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Posts posted by Rc2catch

  1. I’m from Niagara Falls and always been a Bills fan. I have lived around Knoxville Tennessee for about 8 years now. Most don’t even follow pro football here it’s all about college and the Tennessee Vols, not even the titans. When you tell people you moved from New York it’s always New York City, 99% don’t even recognize there’s a whole state or even know buffalo or Niagara Falls are actual cities. 

  2. I think the whole thing is based on who does what. He’s not going to give a ton to move up. There’s no guarantee those quarterbacks are all going in the top 10. If he can sit at 12 and still get one of their top 3 ranked quarterbacks and keep all their picks that’s huge. I also think a lot of people are undervaluing what Mccarron May bring to the table here. They can win now with Mccarron and still go after an elite quarterback prospect next year. I just don’t think he’s giving away all these picks just for the sake of moving up. We will know in a few weeks though 

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  3. Just because some fans see these spots as “holes” or not at an all pro level of talent doesn’t mean the coaching staff agrees.

    Judging by the Poyer signing last year just cause we don’t fully recognize the name doesn’t mean they can’t fit and play in this system. I would expect 95% of the moves left to be made will be guys we don’t recognize along with the drafted rookies. There’s gonna be a lot of “who is that” on the depth chart. 

    But they’ve proven to show us they can get production from no name guys 

  4. I’m honestly a little shocked so many are worried about money for his contract or him replacing Tyrod. This guy has a chance to play lights out and buffalo wouldn’t even need whatever rookie is drafted. 

    Not sure if everyone is aware this might be the franchise quarterback not the rookie drafted. Cincinnati fans have been mad for years Dalton started over this guy. He has all the tools to be a successful top 10 quarterback in this league. 

  5. I mean I get what you’re saying but at the same time these guys are paid millions of dollars for these decisions. Rather you have a past working relationship or not you don’t gamble your career on “my buddy gave his word he’s picking x player at x postition of the draft” 

    The browns control this draft and how it plays out. 

    I would not even be shocked the see them pick first and then jump right into #2 and just get their top 2 guys. It’s actually cheaper for them to jump into the second pick. 

    We keep saying we can throw Glenn in for such great value to get into #2 but the browns have Joe Thomas who is either retiring or playing but could have great value as a toss in to the trade. 

    Too many variables in this stuff, but one thing is for sure none of these guys actually take each other for their word. You don’t gamble your future on someone’s word. 

  6. I’m gonna go off the QB here. And say Barkley. Generational talent. Off the charts in everything. Possible #1 pick. 

    But running back is probably the most dangerous position in football, and the shelf life if the shortest. If I’m dropping a top 3-5 pick I’m not taking a running back. I want a player who should be with the team 7-10 years. (Browns have 1 and 4 so I get it if they draft him) but me personally for the sake of this specific conversation I’m avoiding running back in the first round. 

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  7. I basically gave up on my draft analysis years ago. I was so pumped for the (rip) James hardy pick. And I was also huge on Limas Sweed. After that I realized I suck at this and know nothing ?? so I just read and laugh mostly now. (Especially the quarterback gurus) 

  8. To a certain extent I give an A+ to any and all moves. I think we all agree Tolbert should not see the field. Ever. But we have no clue what he brought to the locker room. Same for DiMarco and others. Dareus had to go, for whatever reason. Either sending a message to the team or culture change or whatever. 

    Regardless of what they did they built a winning team and winning culture all the while setting themselves up for an amazing draft this year and able to either land a top tier quarterback prospect or stockpile the roster with young/cheap quality talent. 

    Basically everyone was thinking “wtf is wrong with these guys we are gonna suck you don’t trade young talent” but they have a plan, they are sticking to it regardless of what anyone thinks. And they made the playoffs with a very mediocre roster. Be exciting to see what they can do with even more talent added 

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  9. Be kinda interesting, from the Carolina school of doing things free agency is like a ghost town.. Now maybe with full control Beane is different. But I expect the usual middle tier to lower tier signings. I think you get some mediocre talent into the lines and depth. 

    I fully expect skill positions with youth speed and athleticism to be taken care of in the draft. Can’t see them chasing big money free agents around. 

  10. I can’t hate if they have done their homework and think it’s the guy. 

    I’m not sold on anyone specifically as it’s always a crap shoot. 

    If they are not landing an above average quarterback in free agency then I think they have to go all in for quarterback in the draft and hopefully filled some holes already in free agency if they don’t land earlier mentioned quarterback 

  11. Whaley should absolutely get a shot. 

    He should walk in the room and say “Sheppard for Hughes, Kiko for Lesean” mic drop and walk out. 

    For all the things people didn’t like, Sammy, EJ, Dareus contract etc etc.. He basically brought in a cornerstone for offense and defense and got them for NOTHING. 

    He built talented teams here that could win. 

    Having Rodgers there for a few more years I think he could build a helluva defense real quick there and have them back to the super bowl 

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  12. 4 hours ago, Domdab99 said:


    Wow,  this is bad. What makes you think any of these QBs would be any better than TT in Buffalo? You're not making the team better by doing this. You're swapping one thing for another - big deal. 


    There’s this little thing quarterbacks have called anticipation. Tyrod has never had that with any receiver. 

    3 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    Tyrod Taylor doesn't need to go anywhere. He can stay and the Bills can draft a QB. Then let the best QB win. You worried, bro?

    He was awesome Sunday. :rolleyes:

    Not worried at all. 

    I didn’t think my post was angry. Just stating the obvious. 

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  13. Tyrod has gotta go. Plain and simple. Elite athlete, saves a lot of sacks, average at quarterback and that’s being generous. 


    I’d rather see Cousins, Alex Smith, Eli, Palmer, basically any halfway decent bet bridge the gap for a rookie quarterback or peterman. 

    Tyrod makes some exciting plays nobody else in the whole league can make, but it’s not worth everything he misses and leaves on the field. If Dennison is staying you need a quarterback that can get the ball out in 3 seconds or less. That is not Tyrods game. 

    Barring a miracle postseason from Taylor I can’t see him staying. He’d have to take a pay cut or a new coordinator hired who loves Tyrod and wants to build an offense for him. 

  14. Wait, wasn’t McBeane supposed to be one and done? 

    How could they win (tank) getting rid of all the good players?

    Who the heck is Jordan Poyer he’s gonna start? 

    I hate all the clapping he does on the sideline.


    I will be the first to admit I was expecting a 4-12 season and just to see some growth from younger players. But whatever this guy is doing behind the scenes, he knows how to coach a team. His first head coaching gig and there’s been some head scratchers on the sidelines, but this team has had this guys back and he showed them success. 

    I can only expect he will get better and after ending the drought name a street after that man Buffalo!!!! 

    Super proud of the heart this team plays with. 

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