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Everything posted by Rudyc80

  1. What the hell is wrong with you guys predicting us to lose...the jags offense is better than the raiders and we shut them down and the raiders defense is nothing to special....i dont care where this game is...we should win by 10 at least! if the friggin steelers could beat the raiders.....its pretty sad if we cant!
  2. And yes i have a link!!! Blazers would be nasty(as a blazer fan im pumped!) http://www.sportsline.com/nba/story/7681034
  3. We lost 1 game....but hey imagine how we would feel if we had won, yet lost Moulds or Henry for the season. the teams i listed have lost Steve Smith, Charles Rodgers, and the Eagles 1st round pick solid lineman! that would really take the great feel of a win right out of you! All im saying is the season is new and young and we still can make things right.....dont lose hope! Things could be ALOT WORSE GUYS......ALOT WORSE!
  4. Im really hurting still from yesterday! heres the way i see the rest of the season playing out....and yes its a must win vs oakland for the following to come true! I really think we can go 10-6 however if we can go 2-1 in our next 3 games... i will gurantee it!!! Oakland - WIN 1-1 NE - LOSS 1-2 Jets - LOSS 1-3 Miami-WIN 2-3(home) Baltimore-WIN 3-3...i think we pull it out Arizona - Win 4-3(home) Jets- 5-3(home) NE-LOSS- 5-4 St Louis- LOSS - 5-5....might pull this one out! Seattle - LOSS - 5-6 Miami - WIN - 6-6 The next 4 are must wins for playoffs Cleveland - WIN 7-6 Cinnci - WIN - 8-6 (takeo will not lose vs the Bengals) Niners - WIN - 9-6 Pitt - WIN 10-6 PLAYOFFS....and im sure we lose 1 we arent suppose to and win 1 we are suppose to! What do you guys think? im telling ya if we can get to 2-2 and somehow beat the jets or pats(both is alot to ask) we will be ok guys...right?
  5. Thats more than a figgin FG......Thats just great, experts think we are worse than Oakland?
  6. We will win vs oakland 1-1 we will lose vs the pats 1-2 we will lose vs the jets 1-3 we will beat the phins 2-3 we will beat the ravens 3-3 we will beat the cards 4-3 we will beat the jets at home 5-3 we will lose to the pats in NE 5-4 we will beat the rams at home if our secondary is intact 6-4 we will lose to seattle 6-5 we will beat the phins on the road 7-5 we will beat the browns 8-5 we will lose to the bengals 9-6 we will beat the niners 10-5 we will beat the steelers 10-6 Now give or take a win...but oakland is a must win for this to play out in my mind!!!
  7. 1. I guess not having any injurys to key players is big thing win or lose.....ask the lions if they would give a game up not to lose Rodgers for the season! 2. Milloy will be back soon...hopefully vs the Pats! THATS MEANS WIRE IS DONE! 3. Bledsoe survived maybe the best D-line he will face all year and McGahee looked solid! im just saying im heartbroken today and it really hurts but there are some positives, I mean imagine if we found out Moulds was out for the year like Charlie Rodgers...i will take the loss and expect a win vs the raiders.
  8. First I was seriously considering not posting on this board again but after seeing the ridiculous posts about the season being over, I thought I could help considering i usually am 1 of those guys with the doom posts. a few weeks back i said we were screwed with Milloy getting hurt, well Wire showed why today hes not a quality starter in the nfl......if milloy is playing today, WE WIN and heres why! Milloy would have stopped that play in the endzone cause he would have been covering on that play and does not let our defense fall apart...maybe he would have dropped back in coverage with Nate and stopped smithy! WIRE CANNOT COVER...I said that 1oo times butr was killed on this board for my comments but honestly we shot ourself in the foot quite a bit today and Moulds killed us also 2 times but my goats are Wire and Lindell and until we replace them....they WILL cost us more games and you can take that to the bank. MILLOY COME BACK.......PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Lindell might be the worse kicker in abig spot in the NFL! Also to kelly the fair balanced fool....hows youre boy Wire looking today? Its funny everytime a busted play happens, Wire seems to have his number in the picture...but i bet you missed that!
  9. bledsoe is hands down better than vinny...stop with the nonsense
  10. Man, imagine how bad it must suck having Vinny T as your starting QB going into the season! Henson might be alright but right now he sucks.....they have no running backs and their wideouts are has beens! Looking at that offense makes me feel better about the bills.
  11. I say if this chump starts more than 3 games(god help us vs the Pats who will destroy him with their TEs) we will go from a top 5 defense to a top 15 defense! HES THAT BAD!!! HE CANT FRIGGIN COVER. Im suprised alot of you dont think this is a huge setback for us if Milloy is out a while, infact i gurantee if Wire starts those 3 games...he will make a costly mistake in each, maybe costing us a game or 2 or 3. I still think our team is solid but not with this clown starting!!!
  12. Out indefinetly...does anyone know for sure? But i will say this...the rams just lost a starter with the same injury for 8 weeks!!!
  13. I love the simoncast and howard....but the fill in guy is not very good.....he didnt read my question the right way and i said having wire play scares the crap out of me...not the other word! COME BACK SIMON!!!
  14. You guys amaze me...we should be more concerened about milloys arm and when he returns than the backup Qb because either way our backup QB will suck anyway considering Brown was/is our backup and theres garbage out there. The only way we get a DECENT abckup is by making a trade...plain and simple. Our biggest concern is that Milloy comes back for the opener cause wire will kill a good defense...HE CANT COVER AND YOU ALL KNOW THAT!!! We should be looking for a damn update on milloy but instead all i see is travis bown threads or backup QBS...like i said at this point we are screwed if bledslow gets hurt!If Brwon is out 6 weeks..losman should be close to returning anyway by then...give or take. lets end the travis brown experience today and cut his lame ass. but guys seriously we need milloy to have a solid defense...WIRE SUCKS and frankly im suprised you guys arent more concerned!
