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Posts posted by Bills757

  1. In today's LA Times, Sammy said the following about working with Rams QB Jared Goff: "The more reps you get with him, the more he can trust you and the more comfortable he is with throwing the ball to you, Watkins said. [its great] to have a guy that doesnt even look your way, just look the safety off and throw you the ball, because he depends on you to be at the right spot.


    As compared to...

    You're like the media. Taking a harmless quote and twisting it into something that it isn't. But hey, that seems to the be the way it works these days.



    100% false.


    Bledsoe's injury only accelerated the timetable on Brady. The plan was already in place to have Brady as the starter and would've most likely been put in place for 2002.


    Yea, okay. It was the master plan to have a 6th round draft pick who was slower than slow and didn't even perform great in college take over the offense. Hindsight is always 20/20.

  3. You don't pull Tyrod until you are completely out of playoff contention, or he is sucking so bad that he is the primary reason you are losing. The latter won't happen. What is this thread about again?


    The thread is about the backup being the possible savior.....until he get's in and stinks up the joint, then people will be calling for Yates....lauding what a great job he did (for a while) in Houston....how he knows Dennison's offense....then it'll be about a college QB who's never taken an NFL snap.....about how certain college QB's are DEFINITELY franchise QB's....until they arrive and stink up the joint....then they're considered a bust.....and those same posters will then say it's because we're Buffalo. Wash, rinse, repeat....no patience and no idea how hard it is to be a starting NFL QB.


    It's possible, but not probable.


    I think it's more likely Taylor is around in 2018 unless he plays badly in 2017. The new QB coming in would then be afforded some time to learn the game.



    Differing opinions are fine, but I really get sick of the one-liners that accomplish nothing from certain posters.


    Agree on the last statement 100%. The drive-by negative-no purpose post.

  5. My advice, not that anyone is listening: Let Tyrod Be Tyrod! No trying to make him learn new tricks. His strengths: (1) mobility/incredible ability to slip tackles. (2) beautiful deep ball, generally delivered when he is out of the pocket. With his new contract comes the freedom to let him do what he does best. Move. Run. Make big plays with that mobility. Teams try to take that away from the great athletic QBs to avoid injury. That usually makes sense. I like the guy, but if I'm Bills management, I've got to say, "Who cares?" If he gets hurt you cut him after this season. That may very well happen regardless. It's about an $8.5 million cap hit. If he avoids injury, you've got a dynamic QB this year freed from the confines of the pocket and the system that we all know he doesn't work well in. You may even make the playoffs. Nothing to lose here. Free Tyrod!


    To a degree, he needs to free himself. IMO he was told to be overly protective of the ball the last two years which may have been why he was reluctant to throw in certain situations. To me he's in a make it or break it year.....trade aside.....he HAS to make more plays on a more consistent basis. I've been a huge supporter of him but barring massive injuries, he's got to make his case to be the long term solution in Buffalo THIS year. There are inherent risks by making more plays which may result in more INT's. So be it. Gotta leave it all out on the field and carry a team at times.


    I do agree that he needs to use his skill set more and just play football.


    The list of reasons to trade Sammy right now is WAY shorter and less meaningful than the reasons to NOT trade him.


    I'll stop there as this isn't a Sammy trade thread. But I had to say it since you brought it up.


    If the coaches don't value top talent at the receiver position (that is already on the team instead of having the draft gamble) then fine. It still isn't a reason to ditch one of your top 3 offensive threats, especially when the guy was dirt cheap this year and in a contract year where he is expected to give 110%. And then pretend that having a second round pick next year is somehow better for this team than having an already proven top tier receiver - It's just stupid.


    Haha. And that's why you aren't the GM or HC. I get what McD is trying to do....build a team, not just accumulate talent. Not to mention Sammy's injury history. I mean, the guy aggravated his foot during training camp.

  7. Don't know how one can presume Watkins is not healthy now. That particular foot injury often takes two years to fully heal.

    Sammy played through pain. He's not soft. As for Taylor, he remains the best available option. Building up draft resources could plausibly be an indication Snake Opie and Mr. Bean don't think highly of him long term.


    But as you described him, he's God awful. Why not get rid of him for something and rebuild?


    As far as McD and Beane not being sold on him, they have no reason to be completely sold on him at this point. But I will say they see enough potential there to see how this season goes....far from being the terrible QB you make him out to be.

    He has a career high 69 catches. That's a joke. He should approach closer to twice that number. He's open virtually every play because there isn't a DB alive who can cover him but the Bills never have the QB who can throw it on time and play pitch n catch all day long


    And there were plenty of open receivers last season not named Watkins who just did not get the ball because the QB can't see the field and distribute the rock consistently.


    I don't want to argue with y'all about Tyrod endlessly. If You think he's good then good for you, I'm just stating my perspective


    So we had WR's running around uncovered, a brick wall for an Oline and Taylor simply couldn't hit anybody? Come on man....when you're so over the top and critical in your "perspective", you instantly lose credibility. It's this kind of one-sided, melodramatic reaction that sparks the never ending squabbles about certain players.

