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Posts posted by Bills757

  1. Ahhhh the same thing that was said last year and what did he do......


    Took a paycut to play here yet again because there was NO MARKET for him


    You underestimate Taylor's commitment to this team and franchise. This is the same guy that took less money to come to Buffalo versus Denver after leaving Baltimore. The same guy who paid out of his own pocket to have his receivers work out with him in the offseason. If Mike Friggin Glennon could get $16 million from the Bears, there's no doubt in my mind Taylor could've bolted and made at least that and probably a few million more.

  2. As one who has been criticizing Taylor since, literally, his first drive as the Bills' starter (sorry, Levi and Levi's dad), I will say this:


    • Many QBs are successful due, in large part, to a solid defense.
    • Tyrod has played better, and smarter, this season than he did in the previous two. And he's doing it with less talent around him.
    • Tyrod's ability to protect the ball cannot be undervalued.
    • His teammates seem to like him a lot.
    • He's a very hard worker and is dedicated to his profession.


    However ... I am still not sold on him as the long-term solution to the Bills' QB needs. He's had a couple very good games against two very good teams. But his entire body of work cannot be ignored.


    Am I happy with what he's done so far this year? Abso friggin lutely.


    I am just not ready to say I believe in him and I can't see myself being there unless he plays like this for a solid 80% of this year's starts.


    This is about as fair an assessment as one can give IMO. I'm a TT fan but it's too early to proclaim him the long term solution so to speak. On the flip side, I'm certainly not ready to say he will NEVER lead the Bills to the promised land. QB is an extremely difficult position to excel at, and, do it for a long period of time. So many guys come and go.....so many "can't miss" guys don't make it.


    I think we hold on to Taylor until a better option comes along. With regards to the next draft, if McD and Beane feel a QB is the best value pick in the first round and it involves trading other picks, they'll get their guy. And I think they should pull that trigger if the opportunity presents itself. Let's face it, in this league, things can change in an instant and if the Bills aren't prepared, it can be costly down the road.

  3. This is a team game and the defense is definitely a part of Taylor's W-L stat as well as some other stats. Remember, the D gave up 30 or more points five times last year. I posted a stat where all of the playoff QB's were a combined 5-23 when their respective team's D gave up 30 or more points (in 2016).


    Likewise, while the defense is better, the offense is putting together better drives. IIRC, the Bills were somewhere around 25th in the league last year on 3 and outs. I believe this year they're about 10th thus far.

  4. no other QB could have done? seriously?


    Was that the play he stumbled and fell? It was Dangerous all the same. Those are the types of plays he needs to throw the ball away in.


    Wasn't the other one for no gain or loss of 1 yard?

    I'll be more specific when I emphatically make a comment about the offense that we were talking about.


    So what you're saying is that Taylor needs to act like other, non-mobile QB's and throw the ball away.....and basically ignore a big part of his skill set. You mentioned two instances, one where he spun out and picked up a first down on 3rd and six, and another where he had no gain or a one yard loss. Wouldn't the Bills have had a no gain play if he threw the ball out of bounds?


    And I would agree with the previous poster, Taylor actually can do things that no other QB currently in the NFL can do. Can you name a QB that is as elusive, quick and fast as Taylor? And please don't say Russell Wilson or DeShaun Watson......they can certainly move but neither are on par with Taylor in that department.

  5. As they always say on the golf course.....you drive for show and putt for dough. Throwing for a ton of yards only to end up with the "L" sucks way worse than running an efficient offense with not a ton of passing yardage and a win. Every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

    Look at Carr last week. Less than 120 yards and two interceptions.


    Not hard to play this week to week game.


    Taylor is good. I'd even say really good. Guess many are just too used to dog turb QB play here to recognize anything different.


    One thing that stuck out in that game was the fact Carr's very stout Oline didn't play well. And guess what, Carr suffered from it. The Oline is the most underrated unit in football.

  6. The Oline is critical to an offense's success. Very few QB's can have success without a good Oline. Look at Carr against the Skins. His Oline obviously had a bad night and guess what, so did Carr. Four sacks, two INT's, 118 yards total passing is not what we're use to seeing from Derek Carr.


    I hope Beane and McD understand that no matter who we have behind center, we definitely need to shore up the Oline in the next few years.

