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Posts posted by Paulus

  1. 1 hour ago, JetsFan20 said:

    Reminds me a lot of 1998. I can see the Jets shocking the world after a slow start and winning the AFC East. 

    The Jets have the talent and coaching acumen to do this. Joe Flacco will be back next week and go on a Vinny T like run.


    Id take an offense of Gase, Flacco, and Frank Gore over anything else in this division. 

    Fear the Jets 

    Gase is like when we had that fat ex-Jets coach, just not as entertaining. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, 4BillsintheBurgh said:

    Looked to me like he was just kicking a little bit of a draw. Maybe he feels more comfortable that way. Hopefully he will be consistent with it. 

    I thought he was pushing it a bit, however, "draw" may be the correct term. Ultimately, I think the power in his kicks cause it to appear that way, and it is just how he kicks. A kicking coach may help control the power. Who knows?


    I'm impressed, with the power, regardless. Just appears like it may be a bit wild, for now.

  3. 12 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:

    Atlantic won't release names of anonymous sources because they don't want to subject the sources to angry tweets! :lol:


    Leftists, you have lost your effin' minds.




    This story is quickly falling apart. Dozens of people on the record -- people who were there -- denying it in public.


    What's your next hoax, leftists? Hurry up! You only have a couple of months!




    I cannot wait until the names come out. Put those people in a lie detector and show it on a live stream.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Prickly Pete said:





    "It sounds like him" is good enough for you fools at this point? This story is from 2018, and they just decide to pull it out of their hat.


    You haven't seen enough false smearing of Trump by the media to disregard anonymous sources, and hearsay from years ago?






    I didn't say it sounds like him. I wouldn't be surprised if it is a complete lie, but if true, this is very much something that would change my vote. I'll just have to wait until more info comes out on this, as one should. 


  5. 2 hours ago, LikeIGiveADarn said:


    I have no doubt that this was said, however, nothing will convince me that some context is missing, so I will withhold judgement until more information is known.

    I have some doubt it was said, but this could easily change many votes, including mine. This one seems to have crossed a line.


    This is different than hating McCain, who I also hated and was actually happy Trump called him out.

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