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Posts posted by Matt_In_NH

  1. For those saying we need to use Clay, to me its obvious he is not the guy we thought he were getting. He does not have supreme athletic ability that Howard would bring. Clay has a chronic knee condition that makes it hard for him to excel. Drafting Howard is kind of equivalent to drafting a WR in terms of receiving talent but also adds the ability to block and add to the run game. Gronk is Bradys best receiver.


    I don't know that he is the guy to draft because they should use their rankings and there are other needs but he could make sense to me.


    Ok, you are new around here, but clearly fitting right in with not reading the posts before you respond. How many Super Bowls did Welker win with Brady? Zero


    Hence why he was left off Brady's weapons when discussing his 5 SB rings. I mistakenly thought Welker was still on the roster when Peyton won his last SB 2 years ago, so Welker should not have been on his list either. Turns out Welker is 0-3 in SB's.


    I very clearly stated in Brady's 5 wins when discussing the talent he had when he WON 5 rings...as winning the SB is what teams play for and what Brady has done more than Montana and Manning...and if Brady wins again next year, he will have as many as them combined not to mention would have appeared in 8 SB's in 16 seasons for a 1 in every 2 years rate.


    I get it, but only looking at who the WR's/TE's are in the SB's won is kind of narrow sighted since winning a SB can come down to one play here or there. Both of these guys have had extended success and opening things up to their careers is a better way of comparing.


    7 SB's is ridiculous in a good way, no argument from me, when I look at the playoff record, AFC Championship and SB appearances, it seems impossible but we know it is true. You made the argument that other than the QB, the important factors are who the WR's are and what weather do they play in as important factors, both lean toward Brady, I will just agree that Peyton has had better WR's. You also say Brady has done more with less, and maybe you are just talking WR's again but that is where I disagree. You have left off some important factors such as coaching, OL, defense, special teams.


    All told, which career would you rather have, play for Belicheck the whole time with the great defenses, running game discipline or play for 5 coaches with lackluster defenses and OL most of the time? Brady has done more with more when you look at the whole picture. WR's are not that important when it comes to winning super bowls, here is a list of some of the best over the last 10-15 years, TO, Moss, Bruce, S Smith, Harrison, Fitzgerald, Wayne, A Johnson, Boldin, Holt, J Jones, A Brown, B Marshall, I think among those, you have 4 SB wins.


    Comparing Brady and Montana is a harder thing to do because of the rule changes that greatly favor QB play in game outcomes and career longevity. However, no matter what generation, 7 SB's will win if that is your measuring stick.


    Lol, ok take Welker out of Manning...his ensemble of talent still CRUSHES Brady's weapons. And that last year didn't matter, as Manning didn't win the SB, the Broncos team and D did as Manning was terrible all year and in the SB. They won inspite of Manning that year who almost fully lost his job to Trevor.


    And come on man, you can't tell me receiving weapons are not important. Someone like Brady can take mediocre guys and produce great results...but name another QB in history who has done that like Brady and won so much with that kind of talent? Nobody can name one as its never happened before, hence why Brady is the GOAT. He has accomplished so much more than Manning with lesser talent around him.


    If Brady had Harrison and Wayne for as long as Manning did, he would have more than 5 SB rings.


    Again, I can live with the Montana argument as he was that good, even though I do feel Brady has taken over the GOAT title, but its a close argument. But Manning isn't even close to those 2 IMO. We are talking about a guy who entered the playoffs as the #1 seed and was eliminated NINE times in the first playoff game.



    Here is what Welker did, almost all of it with Brady, you tried and put him in as Mannings receiver and it was not a mistake. If that does not show how one side you are I dont know what would. Here are his NFL records.


    NFL records[edit]
    • Most seasons with 100+ receptions: 5[30]
    • Most seasons with 105+ receptions: 5
    • Most seasons with 110+ receptions: 5
    • Most seasons with 115+ receptions: 3
    • Most seasons with 120+ receptions: 2 (tied with Cris Carter)
    • Most consecutive seasons with 110 receptions: 3
    • Most games with 10+ receptions: 18 (tied with Andre Johnson)
    • Most games with 11+ receptions: 12 (tied with Marvin Harrison)
    • Most games with 12+ receptions: 9
    • Most games with 13+ receptions: 5
    • Most games with 15+ receptions: 2 (tied with Jason Witten and Brandon Marshall)
    • Most games with 10+ receptions in a season: 7 (tied with Andre Johnson)
    • Fastest receiver to have 500 catches with one team (New England Patriots) (70 games)
    • Longest touchdown reception: 99 (2011 vs Miami Dolphins) (tied with 12 others)
    • Most receptions of any undrafted free agent in NFL history: 903
    • Most career punt returns without a touchdown: 264
    • Most career punt return yards without a touchdown: 2,584

    And Walsh isnt in the consideration for GOAT HC himself and at the very least top 3?


