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Posts posted by Crusher

  1. Crusher, when you ask a question or make a statement and then answer your own question or agree with your own statement, that's not called being right, it's called being clinically insane.

    I won't disagree with this.

    Of course what people here don't know is some of your other predictions. Like the one that EJ was going to win the starter battle... or that the offense would look better with EJ in 2015... or that the offense wouldnt lose a step against the Jets with EJ starting... or that Tyrod and the Bills would end up in court over the injury guarantee.


    But good job Crusher, pat yourself on the back for this one.

    Thanks..I will.


    Wow... whole lotta speculation here stated as fact.


    But you're really wrong on your first sentence. The Bills, regardless of their committment to Taylor, had no need to pick up the remainder of his contract until March 11th. And with Taylor coming out and publicly stating that he would be willing to rework his deal (which he might regret now, depending on the reason he took less money), it would have been fiscally irresponsible for Buffalo to not try to get him to rework his deal.



    And if your argument becomes, "well, picking up the option early demonstrates a committment to the QB and helps his psyche," well that's a pretty flimsy argument.



    Isn't that exactly what you're being here?


    You have absolutely no clue what was going to happen in Free Agency because it didn't happen.



    In the end, the argument that it all boiled down to this offseason was whether Tyrod Taylor would be the Bills QB in 2017.


    He is. Despite a whole lotta loud obnoxious ignorant argumentative know nothings who said otherwise.

    He only is because he took a steep cut in pay.


    Despite many saying otherwise.


    You are celebrating Tyrod staying. Will you still celebrate you're beloved QB when the team goes 6-10 and he still isn't playing beyond the low level that he produced at last season?


    I don't hate that he's back now that he's getting a lot less, but now he and the coaching staff have a lot of pressure on a team with major holes across the board.


    I'm not so sure this was the right strategy to employ with this new staff. I don't think McDermott realizes just how quickly the fans will turn on him if he he doesn't deliver.

  3. Gilmore can,and will be replaced at a cheaper cost

    It's going to be harder replacing a pro bowl caliber man corner than a gimmick QB who struggles to effectively throw the football.


    You will be one crying about the defense once again while Taylor is failing in crucial moments where passing is paramount.


    I think it's weird the way some folks are trying to comfort themselves here.


    #1: It's clear that our new Head Coach views our much-maligned QB as a QB he can "win-now" with


    #2: Tyrod Taylor is familiar with and has only started for one NFL team: the Buffalo Bills


    #3: While the Bills have a new HC, the new OC runs a system Taylor is very familiar with and is tailored (hah) to his strengths


    #4: As far as we know so far, most of the personnel on offense outside of the WR corps will be the same


    #5: Agents negotiating with or talking to other NFL teams is not allowed by NFL rules and is considered tampering


    #6: We can't read Tyrod Taylor's mind



    Now, I really don't care what happened.


    If tampering did occur and Taylor found out there's less out in the open market than in Buffalo and so he decided to stay: wonderful!


    If Taylor just decided to take a lot less money (still waiting on all those contract details... ?) to stay with Buffalo for whatever reason (familiarity with city and fans, familiarity with offensive personnel, familiarity with OC and offensive system, competitive desire to "finish what he started" and bring a winner to a city that hasn't won in so long, any combination of those, etc.): fantastic!



    We don't know. Taylor evidently has a PC today, so maybe he sheds some light on some of this. But for me at least, the moment Taylor said at the end of the regular season in locker clean out day (I think) that he would consider reworking his contract (I'm paraphrasing), this was going to be a big game of chicken up until the March 11th deadline. It would have been irresponsible for Whaley and Overdorf and Co. having heard that statement publicly from Taylor, to not try to rework his deal. But I thought it was inevitable that someone would flinch and that Taylor would be back.


    So, what did we see over the last few months? Lots and lots and lots of the media and "experts" saying pretty much that it was inevitable that he would be gone. Seems to me like a great way to test Taylor to see how steadfast he is on the money and/or how much he wants to be back. For me, Taylor just flinched first and lost the game of chicken. Personally, I think the Bills were prepared to exercise his option by this weekend if he didn't, but obviously that's just speculation... we'll never know. Or, maybe he just truly is a team guy and saw the Cap trouble the team was in and wanted to help. And sure, it's possible that feelers went out and he saw less money on the open market.


