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Posts posted by Crusher

  1. Why are people still complaining about Tyrod?


    He was a pretty nice find considering what they had at the position before him. They should still take a young QB early.


    Tyrod will start this year. Get over it.

    I couldn't care less now that he took his paycut and is now defined as a stopgap until the next guy gets a shot...whoever that may be.


    This team is no longer tied to him, and his money is no longer holding this team back from making other moves.


    This is a transition year...let Tyrod have one more year under the new staff while they see what they have and figure out where to go. I don't think any excuses will save Taylor this time around.

    Well our CoT'ers outdid the bbmb CoT'ers. Ours stated he would double his salary elsewhere, and we would be doing him a favor if we released him. He he he


    Between that and them wanting to carry his new team to the playoffs, many laughs were had.

    Oh, we had a few of those there, too. 50 mil guaranteed and 20+ mil per year if he was to hit the market.


    HappyDays refused my bet that he'd make less, and DoyouseewhathappensLarry owes 50 to my charity.


    All true I guess - but the haters want us to draft someone and just assume he'll be better. They wanted to cut TT, and sign a Hoyer or Cutler, and groom our new guy. Some refuse to even admit that taking him back on the paycut is probably whats best for business to be competitive for 2017.


    Or they want us to tank for the 2018 draft... even though the browns and niners seem to pretty much have the top 2 locked up.


    Or worse than both, they are all criticism and no solutions. Which is a lot like the buffalo media, who's opinion is that everyone stinks, but refuse to suggest a better option.

    I actually said I was fine bringing him back on a true bridge deal. I was told by the CoT that there was no way he'd take less, and that teams would be lining up for his services. Then reality struck, and he ended up having to take a 10 million dollar paycut just to stay with the team because he didn't live up to expectations.


    The solution is try something else. Sticking with a failed option that has proven to be not good enough is just accepting your situation. Once something is deemed a failure, move on. His deal is now reasonable, so it's not a huge detriment to have him as a placeholder, but it was before under that deal.


    I'm fine with the current situation since it's basically one year at a reasonable price. I still hope that the team looks to draft someone else this season, and I hope this team is looking forward and not setting unrealistic expectations on this upcomimg season.


    This team will only contend with a real QB behind center. 2017 should be about setting this team up for the future while keeping the team competitive.

  3. So now the CoT are blaming Rex Ryan for Tyrod's inability to throw the football? Without Rex Tyrod might still be an obscure backup.


    I like the idea that TT will be unleashed on the NFL next year. You gotta Billieve!!

    As I've said before...to the CoT, he is a legend. Anything contrary to that is the fault of others...coaches, WR's, the line, the defense, injuries, the system, playing time...it's a list that only gets longer the more he keeps failing to deliver.


    These guys are far gone...discussion with them is a worthless exercise.


    The much more logical explanation on Tyrod is the one supported by the facts, which is that Taylor is pretty much the same guy he was six years ago in college that was graded as a late rounder primarily due to his athleticism. We still see only the occasional exciting play...mostly with his legs. His passing is low level starter caliber, and his ability to process information and go through reads is also not good. He is a RB impersonating a QB, and guys like that just can't get it done. They get exposed more and more as time goes on, and once the athleticism starts to dissipate, it's over.


    The CoT needs to start preparing for life without their hero because he's likely on his last year with this team.

  4. So we're going to blame the wide receivers, blame the defense, and now blame the Bills coaches? Greg Roman's crap offense took Colin Kaepernick to a Superbowl but now the Bills are assumed to improve?


    Every new coach we hire is always better.

    It's always excuses with Taylor and why he's this, and why he didn't do that.


    I've never witnessed any other Bills player treated in such fashion before. As if everything must be perfect...otherwise, you can't blame Taylor.


    It's laughable, really. Every QB has to deal with something. Injuries are a part of the game, and players miss time. Plenty of teams have worse Oline and lesser RB talent, but they still perform at a high level.


    The QB negates many deficiencies if he's any good. That's why they make the big money. If you are seeing issues within the offense, then the QB plays a major part in that.



    Great - believe that if you want - I guess. I would believe you if this was your first TT post about this stuff, but considering that I showed how many posts you started about TT (and it has been brought up in this thread also) and not one of them objective and not one of them did you even consider the fact that your own bias could influence what you see or believe. Even in this post - people talk about the fact that there were still a bunch of issues over the middle and you act like you have the definitive research. This is 2 years of this and you were incorrect last offseason and you were shown to be incorrect this offseason. His agent had feelers out to teams and then he "decides" to take a huge pay cut in bot money, guaranteed money, and years, but that was not because he heard his true value - it was because he is a great guy that loves Buffalo.