    Come on man, you can't remotely compare the talent Brady has had at WR/TE/RB compared to what Montana had and Manning had. Its not even close. Montana had a revolutionary RB in Craig, again in Waters, GOAT at WR, uber talent around them like Taylor, Brent, Clark, etc. Not to mention, a top notch OL most his career and played in a system that changed Football forever.


    Manning had Harrisson, Wayne, Clark, EDGE, D. Thomas, J. Thomas, Welker in his SB wins.


    In the 5 SB rings, Brady had Branch (who bombed outside NE and had to crawl back to get a job again), Brown, Edelman, Hogan, White. The only SB win he had an Elite talent was 2 years ago with Gronk against Seattle.


    Manning and Montana played with HOF weapons almost their whole careers (Manning did his entire career, Montana did most his career as Rice came a couple years after Montana). Brady played with unheralded castoffs from other teams and made them HIGHLY productive. MASSIVE difference in talent.


    And I am sorry, but you are very misguided on the advantage thing with the cold weather. I do agree that Brady has an advantage in terms of winning or losing at home because he is better than opposing teams coming in at playing in the cold. That is true. But what Brady accomplishes on an individual and statistical level, the cold is NOT an advantage over being able to throw in a dome or good weather stadium. No QB will perform BETTER in bad weather than good weather, so Manning had a clear advantage along with Montana of being able to pay in substantially better conditions when it comes down to QB production and personal accomplishments.


    Brady has done more with less and in worse playing conditions than both Montana and Manning.

    The fact you list Welker as a WR Manning had is kind of ridiculous, He was not even on the Broncos when they won the SB and you would never even have mentioned him if not for what he did with Brady.


    I think you are valuing "HOF" receivers to be a lot more important than they actually are. I see that all the time on these forums where it seems like the only position people want good players at is WR and if you dont have that you dont have a chance, not true. The Pats show you that. Jerry Rice is the exception, he was remarkable. While Harrison and Wayne are HOF worthy, that is a product of Manning, I bet they dont make the HOF if they played somewhere else, like say Buffalo. The Pats have a different offensive philosophy that does not favor having one or two great WR's. In all of Brady's Super Bowls he had talent to throw to.


    Again, just to restate, I think Brady has to be favored over Manning in this debate, I just think it is closer than you obviously feel.


    How ?...Peyton was good in the dome, and not as good outside, in cold weather ..Brady was good in both.....I agree with the above of course, but it actually proves that Brady didn't need a dome..


    Mannngs record in cold weather is really bad. However, warm weather teams/dome teams generally do poorly in the cold, if you want to take that to mean Manning could not play in the cold, I guess you can but I dont agree. It more a product of the team/ the climate they live and practice in than "he cant play in the cold" IMO. Manning played pretty well at Tennessee in college which gets cold at the end of the year. Pretty much every time Manning "played in the cold" he was on the road which is generally a disadvantage than playing at home.


    Look at the stats of Brady Vs Manning, overall, 11-6 in favor of Brady but 10 of the 17 games were played in Foxboro so the win/loss percentage is pretty much in line with location of the game.



    Manning was 3-1 vs Brady in AFC Championship games, 3-0 in his home field so I think that shows he also has an advantage playing at home.

  6. Lets play a round of Questions:


    1. Who are the elite WR's and RB's Brady played most his career with and won 5 SB's with? NONE except 1 SB win with Gronk.

    2. Who are the elite WR's, TE's and RB's Montana played most his career with and won 4 SB's with? GOAT Rice, Taylor, Clark, Jones, Craig, Waters

    3. Who are the elite WR's, TE's, and RB's Manning played with most his career and won 2 SB's with? HOF Harrison, possible future HOF Wayne, EDGE, Clark, Thomas, Welker, Thomas.


    What kind of weather did each play most their home careers in:


    1. Brady - Awful outside conditions for 16 years in New England plus games in bad weather divisional stadiums twice a year.

    2. Montana - Sunny CA with some occasional rain.

    3. Manning - Cushy dome with a short stop in Denver.


    Brady won 3 SB titles in 4 seasons throwing to scrubs who couldn't make it as starters on other teams. He's now won 2 in the last 3 despite having an underwhelming cast of skill players not named Gronk and Gronk didn't even play in the post season during this years SB run. And now Brady is the hands down favorite to win again next year which would be the SECOND time he would have won 3 SB's in 4 seasons if he does.


    I wont make a stink about people putting Montana up there, because before Brady he was the GOAT IMO. But Brady crushes Manning who accomplished far less with more riches of talent around him. Even Manning's 2nd SB title, they won INSPITE of Manning who put up the single worst performance of a QB of all the winners in SB history after being one of the lowest rated passers in the NFL all that season. So much so Trevor almost took his job.


