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Chicken Boo

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Posts posted by Chicken Boo

  1. The Bills would be fools to not look into signing Cousins.  


    They won't have to break the bank to sign him either.  Kirk will go to the best situation for him, his family and his career, not strictly to who pays him the most.  Being a DMV (D.C., Maryland, Virgina) area resident, that's what I gather.


  2. 11 hours ago, H2o said:

    And every move they have made was with the focus of going after Cousins in the 2018 FA period..... Oh wait, that's right, no one has a clue what the FO is thinking because there are no more leaks.



    You mean, like this thread?

  3. 10 hours ago, Buffalo Barbarian said:


    Wrong, he is a leader as all his teammates love him and follow him. So he grabbed his crouch, where is the moral outrage over the Kansas players not shaking his hand. He has a dui, big deal A LOT of good people do. 


    What you call his immaturity is his fiery competitiveness and is something this sad franchise needs.


    Mayfield may fail but it won't be because of his attitude. Kid is a born competitor and will do whatever it takes to be successful.




    We have a long ways until the draft and this topic will be debated ad-nauseam, but just so you know, you're classifying CLEAR red flags as "fiery competitiveness".  


    No doubt, he's a great college QB, just like many before him, but his size nor his antics translate well at the NFL level.  

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