    Who knows?


    Who cares?


    Tyrod Taylor is still the Buffalo Bills starting QB, despite so many saying he would inevitably be gone.

    Bottom line is he is only here because he took a massive paycut to his guaranteed money.


    Taylor will say all the right things like all players do, but it's naive to think Taylor chose to stay here for significantly less than what he could have made in the open market.


    Lots of posters swore Taylor would not budge on his deal and that he could do just as well or better elsewhere. Others like me said teams may wise up after seeing Osweiler's deal blow up in Houston's face.


    As it turns out...I have seem to have faired better in my prediction.

  5. My opinion:


    All restructuring Taylor's deal did was to get some season ticket sales in.


    They brought in a coach who was not on anyone's radar. Brought back a QB who has proven that he's in the bottom 3rd of the league. Let Bob Woods, Goodwin and Gilmore go.


    This is a tank season. It's clear.


    I'm not upset by it, although I'm not happy with it.


    Averaging 7 wins/season over the last 17 years hasn't worked. They can't do any better with this roster.


    So why the hell not tank? It makes perfect sense.


    This year, I'll be rooting for the Bills as spoilers beginning week 1. And I'm perfectly fine with that.

    It's actually quite sad and says a lot about the fanbase that season ticket sales hinged on a bottom tier QB who is more a RB than a QB.


    Can't blame Russ for giving the suckers what they want. Excitement trumps quality for the 18th straight season.

  6. I have been of the belief that you try to keep your best players, and let the overpaid guys or guys that haven't performed up to expectations walk.


    I'd of much rather paid Gilmore and let Taylor go. We lost a top player and kept a bottom tier starter instead.


    Moves like that will hurt the overall talent of this roster, and in another year or two when Gilmore is lights out and Tyrod is cut, maybe some will come to appreciate this logic.

  7. Or...OR...

    -the new regime fixes the defense and brings it back to its former glory


    -Tyrod keeps up the 10th ranked scoring offense, improved by McDermott/Dennison's scheme


    -we surprise everyone and get to the playoffs and put this drought to bed


    -trolls like you and Crusher disintegrate in a flash of cheeto dust and smog

    Sorry that someone's opinion puts so much hate in your heart.


    It's just talk, my man. Take it for what it is and don't get overly emotional over it.


    thats what i cant really figure. why did tyrod do it? seems like he certainly could have done better financially taking the bills severance money and going elsewhere. i guess he really wanted to stay in bflo. eventually that question will be asked so i expect we will hear an answer soon

    Him and his agent obviously didn't get the interest that they had hoped while talking to teams during the combine (they all do).


    You'll hear he wanted to stay with the Bills, but if he could have made a significant amount more, he would've walked.


    It's foolish to think otherwise.

  9. I agree, I see the same exact fail coming wishing on a mircle out of Tyrod. It looks like we are in for Chan/Fitz all over again. This staff better be great in 2017 and if they can't match or be better then Rex fans are going to rip them up. I was wishing for a fresh start from this staff, I thought things would be different but no same old Bills. I'll be wishing for the best but sadly all I see is 6 wins at best in my opinion

    When the Bills are losing next season, and Taylor is the same guy we know he is...we'll see how many are pleased then.


    Of course, we will be fed excuses and the blame will go to the defense, injuries, WR'S, the Oline...and so on and so forth.

  10. We were the only team to have more rush TD's than pass last season. That also looks like this will be the case again next season.


    In a passing league...I'm not confident that this is the way to go whatsoever. Running the football becomes practically obsolete when games are close late. It's going to come down to throwing the football in at least a few games next season, and it appears as though we will struggle mightily again in that regard.


    The offensive philosophy now seems to be centered around the run because we don't have a very good passer, and this will most likely be a fatal flaw again next season.

  11. Where were you last week when BBMB posters were signing in here? You wait for the news on TT to join in order to continue with your hate agenda.


