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Posts posted by SoggyHog

  1. This a sign of mental illness. Somewhere there is a 12 step recovery program for this. You have taken upon yourself an alter ego. An identity that is linked to a game. A stupid game. Who wins and who loses doesn't matter. Half the planet doesn't have running water or toilet paper for gods sake. But the fan takes upon himself the identity of his team and if they lose he feels like crap on Monday morning only because he has paraded himself around as not himself but something else i.e. a fan. Never become a fan. Ever. When it comes to this carnival never care beyond it being just entertainment.


    I love that you see deep. But not deep enough my friend. You are not on the same level. Even homeless people have wants, desires and dreams. That does not mean that non-homeless peoples wants and desires and dreams are excluded. Your current situation does not prohibit your happiness. Just changes your opinion of what is important to you at the time. I'm not going to apologize that I have toilet paper and running water, yet still, however, have a desire for my team to win. I don't see your point. Me rooting for a team does not make me have a mental illness. You failing to see reality, certainly does.

  2. I am 40 years old and never had a chance to be anything but a Bills fan as my father chose to be a Bills fan before I was borne. I have never rooted for another team. I hate the AFC East and can't stand the NFC. My life has been about the Bills. I study them. I pay for them. I support them. The Bills are not a "team" I root for..... they are my LIFE! They are my hobby. They are my entertainment. They are my WORLD!


    And for that.... I HATE YOU! You have given me "NOTHING" in the last 10 years of my life to celebrate. You have given me "NOTHING" to cheer for. You have given my "NOTHING" in return for my dedication! You have taken my LOVE for you and profited from it! Stole from me. Deceived me. Used me. Confused me. Lifted me up..... just to let me down.


    Well, I say...... STOP IT!


    I am TIRED of being a Bills fan. I am TIRED of loosing. I am TIRED of my friends laughing at me because I root for the Bills. I am TIRED of wearing my Bills T-shirts/sweat-shirts, jersey, socks, hats, drinking from my Bills mug, displaying my Bills memorabilia, rooting, cheering, cherishing, loving you and you will not respond. I am TIRED of being treated like YOU DON'T CARE!


    PLEASE...... I BEG YOU...... give me something. Anything. Show me that my dedication, love and honor for you are not lost in nonsense. Give me ANYTHING to justify a life of being a Bills fan. Give me something for a life of compassion, hardship and desire that will soon spring eternal.


    Just STOP! Understand that this is not a "business" for me. This is not an avenue of profit. This is not simply a game. You are WHO I am. I am a Buffalo Bills FAN! A FAN! Sick-to-my-stomach or peeing-down-my-leg-happy Bills fan!


    I love you Buffalo Bills. No matter what..... I love you. Please stop deceiving me and justify my love for you!


    P.S. For those "Flamers" who want to say..... "well, just hop off the band-wagon JackA$$!" I say.... FO! Prove to me that you are a bigger fan or sacrificed more than me. Real Bills fans know what I mean.


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Is it just me or did Shep look a tad slow on the play where Vick ran 50+ yds?



    Everyone looks a tad slow when Vick runs. But yes, I think he took a bad angle. BTW, did anyone see that terrible hold on Vicks 1st run? I can't remember who it was on, but the guy was holding either Wood's or Reinheart's jersey from behind. I mean..... literally! Refs are really missing holds this year.

  4. Did anyone else think that Fox had way less commercials during the gameplay than cbs?


    I was saying the same thing. They didn't break during possession changes, time-outs or extra points.... they broke in the middle of drives, end of quarters and missed 4 or 5 plays that I'm aware of. I love FOX, but they really sucked today.

  5. Buddy seems to be after guys who are versatile, tough and professional. Diggs qualifies as all 3 and might be a good fit here.

    He can run on either edge and the Bills have no depth at OLB and he's played enough at both the strong and weak sides to either start opposite Merriman or replace him when he ultimately gets hurt.

    Plus I've liked the guy since he started showing everybody what a stiff Andy Katzenmoyer really was. :D




  6. Does anyone really truly believe that we are cutting underneath the salary cap so we can "pounce" on some O lineman that gets cut? That doesn't seem like a way to find talent. There were many other ways to address this need and the Bills have failed to do it. This, coupled with the let-go of Evans is really making me wonder about this franchise.



    That is what is really making you wonder about this franchise? :doh:

  7. Good. I'm happy for him. He served his time and has rebuilt his life. It's WAY too much for Philly to pay any one single player in my opinion, but he earned a raise and I'm glad for him. Philly is wrong here, not Vick. Now, we'll see what all that money does to his head this time. If he reverts back to the "gutter" Vick that he used to be, then the system is flawed. If not, then it worked. Until then, I wish him the best.

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