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Everything posted by Rudyc80

  1. I would say it has a good chance of happening, since hes only got 2 years left on his deal. Perhaps they redo his contract and extend it.....i think hes the type that would do that! I say its 50/50 hes a bill in 05! I will say this, the one reason i could see him not getting cut is cause evans isnt ready for that role as a number 1 and reed clearly is awful so they would have to spend money signing a wideout anyway. Do you guys think Moulds is a Bill in 05? I would be heartbroken since hes my favorite Bill!
  2. My god our secondary is horrible. Wire = cut on any other team Prelaeu = shouldnt be in the nfl Reese = backup on most teams baker = not ready for the nfl Until Milloy and Vicnt come back we will keep losing unless we score 27 and the chances of that are as good as the Red Sox beating the yankees in 7 game series!
  3. Remember the movie makor league 2.....the fan who was all into the indians but they kept playing terrible so he just started hating on them....well thats how i feel, we should have won yesterday and blew it! Seriously the fins offense with Booker and Chambers is gonna torch mcGee/Prelieau all day!
  4. Our secondary might be worse than Green Bays, New Orleans, Minnesota and St Louis! THATS EMBARRASING! Miami has a better defense and are offenses are a wash. I cannot believe we will lose to Miami to be the only winless team in the NFL!
  5. Do i play the broncos at home vs Carolina OR the ravens defense at the redskins(i have portis)! this is a big game for me but im thinking denver might have a big day at home vs the panthers! The Ravens defense was lit up by a far leass talented bunch of wideouts with KC...the skins have coles and garderner and Portis wants to prove hes the man! I think Denver...but what about you guys?
  6. good, then go buy a Pennington jersey and we will see ya sunday with the fireman.
  7. We seriously are the best team they faced all year! They beat the Bungles who already talking about benching Palmer. Then they beat the helpless Chargers who dont usually playdefense and also only won by 6 allowing 28 to their crappy offense. Last week they barley could beat Miami who will give you at least 3 turnovers a game and a good field position. Wow...thats impressive while we have been playing the jags, raiders(in oakland) and the unbeaten Pats! Screw all these people who give us no chance Sunday.....why what the f...k have the jets done except feed off there crappy schedule...which might be the easiest schedule in the NFL! Damn it...we should beat these guys nd send a message. im sick og everyone looking down on the Bills like The NY media saying "oh the jets get the bills...givem a win there.'' The Jets aint stevestojan and im tired of the everyone making them out to be all that! They have a terrible defense and their offense is just decent, i mean yeah Pennington is good but Martin will not keep running at this pace hes going so far and their wideouts are nothing special! if the bills play a solid game...we win hands the !@#$ down.
  8. HERE ME OUT AND TRY TO BE POSITIVE~! All we have to do is steal one form the Jets this weekend and we will get back to the 500. mark by November 1st! 1-3 if we beat the JETS We will beat the Dolphins at home! 2-3 We should beat the Ravens without Lewis and Heap...no matter how good their defense is! 3-3 If we cant beat the Cards in Buffalo...we should just shoot ourselves anyway. 4-3 That would get us to 4-3 with the Jets in Buffalo and the Bills usually win that one. IM telling ya.....if we beat the JEts this season will be alive and kicking! 5-3 maybe The only bad thing is we face NE the 1st week of November.....IN New England!
  9. and having to redo his contarct and give him a MAJOR PAYDAY!!! Mckenzie is good but not worth all the money he demands....not even close!
  10. As long as we keep the core of the defense together like Schobel, Milloy, Spikes, Fletcher, Clements and I actually think McGee will be solid with experience.....we will always be solid on the defense!
  11. Any reprt on the injurys yet as far as how bad they are?
  12. Then we will be good....its too bad we dont have a 1st rounder right now.
  13. 1. Cost us vs Jackonville! If milloy plays that game... we win! 2. Gave up the big 3rd down and long in Oakland to Porter! 3. Gave up countless long throws vs the pats...countem all about 7 at least! 4. Jumped offsides on the FG attempt! 5. Gave up the TD to Grahm right after! I mean he is awful and i was ripped in pre season when i said he should be cut and you guys bashed the crap out of me.....well thank Wire for a big reason we are 0-3! Wires great.....
  14. http://www.retrocrush.com/scary/index.html The exorcist still scares the crap out of me to this day.