  7. I hate to ruin the fun for all the folks who have written off this season and are just looking forward to the draft, but there is a good possibility that the Bills will bring back Tyrod in 2018 and will NOT give away multiple picks to move up for a QB in the 2018 draft. That doesn't mean they won't (or shouldn't) draft a QB this year, but if Tyrod continues to play well, I don't think management will consider QB to be the primary need in this draft.


    Just picking a QB can be tricky as we've seen in so many cases in the recent past. For every Derek Carr (who looked pretty pedestrian without great pass pro last night), there's a Vince Young and an RG3. Having said that, if there's a QB in the upcoming draft that strikes Beane and McD as possibly being THE guy, you do what you feel you need to do to get him. Of course, building a solid Oline is important and developing the current skill guys as well. There are so many parts to the equation but the Bills are in great position to make deals if they feel their franchise QB is in the '18 draft.


    I'm a big TT fan but things can change in an instant. You have to be planning for the future and for unforeseen circumstances constantly. Even if TT leads the Bills to the playoffs and maybe wins a game there, if deals can be done in next year's draft that make sense to get a guy like Darnold or Rudolph, you make those deals (not a big fan of Rosen personally).

  8. Taylor's ability to draw defenders and then throw is something Dennison needs to take advantage of as much as possible. The TD to Clay was a perfect example.....as he squared up to the line, you could see the Denver defenders preparing to stop him which left Clay wide open. A little flick to Clay and there you have it.


    Although Zay hasn't been crisp yet, I do think it's a product of him being a rookie and not that he can't catch. He'll settle down once the game slows down for him. Hopefully that'll be soon. As far as Shady is concerned, just being on the field changes the dynamic for any opposing defense. So whether he has 100 yards rushing or 30 yards rushing, his presence can have a positive effect on the Bills' offense.


    You are right. Teams normally don't comment.

    But in the case of Kaepernick, they keep making excuses about his work ethic and on-field play (Let's be honest. The guy isn't very good, but he's still better than a good chunk of the backups currently employed). They seem willing to comment, but won't give more honest reasons why.


    When the owners "hide" their true thoughts, it gives credence to the idea that something is wrong with blackballing players for their actions and behavior.


    I get where you're coming from but I guess I look at it differently.


    For any owner to sit down with the media and basically say "he's not good enough to overcome the distraction he will become for my team" is like security (the NFL owners) on the Friday after Thanksgiving at Walmart wanting to crack the doors open just a little to tell the people (the media) that when the store opens, they need to proceed in an orderly fashion. Of course, you and I both know that once the doors open just a little, those people won't be listening to anything; they'll stampede through the doors and over top of anybody in their way.

  10. With that said, I don't understand why NFL owners just can't ADMIT their stance on Kaepernick. Why are they letting ESPN and other media outlets bully them into hiding their true thoughts? As an employer, they have every right NOT TO HIRE someone. End of story. It's not racist. It's not prejudiced. Kaepernick had every constitutional right to protest. But the owners have the right to fire him/refuse to hire him.


    A large percentage of fans believe Kaepernick's actions were disrespectful to this country, and a major distraction from the sport. Many players have admitted these demonstrations can be divisive among their team. If Hall of Fame talents like Terrell Owens were eventually blackballed from the league because of their behavior (and nobody complains about that), it's certainly fine for NFL teams to decide they don't want the clown show that comes with signing Kaepernick.


    Do owners EVER come out and comment on why they don't sign other players? Why should Kaepernick be the exception? Why put yourself out there by commenting? That would only serve to put you and your organization in the cross hairs of every whack job reporter/media outlet around and create a distraction for your team. ESPN blows anyway. Who cares what those idiots think? That network will hopefully crumble sooner rather than later.

  11. You mean Tyrod makes you comfortable because he doesn't speak politically.

    Kaepernick makes you uncomfortable for whatever reason you choose.


    The act of kneeling in protest doesn't make me uncomfortable in the least. I respect his right to do it and I'll defend his right to do it. For me, I stand for the national anthem out of respect for the men and women (of all races) that have given their lives for this very freedom. Here's where the rubber meets the road for me.......if Kaep actually had a plan to contribute to fixing the problem, he wouldn't be in this position. Instead of taking action to root out the bad cops by appealing to the upstanding members of law enforcement, and encouraging dialogue between the good cops and community leaders, he'd rather bash all cops and paint all of law enforcement with a broad brush. Isn't that exactly how white supremacists paint the black (non-white) community?


