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Posts posted by babulator

  1. The Shady story in that article is priceless.


    Shady was a stud and one of the leaders of that team, for him to hand Sammy an envelop full of paper targets must have been soul crushing.


    He said he was butt hurt, and Id bet he and his reputation in that locker room never recovered. 




    • Like (+1) 2
  2. 23 minutes ago, Teddy KGB said:

    You gonna be okay ?    Treat yourself to a bubble bath and a chic fil a breakfast.  

    By week 3 you’ll be swooning for Sanders after he scores a couple TD’s for us.  


    I'd ask you the same question. You're in full blown forum rage because were not all over the moon for Sanders.


    I'm underwhelmed, you're in a frothy frenzy, we can agree to disagree. Maybe lay off the coffee in the AM.

  3. 11 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

    What exactly are you expecting?

    I wasn't expecting to sign a FA WR.


    But given that we did, I don't hate Sanders so much as I think signing a 33 year old speed guy that's not soo speedy is underwhelming.


    Also people keep pointing to his stats last year, they would be fine if he was the #2 or #3 option for Brees but he wasn't. He was the #1 option for most of the year and again was underwhelming.


    Id have restructured JB or made an effort to keep a Pro Bowl return man, thats all Im saying.

  4. We really need a stud DE or/pass rusher. I think Jerry is still serviceable if he has a young stud on the other side (His PFF numbers were good). 


    Beane's 2020 hodge podge approach isn't gonna cut it in the big games. I don't think Lawson or Phillips would have made a difference either.


    The more I think of it the Oliver pick is going to haunt us for a couple more years. He's never gonna be big or strong enough to hold the line, he doesn't have the burst to be a fearsome pass rusher, and apparently he needs a complimentary big man next to him to be worth anything. He's just sort of... good enough to start.


    I wonder if Clowney would have made a difference for Hughes last year, or Yannick or whoever else we flirted with?

  5. IDK, I'm not a cap wizard but, I see other teams getting creating to keep sign their players (lookin at you Saints). I feel like we shore him up at market value, or get creative (within reason) to keep him around. Then all we have to worry about is between the tackles and I feel like we have some good building blocks there. If we're desperate to make room, id move on from Morse to save some money and try to keep Mongo too. 


    *side note* I'm not breaking the bank for Milano, and I'd try to redo Brown. Lots of fat to be trimmed on the D-line, including trying to redo Hughes. I digress.

  6. It's called life, and it's difficult even in the best of times. Anyone with any self awareness will question the decisions they've made over their lives at some point.


    It's not that anything he's saying is untrue, it's that he seems soo surprised by it, or rather that we should be surprised by these things. I mean, no your co-workers are not your family despite what successes and hardships you've had to endure together. People that have to invest soo much time into their professions often feel lonely or unsatisfied after their careers end. There are countless hard and dangerous jobs pout there that pay a fraction of the pay, give me a break. Maybe he's familiar with the armed forces, or with fire or policemen; linemen, oil or gas industry workers, heavy construction etc. etc. etc.


    He sounds like a child with zero perspective. He probably thinks he's a hero for typing this up from the comfort of his mansion.



    • Like (+1) 1
  7. Teams typically don't pick a guy @ #9 that will need significant help (Big 1T) to have an impact on the game. By that measure alone he's been a big disappointment. I'm certain they envisioned Oliver to play more like Kyle than not. While he is not a "bad" player this was a big miss @ #9.


    Edmunds is a mystery to me. You would think being that tall and having that wingspan he'd be tipping and touching alot more balls on the field. He also really struggles to get off blocks and seems to shoot the wrong gap more often than the right one. I also have a hard time understanding why he struggles in coverage soo much, he's fast, long, tall, they say he has good instincts and is smart, I don't get it. 


    IDK, apparently Star was the lynchpin to Edmunds and Oliver improving / maintaining? It's safe to say both picks have not lived up to their billing at this time.

    • Like (+1) 3
  8. 2 minutes ago, Rk_Bills86 said:


    What's you basis for him being overrated beyond you're "personal opinion". Back up your talk with facts/numbers or your argument is essentially moot. By that definition Marino was overrated. So are Matt Ryan and Matthew Stafford and Phillip Rivers and Deshaun Watson and Josh Allen because they haven't won anything.

    We can agree to disagree but the NFL has historically been littered with guys that put up stats and never win. And Yes, I'd certainly Rivers, Ryan, and Stafford in that category too. None of them are HOF type QB's contrary to what alot of people may think. That in my book makes them overrated.


    I understand you are very passionate about this but to ask for the basis of a common subject thats debated widely across the league is silly. You can make your case and I have made mine, the peanut gallery can fall where they may. I say he's overrated and a simple google search reveals I'm not in any way the minority here.


    Go Bills!

  9. 1 minute ago, Rk_Bills86 said:


    You and the other poster that said essentially the same thing are delusional. Dak- on a team with a great O-Line a prime RB, and a solid D is the most dangerous QB short of Watson that is possibly on the market.


    Game manager? Are you daft? 

    2019 - 4900 Yards / 30TDs

    2020 - 1850 Yards/ 9 TDs in 5 games


    Stop being a homer and admit that if Indy had any number of other QBs in the league at the helm that will be on the market this offseason we'd be playing golf. 

    Dak is the most overrated QB in the game. I'll eat crow if he wins something, until then... Overrated 

    • Disagree 1
  10. I felt Beane made the right moves at the time. In hindsight, I wonder if we could have found a way to keep them both over Murphy and Jefferson. I know we would have had to renew them both, but they didn't break the bank, and we do have the highest paid D-Line in the league.  There could have been worse moves than shoring up a solid young DE. Maybe we even do something different with the Epenesa pick then. I'm probably splitting hairs and I'm aware that there are alot more moving parts in these scenarios to consider, but If you asked me now, Lawson and Phillips or Murphy and Jefferson? it's a no brainer. Im not complaining or condoning, just pondering.


    Go Bills!

  11. 4 hours ago, Doc said:


    Kroft is gonzo.  He's been inactive the past few weeks and is an UFA at the end of the year.


    Im not trying to bash on Knox. I was rooting for him to succeed but I think it's clear at this point that he's not the answer. Kroft may not be here next year, but hes more reliable at this point. With so much on the line this year, a little more reliability from the position is probably a better option.


    Idk the status of Sweeney these days, but I think its clear we need to address this in the off season either way.


    As for the #2 cb, again we can do better, but Dane has been promising and the combination of him and Wallace doesn't lose me sleep this year. IDK if Norman stays, I could do without him for what he brings, but  McBeane will definitely want more competition here next year.


    Go  Bills!

  12. Tomlinism; "If were talking to a guy about catching the ball that is employed to catch the ball, that is a problem"

    5 minutes ago, Dopey said:

    And replace them with who? Or is it whom?

    Nice plan, I see you have it all figured out. 

    Tyler Kroft and Dane Jackson for starters. Maybe the draft and free agency next year.


    There, plan in place.

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