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The Bills Blog

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Posts posted by The Bills Blog

  1. This BPA talk is pure crap. The Bills will NOT take a quarterback anywhere near the top of the draft, even if he's at the top of the board. I'm sure there are other positions they wouldn't take, too, but QB makes the point as clearly as possible.


    Beane proved it last year by navigating the draft board in order to take players in their TWO BIGGEST NEED AREAS in the first round.


    There might be slight consideration given to BPA, but in general, "BPA" means "BPA at your position of greatest need."


    So, to answer the question, I would indeed be upset if the Bills use a prime pick on something like a CB.

  2. 54 minutes ago, ddaryl said:



    they all stink...  Not sure how many you would have to sniff before you found the one that smells like roses

    Fun fact: the male anus is actually higher up than the female anus, and it is actually larger and less elastic. These factors, along with the hair, make the male anus stink worse than the female anus -- usually.

    21 minutes ago, Dr Doom said:

    unless someone is willing to put their name on it, who cares. Just hope that whatever team this guy works for, it's not the Bills

    I never understood people providing quotes anonymously. That takes a lot of trust. You're potentially putting your career in the hands of a journalist who, at any time, could decide to tell all without consequence (after transitioning to a different career, for example). In real life, telling secrets and asking the other person not to tell backfires 99% of the time.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, ChevyVanMiller said:

    Please don't give this Talbot and his site any play. All his does is regurgitate other sites content, in this case ESPN, and make money off of clicks. I haven't seen one original piece of news he's ever broken. Just a fan that has found a way to make money from his basement off of our love for Bills news.

    Good for him if he's made money from it. Does he claim to be a source for breaking news? What's wrong with what he's doing?

    • Like (+1) 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Logic said:


    People don't have the same fond memories/associations attached to our current jerseys, for obvious reasons. But from a purely aesthetic standpoint, I would argue that the current jerseys -- both home and away -- are the best the Bills have ever had. The all-white throwbacks are beautiful, too. 




    But you didn't include the one combination that we use a lot and is just terrible... white on blue. It looks so weak and beatable.

  5. Very unlikely we keep 10 this year. I'd also be surprised if we cut anyone we signed, and that includes Sirles; there's a reason he's the only one we brought back from last year. Keep in mind his best buddy Long is on the team now and they'll both be motivated (same as McCoy/Gore per McD). Both players also offer position flexibility.







    Feliciano - primary interior backup

    Waddle - swing tackle

    Bodine - backup center; ideal safeguard due to Morse's injury history

    Sirles - flex


    Look for another developmental OT on the practice squad along with Teller and/or Boettger.


    The Bills do NOT need to draft OL, and if they do, they're literally looking at cutting someone they just signed.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. Clearly the OP's feelings were very hurt because he got up the courage to approach Andre and Andre summarily disregarded him like it was nothing. That's hurtful. People are saying the OP should understand Andre -- well, Andre should also understand that the fan had to talk himself into approaching and it was a big deal to him, so to be flippant and dismissive does show a coldness and lack of regard. There's nothing wrong with the fan being hurt in this situation. Those of you chastising him are hardened old douchebags who think feelings are bad.

    4 hours ago, MJS said:

    All because he said "Maybe later, bro." Priceless.

    Why are you consistently so sarcastically mean to people? It ticks me off. You are a big contributor to the toxicity of this forum. It seems like you've probably been really hurt in your life and your way of handling that is suppressing feelings and making fun of others who have them.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. Fastest 3 Minutes is also missed:



    Hardcore fans can still seek out highlights, but casual fans like my father don't even know things like the Bills have white helmets because they never show highlights on night game halftimes or pregames anymore.

  8. 1 hour ago, Bronxbomber21 said:

    Hey how did u get it as your ringtone

    There might be an easier way, but I would just download the YouTube file, open it in Audacity, and trim it to ringtone length and then save it in a format compatible with your phone. ~5 minutes

  9. 30 minutes ago, wppete said:

    Can’t wait for this sound.



    ***** yeah. Heard it last night on ESPN special. Amazing

    16 minutes ago, Jpsredemption said:

    Football night in America sucks. No personality. Not fun. 

    Right? It used to be must-watch, but now the highlights are often just a clip or two (while they make fun of your team). Really disappointing. It was great in the Costas days.

    9 hours ago, Ethan in Portland said:

    Actually its more of a reflection on the Bills and fans in general. Any Bills fan does not need to see the highlights. They have probably already watched the game. And non Bills fans just want to see winning teams or maybe a losing team with some storyline. 

    Sports is fine. 

    Just think you got an hour of your life back becauseany highlight you want to see is just a click away.

    I haven't watched ESPN in 15 years otherthan at the gym with 10 other channels. Can’t stand any of their personalities like Stephen A and Max K.

    But I have a great career and great hobbies. I don’t need anything but the game and the internet to keep up.

    This board has good content from a handful of posters that helps too.


    The only two women I've ever loved left me for men named Ethan.

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