  15. Heres waht he said.....(from another board) I offer this for those who do not have access to Jerry Sullivan on the radio and for discussion. He said Kevin Gilbride once told reporters that the reason he liked to take long shots downfield is that in the NFL today, with the quality of offensive personnel and offensive lines, and facing the sophisticated defenses that are in place today, long time-consuming drives are rare. Someone usually makes a mistake on offense - a penalty, dropped pass, missed pass by the QB, fumble, etc. He said the best chance of scoring is with a long shot downfield. Sullivan says he's beginning to think Gilbride was right, at least as this applies to the Bills (Gilbride was probably really talking about the Bills when he made the comment). He said that if people are looking for long, controlled drives ending in touchdowns with the Bills offense as it looks now, they can keep dreaming. He said short passes to tight ends and backs this year are great, but the Bills offense, especially with the offensive line as it is, isn't going to be able to sustain long drives down the field. Someone will hold on a blitz, jump offsides, or make some other mistake. He said you saw the blueprint and how it worked against Indy in the last game. The drives ended in punts or field goals. Conversely, when the Bills were on defense, he said you saw what offenses will try to do to the Bills this year. He said he thought the Bills defense is very good, but they over pursue and constantly run past plays. Expect teams to take advantage of that on third and short as Manning did when he completed the long pass to Marvin Harrison on third and short. And as good as the defense is, they aren't going to carry the team to the playoffs he said. If you want proof, look at last year, Sullivan said. Did the defense carry the Bills to the playoffs last year? Regarding the defense, he said Donahoe build the defense around a lot of high priced free agents who are playing up to their salaries, but not beyond. He asked whether anyone thought that Lawyer Milloy played better than the 4 million a year he was getting paid? He asked the same regarding Spikes and Vincent. Are they playing better than their salaries? He noted that if you signed people at a little less, you would have money left over for the offensive line. He said this is the same team as last year. Better coaching - perhaps, but he said you can see now that it wasn't all coaching. He said a lot of fans are convinced that this was a playoff team the last two years with bad coaching. He asked what better coaching would have done for us last year. He said you could argue that we were lucky to be 6-10 last year since we caught New England in turmoil, caught Jacksonville early, and caught the Jets when Pennington was banged up. He said coaching was a part of the problem, but that the Bills weren't a playoff team last year and aren't a playoff team this year either.
  16. I just want him back so Wire doesnt screw us.
  17. I would have thought there would be news by now.
  18. why dont we see if hes even out for the opener before namong his fill in! ya know...wire is the starter hands down over PP!
  19. About 5 weeks from now is our bye...so he would miss 2 games that we should win vs Jacksonville and Oakland! Likely i see him playing vs NE OCtober 3rd!
  20. u friggin guys are NUTS!!! we will be best 10-6...likely 9-7 and worse 7-9! Im going 10-6 if milloy isnt outr for the season.
  21. I would think at this point TD has 2-3 major areas that need an upgrade and here they are 1. QB, we need a backup plain and simple...i think he trades for a backup with a team who had depth. 2. O-line(LG) obiviously Pucillo is just terrible, Smith wont cut it and thats leaves us with NOBODY...so iexpect us to bring in a LG at some point in the next 2 weeks. 3. Strong Safety depending on how long Milloy is out(maybe he will be back quick..i dont know) but Wire is a disaster waiting to happen...wouldnt be shocked to see us grab a SS if Milloy is out a while but again from what i hear..he will be back soon......i hope!!! Any thoughts guys on a trade maybe?
  22. Although last nights game was gross, OUR 2 MAJOR CONCERNS right now is obviously fixing the o-line for starting day and HOPING Milloy will play the entire season(and i doubt thats possible) but i hope one of you tell me it is!!! Positives......not many 1. I think Drew has done a solid job all preseason! 2. Defense has made some huge stands in the redzone this pre-season. 3. Our corners look solid...DEEP! 4. More or less.....we have good Running backs that will only get better! 5. Moulds is back and thatS HUGE. 6. McGee is a special team guy we really need out there..playmaker maybe. 7. Coaching staff is 100 times better than greggggg(was that the correct number of g's)? 8. I think big Mike is coming along. 9. Milloy might play week 1. 10. When you think about it...the defense held Manning in check...Big Time except for 1 lousy play to Harrsion....but who can stop that at least once? Negatives.....ALOT 1. Lindell scares me...hes seriously a crap shoot. 2. O-line is far far away like star wars. 3. Coy Wire might start.....and that is scarier than Lindell.....way scarier, in fact his pass coverage is downright AWFUL and if he starts...automatically give the other team a TD on his screw up. 4. Our run defense...enough said. 5. No backup Qb and who cares if brown is healthy...he suckssssssssssssss. 6. I think our Special teams sucked last night...but they will be ok. 7. Pat fans will laugh hard at us lsing Milloy with we screwed the Bills again. 8. No pass rush 9. Drews a dead man at some point! 10. This offense still has not played tOgether ONCE..... which is crazy considering preseason is over next week. Bottom line guys is much needs to be done but as i said we need good news about milloy and need to trade for a backup QB ASAP wether travis is ok or not. Also keep in mind that Jennings, Henry, McGee were all out and those guys are KEy to our success and yes McGee is a major asset to this team for his coverage and Special teams play, so dont forget that we had none of them last night and thats scary. Also Moorman was shaky but he will be fine...just rusty....hes a pro bowler. lets just hope Milloy can play week 1 cause guys...wire is gonna kill us...over and over again!!!
  23. I dont have any ida what the average time on a broken arm is....although he could wear a ccast right?
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