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Bobby Hooks

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Posts posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. 3 minutes ago, NewDayBills said:

    Fans think we don't have a shot at Darnold and most people don't like Allen. Queue the same repetitive BS about Rosen and Mayfield over and over and over again. 


    Any time somebody mentions a prospect not named Rosen or Mayfield they get shut down, it's !@#$ing brutal.

    This is the third or fourth time you’ve said this exact thing in this thread. 


    And you’re calling others repetitive. 


    Yup, brutal. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 minute ago, NewDayBills said:

    Maybe I'll start a thread on Rosen or Mayfield? We don't have enough of those threads do we?


    God forbid somebody mentions Rudolph, White or Lauletta. :rolleyes:

    So just completely unable to have reasonable conversation? Gotcha. 


    I gave up trying to explain logic to the illogical. Have fun with your dumb thread. 


  3. 5 minutes ago, NewDayBills said:

    It's just the same repetitive BS from the same hillbilly inbreds. Rosen or Mayfield, Rosen or Mayfield... I'm tired of it. We can't even discuss other prospects in the draft.


    God forbid we talk about other prospects in the draft. :rolleyes:

    You could start a thread about other prospects if you’d like. 


    Instead you started a bait thread calling people “inbreds.”


    Sounds to me like this thread was an intentional fight. You’ll probably get it but it’s really not worth it. What I really mean is you’re not worth it. 


    Realist does not = pessimistic control hungry douchebag

    • Like (+1) 3
  4. 54 minutes ago, Blokestradamus said:


    As the first one to really do that, I can assure people that I meant it firmly as a joke.


    If you fell for it and you feel a bit stupid, you probably are ;)

    Even if you were kidding some people were legitimately butt hurt. One only has to see the thumbs up given for the mod adding misleading title post. 


    Oh, it’s kdiggz, the one that begged people not to start April’s fools threads. Yeah, he doesn’t take this stuff too seriously at all. 

  5. 27 minutes ago, MrEpsYtown said:

    If you like him its Brady, if you hate him its Leaf. Both of these things are outliers. We are comparing this guy to the greatest of all time and one of the biggest bust of all time. The fact that Brady made it and Leaf didn't has nothing to do with Mayfield. 


    Using examples from the past, that are both 1 in a million, aren't great way to defend this guy either way. 


    The fact is that this guy is making a list of people who doubt him is weird, obsessive, and shows a huge amount of insecurity. This is not confidence, this is the constant feeling like he has to prove people wrong. He's gloating and talking about it as well which is really sick. This list is probably something he should have kept to himself. It doesn't show a guy with competitive fire, it shows a guy who probably needs therapy and could use some prozac. A quarterback needs to be able to block out all of the noise and the haters. This is not healthy for the leader of your team.  


    What if he decides to throw the ball deep on a play because he wants to prove Colin Cowherd wrong and he throws a pick, when there was a wide open checkdown? That would be selfish and puts himself before the team. I've also seen hims make excuses quite a bit and this what insecure people do. When he had 8 uncatchable throws at his pro day he blamed it on the fact that he hadn't had practice with the recievers. It's a scripted pro day. None of this stuff is healthy guys. You might like it and it reminds you of Trump and whatever, but this dudes attitude is strange and it will only get worse in the NFL when there will be even more haters and talking heads.  


    "The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure criticism without resentment." --Elbert Hubbard

    I disagree with you wholeheartedly. Guess there’s only one way to find out. 


    And outside of some fluke where we end up with Rosen I hope we find out with him in a Bills jersey. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, mileena said:


    Yes, he may very well have extreme confidence and should be proud of that, but I think it is unhealthy to be focusing on proving others wrong. Maybe that is a trait he can overcome or maybe it won't affect his life as he matures. I hope I am wrong and it turns out all good.

    Hey, you’re entitled to your opinion I just disagree. I personally don’t want him to change a bit. 


    I think in sports, especially aggressive sports it’s perfectly acceptable to get added motivation in this way. 



    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, mileena said:


    I know from first-hand experience. He is being motivated in a way which will hurt him long term. He demonstrates a lack of self-confidence, not just in his playing ability, but overall, which will only further hurt him in his interactions with others and his career. But he is young. Maybe he will change, but usually those traits are deeply engrained from abuse and dysfunction at an early age and cannot be changed. He may have a personality disorder. I feel his angers overflows, and that is unhealthy and will be his eventual undoing.

    OR... he’s extremely confident in his abilities and has an overwhelming sense of disproving people when their opinions are false.


    Especially guys that have never played the game before and just shoot out generic “he’s too small” responses every time his name comes up. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, mileena said:


    FTR, I was picked second or third to last usually. Smart people picked me earlier though as they knew my true skills and could oversee my obesity. I was a defensive specialist in dodgeball (good where everyone was obsessed with offense) and no one covered me in the endzone in football, so I made for an easy target for a TD.

    Thank you for the honesty. When I wasn’t picked early for football/basketball I was pissed and I made damn sure they wouldn’t make that mistake again. 


    In Baker’s opinion he’s the best qb in the draft. He wants to make damn sure the people that pick qbs before him and the media that bashed him remember what they said when he’s flicking tds left and right. 


    If that’s not healthy in super competitive sports where players reputations and livelihoods are on the line I don’t know what is. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, mileena said:


    He has bust written all over him. He is fueled by negativity and anger. He look only at the negative. This speaks of mental health problems. This will hurt him in the long run. A healthy person would brush these "slights" off.

     Says no competitive person ever. You were the guy/girl in gym class that agreed with the captains for picking you last, yeah?

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, MtlBillsFan said:

    Why would Mayfield struggle in the NFL because if his height? Are linemen that shorter in college?

    Hey, let the world get caught up on a few inches. It only helps us in being able to get him. 


    The difference between 6’1 and 6’3 looks big on paper. The view from their eyes isn’t nearly as daunting. 


    Its silly, imo. If you can play, you can play. Measurables only matter to kids that can’t. 


    When you were picking teams in the field behind your house did you take Dave because he was the tallest? No, you took Skidz Kramoore because the kid could flat out ball. 


    Dont overthink it Bills. Take Skidz. 

  11. Dang, every time I start feeling good about myself I see something like this. 


    Im nearly six foot, I step on an elevator and almost EVERY time I’m the tallest cat in there. Rarely do I step inside to find I can’t see the top of some random normal’s dome. 


    Me, just living in a dream world of my own design. I pop on the boards for an instant after a day of walking around thinking I’m some sort of tall-ish demigod and I see something like this. 


    If Baker’s small I must be tiny, and that sucks. Doesn’t make me happy at all. 


    Just a tiny little minuscule creepster scraping and crawling around this globe. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 21 minutes ago, Augie said:


    Don’t sell yourself short! He may be a shmuck, but I personally think you are shmuck in your own class!  No one can out-shmuck you! 


    ....at #4, I hope. 

    Browns trading out doesn’t make much sense to me. 


    They’ve already done some serious damage in free agency. They’re going to land their qb (on a rookie deal) and then have a plethora of picks to still work with. 


    Imo, it would make more sense for them to nab another cheap blue chip.

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