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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. And yet some will jump to OP’s defense just because it involves some Allen flattery.
  2. Am I? Depends on how close the throw is and how critical the situation. Watson played excellent; houston didn’t ground n pound is my point. Fuller dropping two tds is just some additional evidence for this guy who clearly didn’t watch the f-ing game.
  3. Not as pinpoint as the crowder throw, but both balls were touch passes by any definition.
  4. I know Houston ran very successfully today, but claiming they did nothing but “ground and pound” and ignoring how awesome Watson was is bs. He would’ve been a LOT better today by the way if his receivers didn’t drop so many balls. This is why no one takes you seriously.
  5. Actually Allen has thrown one this season to knox. Someone helpfully provided a video in this very thread.
  6. It’d be great but I doubt it would happen. Plus the Jets better key on Zeke a little more of he’s gonna burn them eventually.
  7. Dallas losing would be so, so sweet. Someone would have to do a welfare check on Bayless.
  8. Sure but Allen can make throws that you’ll never see Darnold replicate.
  9. True, but it would be nice to see Ed make some impact plays. Every once in a while.
  10. Yeah I’m starting to worry about that coaching choice. Hypothetically. I don’t give a **** about baker and the browns so I really can’t worry
  11. Clear catch by Metcalf, not sure what these commentators are droning about
  12. Haha they threw something hit the apex guy in the face. Honestly not sure if it was a battery that’s more a baseball thing
  13. Nor should you. This game is now officiated based on the whims of an idiot.
  14. Oh boy another PI challenge in KC...let’s see how big Al is feeling on this one...
  15. Not so sure about that. Mahomes can hang 21 on a team in like 10 minutes. Houston’s gotta hang with them
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