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Gray Beard

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Posts posted by Gray Beard

  1. I don't think people should ignore the fact that Lindell was hurt while making a pretty tough tackle that saved a touchdown on that return. It's a shame that it happened in a game that was a loss. He is pretty big and tough for a kicker. He has made a few tackles over the past few years. Maybe there wouldn't be a kick return if he kicked it through the end zone, but on the other hand, why was a returner allowed to get to mid-field in the first place? I don't have statistics, but I would bet that considering the northern, outdoor stadiums where he plays most of the time, he is probably an above average kicker. Not great, but above average. I feel that he is another steady player whose presence will be missed.

  2. I get ya. There are lots of variables that we fans don't know about. The game was teetering along for the first half, and I think it made the Bills play close to the vest. It might have been a very different game if the Jets had scored more early (like that first drive) because the Bills might have been forced to open up. I can see the Bills coaches thinking as the first half unfolded "if we can keep it close, Sanchez is mistake prone. That might be our best shot, given the way our defense can generate turnovers".

    At half time I was optimistic. Sanchez was intercepted (almost twice) and sacked. There were some broken plays, and he looked rattled. Unfortunately, he got into a groove in the second half. A sack early in the third quarter would have been huge. Oh well. Maybe next time.

  3. Yeah, it could be.


    I trust that Chan knows more about the game/teams than you do, and he decided that wasn't the best approach. Obviously, whatever you add to one area, you take away from another. Maybe they did the wrong thing, but I'm sure it was reasoned out. I just don't think they match up well with the Jets, and without the line at full strength, had to make do.


    I'm not gonna tear into them, or think that YOU know more than the coaches. They were over-matched THIS GAME,with the tools available to them RIGHT NOW.

    I agree with your comments. I don't mean to be as arrogant as it seems. I think the Jets were better in too many facets of the game for the Bills to handle them this week. I believe the Jets are good enough to go deep into the playoffs this year. When watching the game, it's too easy to have 20/20 hindsight and start thinking that the coaches are overlooking things that seem so obvious. Clearly there are reasons why they are coaches and I am a couch potato. Things like injury details, film study, and practices are things that most fans don't have access to, which makes it kind of foolish to try to second guess things that happen in the game. For example, I think Fitz may be hurting more than he is letting on.

  4. I think that going into the game Chan and Fitz were uncomfortable with the O-line. I think the Bills need to run the ball to beat the Jets, but without Bell (or even Hairston) playing and more importantly a beat up Levitre playing out of position AND not inside powering the inside running game, I think Chan & Fitz played too conservatively. They knew the CB's were great, and that there would be single coverage with an extra guy for pas rushing/run support, but they didn't have the horses on the line to match it. I think that really effected the gameplan.

    If I was a coach with a guard who has a sore shoulder playing tackle, I would have a blocking tight end (Smith) or a back (McIntyre) helping him on most plays. I rarely saw that. Is it really that complicated?

  5. The challenge flag turns a 30 second time out into a three or four minute time out. I was ok with that.

    Not using Spiller and Smith was weird. I don't understand that.

    Fitz is putting together a string of bad games. (The Redskins game doesn't count)

    Bad ref calls are common, and usually they balance out for both teams. Lack of pushing off calls and phantom PI calls were especially bad today.

    Isn't Lee Smith a blocking tight end? He was barely on the field, even though Levitre is a guard playing tackle, and has a bad shoulder.

    Using Fred after he was hurt doesn't make sense.

  6. I know that this thread is about the defense, but I worry that the offense is also not sustainable. I think it would make the game more interesting if Stevie would drop the ball occasionally. Being confident that he is going to catch the ball every time takes away a lot of the excitement of the game. And consistently catching the ball to keep the drive alive is not sustainable.

  7. I've been guilty of whining about the lack of sacks. I should man up and admit that I was premature in being a doubter about this group. I know Washington does not have a good o-line, but that was still impressive. In fact, maybe somebody should start a thread for people to admit that they underestimated this defense based on the play of the past few weeks.

  8. Scheme and game plan can cover up for personnel issues occasionally. But 6 games into the season, that's getting harder to do now that teams have all that film on Buffalo's defense. The issue, regardless of who's running the defense, is a lack of personnel. Buffalo has no one who can regularly get to or pressure the QB and blitzes aren't a long term solution.