    As far as Tyrod is concerned, he's doing what he was raised to do.....be respectful to others and you'll likely get the same in return no matter your skin color, religion etc... Lead by example and as far as being a positive force for change, all Kaep's done is alienate and divide people. If you don't want to be part of the solution, you're part of the problem in my book.


    As somebody has said on here and as Shady stated....Kaep is not employed because he's not good enough to overcome the baggage, pure and simple. The NFL is about making money; players are investments. Kaep's ROI is negative so why would any owner invest his money into a player that won't provide a return?


    Does anyone think it should have been a routine catch for Clay?


    It was a poor throw. It was late and behind him. But it was the sort of "money" catch that a top TE or WR making the big bucks is expected to haul in. When I watch other teams play, I'm astounded at the amazing catches their players seem to make quite frequently.


    I wouldn't call it a routine catch but certainly catchable. Not the best throw, but not a bad throw either. FWIW, the ball was already through Clay's hands before the defender hit him. In real time, it looks like the hit caused the drop but that's not the case.

  13. Tell the rest of these jokers if that's what you want so badly...don't just single out one person.


    There's alot of posters at fault for this stuff.


    Funny how me saying it was a usual solid TT performance is labeled a crusade against him, though.


    Actually, you do a fine job of singling yourself out on a routine basis. As far as "there's a lot of posters at fault for this stuff", it tells me you have no self-awareness whatsoever. If one or a few posters were calling you out, I'd be inclined to agree with you. However, since "a lot of posters" are calling you out, I'll choose to believe those posters. Your denseness is truly astonishing.


    It's not just about the throw being high. It's also about the defender in front of Charles Clay, ready to take his head off.

    Clay missed that pass, because he was bracing for a big hit.


    Tyrod Taylor had a pretty good day, but I believe that interception was his fault.

    The defender was behind him so unless Clay had eyes in the back of his head, he wasn't bracing for the hit. And the ball was already through his hands before the defender hit him.

  15. I wrote nicely complimentary things about Tyrod's game. He had a good game. However, every play is open for review, and Tyrod missed that throw. Yes Clay could have caught it and should have caught it and gets paid to catch it, but that doesn't change the fact that the ball was not thrown where it was supposed to be thrown. I wasn't commenting on Clay, I was commenting on Taylor.


    Taylor had a good a game. His passer rating was 92, which is a solid performance. If he'd thrown the ball where it should have been, or if Clay had caught it where it was thrown, his passer rating would have been 123.


    If that pass had been completed the game would have been much different.


    The play is worth talking about.

    The stills clearly show the ball going through Clay's hands. Was it an easy catch? No. Was it a catch that a professional tight end SHOULD make? Yes. These guys are paid big bucks to make catches. You look around the league and watch receivers catch passes where they have to contort their bodies to get their hands on the ball every week. Simply put, the ball was in Clay's catch radius and it should've been made.

  16. Both the question and the answers were legit. Not sure why a mountain is being made out of a mole hill here.


    Imagine if we were continually trying to go over the top and not connecting? The reporter (and the fans) would be asking why we didn't exploit their LB corps more by throwing to Clay and McCoy.


    That's what wrong on this board. Threads get started over the most mundane things.

  17. I'm sorry, but this is quite delusional.


    I didn't see drastic improvement or poise. I saw more easy and simple throws under little to no pressure.


    This is the stuff I'm talking about. Posters claim they know what TT is and that they don't say he's great, but one decent performance against a bad team and they are claiming him as such.


    What you saw was nothing special. It's gonna take much more than that over the course of multiple games before I make such proclamations about TT making drastic improvement.

    I'M SHOCKED!!! YOU didn't see ANY drastic improvements? Not one single aspect?! NONE!?!?


    Nobody's anointing him anything, just acknowledging the fact he did some things we haven't seen in the past and had a solid game overall. You're the one ready to jump off the cliff because he didn't absolutely suck out there hence the general condemnation of his game yesterday by you.


    God help you if he comes out next week and puts in another solid performance. I'll head over to the Falls expecting to see you climbing into your barrel. LOL

  18. Let's see......completions to RB's and TE's don't count......and the yardage and first downs he picks up with his legs don't count either because a QB isn't SUPPOSED to use his legs to do that. What's next.....not count any completions outside the has marks?!


    First game after coming out of concussion protocol, a pretty decent day, a win....and that's still not good enough. I can picture some of these trolls at home with their TT dolls sticking pins through the head..... :doh:

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