    The Bills were last in pass attempts because they are a terrific running team, which this offense is built around. And starting scrub WRs didn't help the passing game either. How about the top ten in points scored by the offense? That is good enough for the playoffs. Fix the defense.

    I joined last week, bud.


    Just another wonderful example of what you do, and that's talking out of your rear, and not owning up to it when you are wrong.




    Will you 2 behave yourselves and just find a way to either ignore each other or actually get along?


    Jm, stop clinging to the past.


    Crusher, just admit you're wrong when you are.



    Move on... new board. I'm feeling like the guy who was invited to the party by someone I had one cool conversation with and my outspoken drunk friend who I brought along is getting close to knocking over the nice antique vase on the table.


    Be nice... feel the love... let's hug it out...

    No need to tell me anything. I've been true to my word on here.


    Was I wrong on Taylor getting dumped, sure. But I admitted over a week ago when his advisor posted that tweet that it appears he'll be back. It makes no difference. You want an I told you so, have at it.


    I also was on record that I would be more accepting of him if he took a lesser deal on a true bridge QB deal. It appears he has, and this is a better representation of what he's worth, so I'm happy about that, and no since the team has decided they are moving forward with him...I will hope for the best. I have concerns, but it is what it is.


    JM2009 doesn't deserve my respect for what he's already done over here. He's burned that bridge by his actions here which were unprovoked and uncalled for.


    I will respect this board however, and I will not engage him any further due to the fact that he will always bring up the past and things that are no longer relevant. He still talks about stuff from 2015 FCOL.


    Andrew Luck is 25-0 over his career when the Colts have held the opponents under 20 points.


    Taylor only has 1 loss when his defense holds opponents under 20.


    Our D needs to improve.



    I'm still confused about this.


    Did Taylor take less money or not? From what some people in this thread are saying it sounds like he's going to get the same amount of money, but a bunch of his salary from this year is being converted to a bonus...


    I'm lost on NFL contracts.


    Can someone, when they find out, simply post the money Taylor is guaranteed with this new contract?

    The Colts are 25-0 when they give up less than 20 points under Luck, but he's played 60 games. If he couldn't win games when teams put up points...he'd be well below 500, and the Colts would have never made the playoffs.


    The QB needs to do more...especially in the air late in games and in crucial moments.

  14. They attempted the fewest passes because they are a strong running offense. That is what they are built to do. This is not an offense built for shootouts. TT is a good manager of it. Just like on the BBMB, how about you recognize the poor WR corp he had to work with most of the season? And again, how did TT and Watkins manage to be one of the best duos in 2015 when Watkins was healthier?


    Then why haven't you responded to the other posters who discredited your post?

    Because it's not relevant.


    I have chosen a different approach here to show respect for this board. You have chosen to keep doing what you did over there.


    I'll discuss what I say here, over here.


    Anything else I'll leave to posters like you.

  15. Like his low turnover count. TT is the best option for 2017. Name a better alternative for 2017 that is reasonable.


    You just had your one post dismantled by the old board, not just me.

    You brought stuff from over there to here.


    I came on here and told others I would tone it down and maintain the calmer vibe over here.


    I'm over posters like yourself, so continue doing what you do...it will only further expose you for who you truly are by doing so.

  16. Your talking about the same group of guys that headed back to the lockeroom to play those games while Seth Joyner was in town trying to sync up the defense. This was long overdue.

    Yeah. I was disgusted when he came on Philly radio and said that.


    These guys need to take their job more seriously, and I fully support McDermott taking steps in order to achieve that.


    Agreed. Whaley and TT both deserve some props for this, it's the best move for the organization.



    This isn't the greatest show on turf, so people will complain.

    Yes...because nobody should complain about having by far the longest playoff drought in sports.


    The QB can't pass well enough to win games. This is a problem.


    Pretending that people have unfair expectations and are complaining for no reason is ridiculous.

  18. Wow. You never give up. Folks, this poster pushed EJ on us on the Bills message boards and developed an infatuation of hate towards TT. Beware.


    Our friend Crusher is back.

    I suggest you leave the old board where it belongs instead of working on trashing me to others here.


    Or you can continue and get banned.


    Choose wisely

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