    I agree with this assessment, and I appreciate the response. I guess I'm just a little surprised that the Bills are as poor as they are at pressuring the QB. I know they don't have the best personnel in the league, but I am too hard headed to think that they can't figure out a way to do at least a little bit better than they are when it comes to getting a few sacks.

  9. Just like he's making those adjustments now? Not sure why people think that Wanny sits in the booth and only worries about the ILBs and nothing else. Or why people think he'd be some kind of savior if Edwards was fired.

    I made a statement just like this in some other thread a week or so ago. Somebody responded by saying that my input was hilarious. I have no idea what that was supposed to mean. I have been wondering for weeks why people think Wanny will be some sort of savior. If he is the assistant head coach, then he has the right/obligation to fix things that don't work. When is he going to start doing that? I hope it happens soon.

  10. When I saw the thread name, I was thinking that you were referring to the sixth game of this season... the Giants game. Fitz threw that second interception and that pretty much ended any hope for a comeback. My heart sank just about as much for that as it did for any other game in recent memory, playoff or otherwise.

  11. His first draft sucked. He did hire Gailey though and his second draft looks like it has a chance to be quite good.


    I can give him a mulligan on his first draft. The first time you do anything, mistakes should be expected.

    "Sucked" is a little harsh. Otherwise, I think you have summed things up pretty well.

  12. Here is the issue. We are upset because Maybn has 3 sacks in 3 games and our team could use a pass rush. Maybin would not help at all on this team. One sack in the 1st quarter would do nothing. He is barely in the game. He can't play the run so he is used sparingly, I watched the game. We need consistent, I repeat CONSISTENT, pressure on the QB. Just because he got past the RB one play and they had one extra guy on the field where he wasn't blocked another, does not mae him good. I don't wish him the worst, but he wouldn't help.

    I think the frustration is that the Bills have no pass rush. Eli Manning had all day to throw. Maybin is irrelevant, his sacks just give people a chance to vent about the Bills lack of pass rush. Some people think it's because of personnel, some people think it's because of poor coaching. Whatever the reason, people are just using Maybin's sacks as a way to focus their frustration. At least, that's my guess/opinion. I could be wrong.

  13. The fact that Maybin just made yet a another sack for the Jets speaks volumes about the ineptitude of the Bills' coaching. I agreed with the idea of cutting him, and I am shocked that the Jets are able to make use of him. However, if the Bills couldn't do anything with him, who is at fault? I am convinced that the Bills have the talent to rush the quarterback but the defensive coaching, schemes, and techniques are just not getting the job done. I also believe that Wannstadt has been on the team long enough to be able to make suggestions and help guide the defense. I really hope this bye week gives the coaching staff the opportunity to figure out what is going on and fix the problem.

  14. Before the season started, would anyone have predicted that the Bills' pass rush would be so bad? Based on the names on the roster, I would have thought the pass rush would have been pretty good. I never thought that Merriman would return to "Lights Out" but I thought that Moats, Carrington, Dareus, Williams, Barnett, and even Kelsey would have been able to pressure the quarterback pretty well. I also assumed that some of the other rookies would show signs of pass rush ability by now. What was the smoking gun that would cause Nix to realize that the pass rush would be so bad? On paper, before the season, it looked ok to me, and probably to most other people as well. I wish all the people who are slamming Nix for not being more proactive would show some evidence that they predicted the lack of pass rush that we have been seeing lately.

  15. What would change between then and now besides Fitz being 4 weeks closer to free agency and perhaps deciding to wait & see would he could get on the open market?

    Fitz did not have a good game against the Giants. The Eagles and Bengals games weren't all that great. The Chiefs, Raiders and Patriots games were pretty darn good. Which is the real Fitz? I can understand the feeling that they should wait a few more weeks to see how things unfold. Disclaimer: I personally think Fitz is a better than average QB and should be paid accordingly.


    When was the last 1st round draft pick that made an impact for the Buffalo Bills in his rookie season?


    Antoine Winfield. First round 1999. Not too shabby his rookie year.

    I agree that Dareus may be the best first round pick I can remember in my 30 years of fandom.

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