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Buffalo Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Buffalo Bills Fan

  1. Baltimore looks terrible. I dont know how theyve even won 3 games. Jacksonville seems destined for 8-8. But its a weird year so I dont know what to think. Wouldnt surprise me if the Chargers come out of nowhere and make a push.


    At this point it is hard to say just of yet who is for real.... Waiting till after week 8 or 9 might get a better picture.

  2. I don't talk about playcalling. I don't know anything about playcalling, and frankly I don't think other than coaches and veteran QBs know anything about it, either. I think when announcers say that a call was a great playcall all he's really saying is the play was the right play for the defense that was called. But the coach didn't know what defense was called; if a different defense had been called, that play might not have worked at all. I'm not convinced that there's a whole lot of skill in playcalling.


    Play design and offensive design is a different story. The Bills had a lousy game plan today - they had very few plays that worked. That's on Dennison. As I've said, I think they make a mistake by not using Taylor's skills more. That's on Dennison (and maybe McD.)


    A lot was made about Dennison doing outside zone blocking and the Bills having featured inside zone blocking last year. But the reports are that last year the Bills used outside zone blocking as much as anyone last season. I think the failing of the running game is what happens with everyone who has success doing something for a couple of years - the league figures out how to stop it. They watch film, they see what works on defense and they use it. It's the offense's job to adapt. But if you're running game is getting stopped, usually the solution is to get better passing. Right now, the Bills don't have great weapons to use to get better passing.

    Shaw I think bills ran all types of run schemes. Islo, power, draw man, zone with Roman designs he is best creating run schemes. Plus Watkins helped out made d way loose then to stack the box. Gillisiee sorry phone makes it hard. Perfect combo to McCoy different style. I understand lots in off season these two moves are head scratches
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