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Everything posted by Brueggs

  1. Unfortunately, I think you are right. People are choosing convenience and devices over freedom.
  2. Another interesting development. Apple has disabled Airdrop, but only in China. How effed up is that? They allow TikTok, even though they know that China is using it to gather information. Hopefully Elon starts a smart phone company. Its long past due that American citizens start voting with their dollars, because that is the vote that really counts.
  3. This White House statement is lame on so many levels. They end the statement with "We've long said everyone has the right to peacefully protest, here in the United States, and around the world. This includes in the PRC". This implies that the White House has the power to allow ANYONE to protest, ANYWHERE in the world, yet they can't wield this power to make a firm statement? Come on man. But hey, make sure you get your booster shot.
  4. The Dems haven't figured out how to spin it yet because it conflicts with their agenda. They want to have the appearance of standing with the people, but more importantly, they envy that CCP type of control. Its going to take total hypocrisy, but they wear it well.
  5. Right. What do you think is the end game of successful socialism? When is the party of compassion and tolerance going to tell their faithful how to proceed? I'm sure the hypocrisy will be off the chart!
  6. So, what your saying is, we should wait until we are under complete Communist rule before we protest, as opposed to protesting to prevent the same thing from happening here? Makes sense. It will be much easier then 🙄
  7. Its come full circle. Remember the Hong Kong protestors? The CCP wasn't sure what to do with them because the world was watching. Then, along came Kovid and everyone had to go inside. Problem solved. Apparently it was a great tool to achieve many ends. Control over people, wealth transfer, widespread mail in voting, etc... It definitely expedited an agenda in a fraction of the time it would have normally taken. All that just from eating a bat..🙄
  8. Only 90% of the media got it wrong....on purpose. This is just more evidence of the collusion between the media/big tech and the DNC. The minority news outlets had it right all along. Just another conspiracy theory. Now, all of a sudden, its bad to do a "show trial" to hurt the president? I hope you felt the same with the two impeachments and the J6 "trials". The irony is not lost on me.
  9. Really, when was the last time that happened?
  10. Do you think there is a remote possibility that elections can be rigged? Is there a conspiracy theory that you believe in?
  11. Yeah, I hear you. But you seem pretty active none the less. That being said, its kind of interesting that you've spent more time trying to not answer, that you would have had if you actually answered. I'm starting to think you might actually be a government employee.
  12. I believe that too. But now that you've brought up George W, what actual evidence do you have that he is not a lizard person? I liked how you brought up all of that nonsense just to avoid an actual answer to the questions... So I am left to believe that you don't think election rigging is even remotely possible, and there are no conspiracy theories that you believe in?
  13. There is a lot wrong with him, but there is a whole lot more wrong with the country right now. Two more years on this trajectory should galvanize that position. I think I'm starting to see the glitch now. Personal animosity. It keeps one from being truly objective.
  14. I am implying that its obvious something isn't right. Powerful people with desires and virtually unlimited resources tend to play outside the rules. Your implying that's not remotely possible? Are there any conspiracy theories that you believe in?
  15. Are you confusing counting with certifying? Florida got it right, maybe a good system to model as opposed to corruption disguised as bumbling? My feelings really aren't relevant. And you're right, its not surprising, this has been telegraphed all along. The facts are, the people in control are a group of professional liars (on both sides), and what we see isn't always as it appears. You can continue to believe that powerful people don't conspire and manipulate to any means to get what they want, but I'm going to trust my gut on this one and agree to disagree.
  16. Yes, there are problems. And this hasn't been the norm until two years ago. On some level, everyone should sense that what has been happening isn't right. Maybe the nation should model elections after Florida. Yes, I know, it was a landslide victory, easy to call, but they set up the process to be much more effective and at the same time, eliminating the problem of ballot harvesting. You can't honestly believe that the methods implemented two years ago aren't the root cause of what we are witnessing. You're trying to blame people. even though its the process that has changed. Razor thin margins, dems always coming from behind late in the process, down ballot republicans getting more votes than governors and senators, and in the states where it matters most. The fact that you cant even see it as a possibility in spite of the recent anomalies and irregularities suggest you may not be as tuned in as you think you are. Sorry, but gullible and emotional have long been claimed by the left. I suppose you might disagree with that too.
  17. I was thinking the same thing. Being that he never uses it, it seems like it would be a distraction. Maybe its to get into the psyche of the DBs.
  18. I agree, education is a problem. Interestingly enough, that began in 1979.....with the Department of Education...run by you guessed it, the government. Now they are tying to make everyone into good subservient corporate empoyees. The same government told us that if you got vaccinated, you wouldn't get the virus, or spread it. The same government that has produced hundreds of multi-millionaires from sub 200k salaries, funded by big pharma and other giant companies of whose policies they reign over. You can continue to trust, but I think skepticism is well warranted.
  19. Counting mail ins would be a start, but it also seems that the mail ins are the root of the problem. I understand it can be a necessity for some, but its being promoted in many states. There is also the problem of people not voting because of long lines, so I don't have an answer of how to fix the problems. I would like to think that after the last presidential election, that the experts would have bent over backwards to do better. I expect a degree of ineptness when it comes to government, but this is something that deserves attention, and for some reason, they ignored it. They can't really be that stupid, so I see corruption guised as ineptness.
  20. Perhaps, but even at 30% its a cause for concern. Knowing this sentiment is out there, and still conducting in a way that feeds that perception doesn't do anything to help clean it up.
  21. That makes no sense. Why not remove the probability of any skepticism? Transparency of the process. Is that really too much to ask for? Its not a difficult or unreasonable request. The ignorant population saw this coming long before it happened....something ignorant people don't generally do. It was the usual plausible deniability built in advance, in the very places it was needed most. Quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, but hey...trust the process. There is no reason for these games when everything is on the up and up. You really have no skepticism? I think you may be grossly underestimating the insatiable appetite that the elite have for power, and what they are willing to do for it.
  22. Transparency would be a great start. With all of the speculation after the last presidential election, you would think that everything would be above board as to not even give the slightest appearance of impropriety. Obviously you believe our elections are "free and fair", but half of the population does not. That, in and of itself is a problem everyone should be concerned with.
  23. Enjoy it as much as you can now, because when you realize how they played all of America, its going to be too late.
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