  8. Sammy would never be recognized as one of the best in the league with Tyrod Taylor as his quarterback. There is not a more Trentative, gun-shy starting QB in the NFL. Sammy was wasted with Tyrod as the trigger man, and trading him brings assets that will help the Bills land a strong QB prospect. Something needed to be done to position ourselves to actually get a QB rather than perennially saying "wait till next year" and I love how aggressive the Bills have been this off-season in finally positioning themselves to address by far the most important position in the game. Yes there's risk involved but it's even MORE risky to continue to do nothing, make excuses and build around other team's backup quarterbacks while the failed seasons pile up ad infinitum because we can't pass the ball in a league where everyone and their mother can pass the ball.


    I love the refusal by Beane to accept extended mediocrity, the willingness to take a risk to give yourself a chance to build a real championship contender. Of course some good fortune will be needed along the way-- good thing fortune favors the bold! GO BILLS!


    If Taylor was as bad as you proclaim, the new staff and Beane would've jettisoned Taylor months ago. As far as wasting Sammy, don't you think it's hard to target a WR that's standing on the sidelines for half the season?

  9. I'm so sick of this "culture" BS. Know what builds a culture? Good coaches, good players, and especially a good qb. This isn't high school. Talent wins. Remember the Bickerin' Bills? They won because they had great talent.


    These guys would have traded Thurman away because he didn't fit their "culture." I'm going to let it play out because what choice do I have? But this is the shortest honeymoon I have ever had with a new "regime."


    Lighten up Biscuit. You don't think the culture instilled by Rex wasn't detrimental to this team? Gimme a break. The dude was all talk and no walk....and that's what we got on the field. You don't think Belicheck didn't have to change the culture in NE after he arrived? Your comment about high school is funny....because, IMO, if you have a few talented players in high school, culture get's thrown out the window and talent can overcome just about anything. In the pros, it's a completely different animal where these guys (including the coaches) are getting paid big bucks to establish a winning franchise....and where culture is paramount to winning IMO.


    I'm unsure what I wrote that makes you think I'm taking anything too far.


    When adversity hits is precisely when focus matters; anyone can be focused when things are hunky dory.


    My response was to the poster that was apparently pleased with the scrappiness. Saying that it's understandable is one thing; lauding it as something long-missing from the team's mentality is another. It's incorrect, and the trait itself is counter-productive.


    I think, ultimately, whether or not it's beneficial to the team will be based on how McD handles it, and, how the players respond....not just in a press conference or interview but on the field. We'll see I guess. And maybe, just maybe, McD's practicing a little psychology on the team just to see how they respond. I'm fairly confident he knows what he's doing when he chewed their butts before hand.


    Um, I'm quite relaxed.


    This coach has preached discipline; these guys need to get on board.


    That's all.


    But I think you're taking it too far. This is the first camp for McD, first time with these guys and vice versa. Players get chippy, things get heated....they're tired of hitting their own teammates and I'm sure the trade is still on their minds to a certain extent. If this was a common occurrence, I'd be worried, but it's not. How McD handles it will tell us whether or not he has the team's attention. Also, many of these players had an undisciplined head coach the past two years.....I don't care if Coughlin was the HC, it'd be hard for any coach to come in here and not encounter these types of issues.


    You're joking, right?


    Fighting and scrapping after plays shows me a mentally weak team that has no focus. It's the exact reason that teams like NE and NYG got Rex's Buffalo teams to commit 15+ penalties and literally hand them the field position battle.


    Sure, play pissed off from the snap to the whistle if that's what you need to do; maintaining focus and discipline at all other times is what prevents giving away games with penalties.


    This team just went through a pretty big trade of a couple guys that were their teammates....and good players to boot. It doesn't surprise me in the least that some emotions are getting the better of some players. Just relax.

  13. I think people confuse speed and quickness. Watkins is one of the fastest guys out there for sure but IMO he has excellent quickness as well. McCoy has decent straight line speed but his forte, without a doubt, is his elite quickness (and instincts). The guy is a phenomenal talent in that regard. Jones is a very different receiver than Watkins.....doesn't have Watkins' quickness for sure but he does have size...something you just can't teach.

  14. TT wasn't a good enough passer to fully utilize him. They were great on deep passes but there were many times he fell at out missed Sammy.


    Tyrod is one of the worst passing starting qbs in the NFL. But we just took the one thing he did well passing and got rid of it. Prepare for a season of having a leading receiver with 700-600 yards.


    Wouldn't have done much good hitting Watkins in the hands when he's on the sidelines nursing an injury.

    Tt blows. Gonna regress even further from last years putrid passing numbers without #14


    How so? Sammy missed half the season and was probably less than 100% for the games he actually did play.


    It's amazing the idiotic posts I read on this board. Too many act like upset little kids that didn't get a participation trophy.

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