. Just using that logic I would be shocked if he starts again very soon. Not that I really care at this point.


    They didn't let him play a full game. Seriously let that sink in. If they didn't even let him play a full game why would they start him again? Although it's not out of the question to just let him play half games. 

  14. Long time lurker but I am real new account on this board. Less than a week. I've limited myself to just commenting on topics. I did this out of respect to all the long term posters who have populated this board. I just sprinkle in my opinions.


    The answer your question, the last owner owned the Bills until he passed away. I don't think the option to just buy an NFL franchise comes along very often. It also costs a lot of money not a lot of people will ever come by. Thinking logical I say best to just get used to the owners we have now because I doubt they go anywhere in a very long time. 

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