  15. Basically the guy saids it will be close for a while but in the end Brady and the Pats will have long drives throwing to the tight ends on 3rd down with wire getting burned CAUSE HE SUCKS! it really seems like thats what the guy who wrote the preview/keys to the game is saying.....WIRE WILL KILL US! Ive always said Wire is a horrible player but you guys all got pissed when i said that....but whos really screwing this team now....COY WIRE! Can we just replace this joke of a player once and for all!
  16. Guys even though we are 0-2 we gotta feel good that we have no serious injurys and milloy and losman are coming back soon.....I mean looking around the league today, its amazing how many players you see being lost for the season or 5-10 weeks. ive watched football along time and cant remember a season with so many major injurys by week 3 that are season ending...its crazy and it might help us down the stretch if we are healthy while other teams are hurting with no depth. Like i said we might be 0-2 but at least we are healthy! heres some names that are out already.... Rex Grosman Duece McAlister Steve Smith Charlie Garner Courtney Brown Rich Gannon Todd Heap Peter Boluware Jon Ritchie Sam Cowart Stephen Davis Anquan Boldin Jon Janson Mike Brown Jerry Azuma -pro bowl kick returner for Bears Peter Warrick Tommy Maddux Kyle Turley Countless other players that i cant name on o-lines and defenses but these are some of the main guys and whats crazy is....ITS WEEK 3!!!
  17. With MLB playoffs starting next Tuesday, football season starting to get interesting, even more so if the Bills could win a game, NBA camps opening, usually hockey starting, College Football every SAturday and the Yanks vs the Sox in mid october.......... DOES IT GET ANY BETTER?
  18. I will gurantee right now that both these guys are out the door once the season is over....maybe even sooner! Gruden has gone from a superbowl winner to a guy who might win 3-4 games this year! Wannstandt looks like hes really ready to cry cause he has no answers and the offense gets worse each week and a good coach can make a bad offense look decent and after watching the phins press conference last night....he really seemed to have that look saying i give up. mark it down...both are history!
  19. After reading all these articles and watching us become 0-3( we wont beat the pats) im getting real concerened that Bills life in buffalo are coming to a fast end. We cant go through another rebuilding process for 3-5 more years....we just cant! I mean im tryong to be positive lately but with Wilsons age and the continued awful play and no pllayoffs for now 6 years....i just dont see how we keep our team in Buffalo. Guys it really hurts to write this but tell me im wrong and why the Bils will stay here cause we certainly wont be winning this year! Ralph is too old to continue at this pace of losing year after year when we have always been a pretty solid franchise. How can any of you admit we can rebuild another 3-5 years and keep this team in Buffalo, not to mention we have no 1st rd pick this year! The national media is picking up on our woes now about losing the team and it wont be long till some LA billionare buys this team.
  20. that they were not moving any teams and if they are to expand, it would be a new franchise. i really doubt the bills are moving.
  21. Things are getting ugly quick and i bet when we start 0-4 and cant score TD saids bye bye or maybe ralph does for him. After yeasterday...its safe to say its over!
  22. Jags defense is much better than the ! I do agree though that this a must win for a good shot at the playoffs.
  23. Its shocking to me how most feel we suck that bad. I really think this can be a 10 win team, for example Meril Hodge on ESPN tonight said our o-line was a disaster against the jags last week and we will get beat up by the Raiders......i thought the o-line played well but he claims they had no movement but the bottom line is, WE ARE A BETTER DAMN TEAM THEN THE RAIDERS AND IT DOESNT MATTER WHERE THE DAMN GAME IS.....WE WILL WIN and it pisses me off nobody is giving us a frigiin chance in hell at winning this stevestojan. WE CAN AND WILL WIN and make all these so called experts look like jackasses and get some damn respect back in Buffalo. its morons like Hodge who praise the Packers crappy defense but spits on ours....screw espn and the media....i just hope the Bills players are hearing this BS and wanna prove to themselves and everyone they are for real. Its time for this team to seriously step up and give the fans what they deserve!
  24. I currently have portis and mccalister in a keepers league. i drafted Foster on Carolina as a backup! As you know Davis is out 2-5 weeks and the guy who has davis offered me jimmy Smith and Stephen Davis for Foster and Eddie Kennison! Should i do it? The catch is you are only allowed 3 running backs, so if either guy gets hurt (portis or duece) im screwed........however since portis and duece have their byes week 8 and 9...davis should be ready to go by then I would think! its a $1000 pool! my team would be.... Mcnair Mccalsiter Portis Holt J. Smith Keyshawn Johnson Booooo Williams Stover Ravens Defense
  25. her name is Vida guerra......the girl with the great ass~
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