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Posts posted by babulator

  1. Because he was not particularly impressive in limited snaps last year. Compared to MG who at the end of 2015 had already impressed in spot duty behind McCoy and Karlos. I hope we might have something in JW but I don't expect it at this stage.

    I was really excited to see JW play last year. I was a fan in college. However, in the limited touches he got, he did not look good. IDK, if you can make a large enough hole or get him outside, he's got the wheels to make something happen, but it just looks like he lacks vision and doesn't hit the hole with any conviction.


    At this point my hopes for JW have been grounded.I hope he proves me wrong.

  2. The Bills are horrible the Bills are losers the Bills suck! Coach McD sucks , Pegs sucks, Whaley sucks, we suck... Kim sucks yes she sucks ..


    We love to reach no patience at all a bunch of trade whores. This team I'm done with them.... They draft like a bunch of old timers electing for need rather then best player available. They act like these guys are gonna actually make a difference at a early time in there careers they act like there a need fill away from being good. What a jk. To he'll with them. Smh

    Buh Bye, Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

  3. I could not disagree with CB more.


    A GM's job IS to find good players, diamonds in the rust. There job is to fill out an entire roster. Year in and year out. He should have been laying the foundation for today tomorrow and the foreseeable future. Rebuilding every other year is NOT indicative of having success in spades. Pointing out a handful of successes and saying job well done is ludicrous.


    Conversely, I don't think pointing out every failure is an entirely fair way to grade him either. You should not get credit for doing what you are supposed to do. He should probably be measured on a scale of the two with more weight or significance given to his failures. It's his job to find good players, that should be the minimum standard, not the cause for praise or celebration. He is not hired to find failures and or mismanage a roster, so his shortcomings should be magnified when they happen.


    In the end it should have been clear a long time ago that DW brings nothing special to the table. His infighting with Marrone, his awful handling of the Rex situation and the ensuing press conferences that followed. I'd wager there's not another team in the NFL that would want DW as thier GM. Given his time with the team, our track record, and history, I think that says all that needs to be said.




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