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Posts posted by Michael1962

  1. 4 hours ago, Rocky Landing said:

    Politically expedient? Do you think he's running for something?

    He is 78 so I don't think he is running anymore.  However to get where he is without having a personality tending towards being "politically expedient"?  Highly unlikely, IMO. And in case anyone cares politically I hate both sides of the aisle.

  2. 5 hours ago, billsfan89 said:


    I think a lot of what makes Tom Brady so impactful is that he avoids sacks and turnovers so well and he rarely wastes a down. The Pats under Brady would rarely find themselves in third and long situations. Part of what makes Brady so efficient is the fact that he is almost always getting production out of a down even if it is just a 2-4 yard dump off. Brady also prefers a safe 8-9 yard throw that would produce a first or a 2nd or 3rd and short to a riskier 25 yard gain. Which results in less turnovers and incomplete passes and still moves the ball forward productively even if it cuts down on the bigger plays.


    I think Josh and Daboll need to learn how to make each other more efficient. Josh as 2019 went on learned to avoid the turnovers a bit more but he still took a lot of sacks which tend to be drive killers. If Daboll can put Josh in a game script that allows Josh easy plays on first and second down I think Josh can get more comfortable and feel the need to “make something happen.” I think that it is good that Josh can make some plays here and there but if he is asked to do that too often he will make mistakes and develop poor habits. Whereas if he is in a position to make good decisions often he will develop that. 


    I have no problem with a run heavy offense but the short pass should be a big early down component to any offense. 

    Yes, TB is impactful but in my opinion watching him play is about as entertaining as a dental visit.  So I think most would agree a % of TB to balance/ground JA would be a good mix.  He is a lot of fun to watch as is.

  3. 6 hours ago, warrior9 said:

    Now that the season is over, I wanted to reflect on some things that I think flew under the radar both positive and negative. I'm curious everyone's thoughts. I'll start with a few:


    1.) I can't say for certain if it's our analytics/ sports science department but our injury report this year (aside from the current Hughes news) was absolutely incredible. I think it was week 15 and we didn't have a single person on our injury report. The health of this team this year was amazing and I think it gave us a leg up. It seems as though since McDermott has been here, this has been common place. I think it's time we start giving kudos to him for being somewhat advanced in this category. I'm unsure how this has flown under national radar. 



    I thought that I read somewhere one of the players mentioning that the admin's approach to injuries was more preventative/proactive and that person at least attributed that approach to their overall lack of injuries.  I practice acupuncture and in one of the earliest classics it says that treating an illness after it has arisen is like digging a well when you are thirsty (obviously not so good for PR).  IMO the approach of treating something proactively/before it becomes a diagnosable problem makes a lot of sense although obviously in some situations like trauma to a joint, etc. this is not an option.

  4. 18 minutes ago, CodeMonkey said:

    Huh??? The Bills have [some of the] lowest ticket prices in the NFL.  Buffalo is not exactly a thriving metropolis.  They have a old, open air, stadium that usually doesn't fill up in December.  There is support for the Bills outside of Western NY, but I have no reason to believe it's more than average across the NFL.  What about the Bills makes you think "golden goose" to the other NFL owners?  

    The relatively higher ratings as discussed in the article I linked is what make me think that the JA led Bills could become a "golden goose" to the NFL.  If the ratings continue to excel I am thinking out loud what it would be like if the officials protected Allen the way they have protected Brady and other NFL money makers.  I did not take into consideration the agendas of the individual owners.  Obviously, other than Kraft, I don't think the owners want Brady protected with ridiculous calls, yet it happens.  So my question is, if the officiating is largely driven by financial success/ratings success then most likely it will impact the Bills at some point.  From my perspective it would be very strange to see calls going for the Bills/JA and to see him protected from head to head hits, etc., ala Brady.  

  5. I have not seen anyone address this, it is logical speculation.  At some point even the NFL will realize that the success and progression of the JA led Bills is in their financial self interest.  At that point the office/s on high would let the Officials know to protect JA and promote the Bills.  Or maybe it works some other way?  Wouldn't it be strange to see the Zebra calls/flags be in favor of the Bills as they seem to have been for Brady and other NFL money-makers?  I don't see this happening overnight but would not be surprised to see it over a several year period.  Any thoughts?  If my tech skills were better I would add a Rod Serling link, instead all I have is this:  https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2020/1/7/21051577/buffalo-bills-once-again-draw-huge-tv-ratings

    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, familykwi said:

    A couple of important distinctions between this play and yesterday's:

    1) the college rule book does not mirror the pro book, so this may not exactly be apple to apples esp. with regards to "giving himself up"  I'm not digging into the college playbook to confirm

    2) This pitch went backwards, so it's a lateral.  Yesterday's went forward, so it's a forward pass.  In this case a TD is appropriate.  Yesterday would not result in a TD if administered correctly.

    If yesterday's play "would not have resulted in a TD" what would have been the outcome?


  7. 3 hours ago, CLTbills said:


    Yeah, well if Josh Allen hadn't had those incompletions, he'd have had a perfect day!


    If the Steelers defense just wouldn't have given up those 17 points, they'd have had a better day than the Bills defense!





    and if Eleanor Roosevelt could fly, the war would have gone very differently.

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