    I disagree with a lot of your conclusions. The weather Brady plays in is an advantage not a disadvantage. Brady has had plenty of talent at WR/TE/RB over the years. He is a different QB than Manning altogether and relies on TE's and slot WR's over traditional wideouts.


    Who had the GOAT HC? Brady


    The biggest game Brady and Manning could play in Manning went 3-1.


    Still, the difference between the two is that Manning is the league golden boy who was always supposed to be good, had all of these accolades coming into the league, and was always being celebrated before he even took a snap. Some just want to knock people like that down, thus the constant need to trivialize his career.


    Brady was the underdog playing with house money. People love underdog stories.


    Brady has come up short plenty of times too (18-1, scoring 14 points in the SB with the greatest offense of all time, then losing the Giants rematch in the later SB as well come to mind) but he has given himself a lot more kicks at the can.


    Manning lost 2 SB

    Brady lost 2 SB


    But Brady went to 7 and won 5. That's incredible and you have to give him (and the Patriots franchise) a ton of credit.


    I wouldn't mind a Seattle/NE or Atlanta/NE rematch in this year's SB. I mean, NE is going, so let's make it interesting!


    OR even GB/NE

    I definitely give Brady and the Pats a lot of credit. Its even worse when you realize its 10 or 11 AFC Championship games in 15 years. Where Brady truly stands alone is win loss record, regular season and playoffs, he is a complete outlier from anyone else in history. Totally ridiculous. But that is giving all credit to the QB which is one part of a big team. Who would you rather have as your coach, Belicheck or Caldwell, Fox, Kubiak, Dungy. All told, he had 5 coaches in his career I believe, Brady has had the benefit of the greatest coach of all time his whole career.

  8. I don't get the Manning love...he was absolutely great in the regular season...but man, when the pressure was on, he, more often than not , crumbled miserably.....9 times he had a 1 and done...9!


    We can't also ignore the fact the for most of his career, he played in a cozy dome.....that certainly helped the stats....


    And finally, his 2nd SB was on the back of a great Denver defense.....he was one of the worst QB in the NFL that year.....


    I get what you are saying and there is truth to it but winning in the playoffs is a hard thing. You have to give him credit for his total body of work. Those 9 times were years his team made the playoffs, plus all the others where he advanced. His team made it to 4 SB's with 4 different coaches. In all cases that is the only SB for the head coach. Brady has Belicheck


    If you look at Bradys post season stats as compared with regular season since 2005 you see a pretty big drop off just like Manning if you look at TD's/INT's, rating. Both QB's are 2-2 in the SB since 2005. I say since 2005 because the teams Brady was on in 2001-2004 were very different, Brady's role on those teams was very different.


    Manning played Brady 4 times in the AFC Championship game and won three. People don't seem to know that stat, instead there is this perception that the Patriots owned Brady in the playoffs which is not true. Since 2005 they have played pretty even but Peyton was 3-0 in the playoffs.


    Having said all that, I would say Brady is better than Manning. I just think there are arguments in Mannings favor and its not as lopsided as a lot assume.



    But athletes take much better care of themselves now than they did years ago...these guys now have nutritionist etc...back in the 70's guys were probably smoking cigarettes and having beers in the locker room....today, they treat their bodies as their main investment...it's completely different...


    Im comparing to the 90 not 70's or 80's. Sports science is always progressing but they had nutritionists and were very big strong and fast. There have been much larger changes in rules than there have been changes in nutrition. Other positions are not experiencing the same longer careers.

  10. Only in the sense that some hits are now against the rules. But defenders today are bigger, stronger and faster. They hit harder than the defenders of yesteryear.


    The amount of big hits QBs take today is way less than in the past. No matter how much faster, stronger and bigger defenders are now, they cant and dont take the shots on QBs that used to be allowed. The great QB's are making it to 40+ years and still playing at a high level, that never used to happen cause they would be disabled.

  11. It is hard to compare the different generations but I agree that rule changes have made it possible for QB's to 1) almost never lose time to injury and 2) Play into their low 40's. QB's can stand in the pocket and throw the ball knowing defenders will go out of their way to NOT hit them after the release. Bruce used to take 2 steps and crush Marino play after play. Those hits took a physiological toll that only happens today if you are getting to the QB before the release.


    A couple facts about Peyton: He faced Brady 3 times in the AFC championship game and won all three. Also, he went to 4 super bowls with 4 different coaches who were coaching in their only super bowl of their careers. Compare that to Brady who is with arguable the greatest head coach of all time.


    Having said all that, I think it is sitll reasonable to argue Brady is the best ever, but it is not indisputable by any means.


    It was also thought that the Pats traded Chandler Jones because they were not going to be able to resign Jones, Hightower, and Butler. Well Jones is gone, Hightower is unsigned, and Butler is unsigned. Maybe they did that knowing they wanted to go after a top CB?

    And Jamie Collins

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