    My mind is made up by what he does on the field and what the coaching staff and GM has stated he needs to improve on both last season and this season. He needs to improve - I am even open to believing that with a new and talented coaching staff - he can improve. I do not think he sucks - as I have stated many time - he was probably the best bet for this team for 2017, but not at the old contract - he just is not ever going to be a long term answer at the position and that is what we need to be successful. With the new contract it is fine and the Bills can move on after this year or next year.


    You on the other hand start thread after thread after thread trying to justify why he is a starter and this load of diaper material about his improvements. He is a starter because of his athletic ability and the fact that he took a huge page cut. The rest of the stuff is just filler that you posted to try to make yourself feel better.

    This just about sums up Transplant and this thread.

  6. The clock is ticking on Tyrod and the posters who keep trying to sell him to everyone else.


    Year three is on the way, and the excuses are running out.


    Hopefully these guys will find another bum to obsess over once this experiment runs it's course.


    And lol to anyone who thinks Tyrod is better than Wentz. One guy actually ran an offense and made calls at the line in a much more complex system as opposed to Taylor who has little to no ability to change plays. Wentz as a rookie is much more the QB than Taylor in his sixth season in the pros. Manning had a lot of turnovers in his rookie season, too...it's because these guys are learning how to run a real passing offense.


    No one...and I mean no one would take Taylor over Wentz. Anyone who thinks it's even debatable shouldn't be taken seriously when discussing football.

  7. Shows you how "highly sought after" he was. If there was more money, and a starting job out there, he never would have taken a pay cut. Yeah, for us. I know, what better options were out there?


    Bradford has always been a very good QB, Injuries has been his downfall. Taylor is mediocre at best. The fact he takes a pay cut, and that no other suitors really came forward with big plane

    s, and money, tell the whole story.

    He's delusional when it comes to Taylor. He refuses to see the guy for what he is.


    And yes...Bradford is a much better QB than Taylor. He can pass at a much higher level. Taylor's game is more RB than QB. He functions off of the run game and his athleticism.


    It's laughable to think Taylor took a huge paycut because he wanted to stay in Buffalo. He was ok coming back here because he had no other options that offered more money...plain and simple.

  8. There's also this PFT article talking about the new contract. Florio seems to agree with my take that Taylor and his agent didn't get the feedback that they were looking for in terms of what other teams were offering for his services.





    Two years, $30.5 million for Tyrod Taylor


    Posted by Mike Florio on March 14, 2017, 9:28 AM EDT


    Getty Images

    Before last week, the Bills had to decide whether to guarantee $30.5 million in payments to unlock the next five years of Tyrod Taylors contract. With Taylor and the Bills agreeing to a new deal, theyll pay him a total of $30.5 million for two more seasons.


    Via Mike Rodak of ESPN.com, Taylor agreed to slash his pay over the next two years from $40.5 million to $30.5 million, in exchange for the ability to hit the market (or to be tagged) in 2019. With only $1 million of his $10 million salary in 2018 guaranteed at signing and a $6 million roster bonus due at some point during the 2018 league year (presumably, early in it), the Bills will be in a similar boat next March, with a lot less on the line than this year.


    Its a win-win, given that Taylor didnt play so well to make picking up the option under his old contract a no-brainer or so poorly to make cutting him a no-brainer. Given that Taylors agent had some casual conversation aimed at finding out what other teams would pay, its safe to say that Taylor made the decision with eyes wide open, and that his quid pro quo comes from the opportunity to become a free agent in 2019, when hell be 29.

  9. So Tyrod "told (his) agent to find a way to make things work here,"




    there were other teams showing interest, but that he "chose" to restructure his contract




    "My commitment is to this team, to this community, to get a winning product on the field."


    Raves about the "very player friendly system" Dennison runs talking specifically about success McCoy and Watkins can have in it




    "The main thing throughout the process was that me and Coach McDermott were able to keep an open line of communication," said Taylor. "If I needed to talk to him about something I could call him. Things were difficult sometimes with trying to move money around and trying to find what was best for the team. But ultimately we were able to get it done and I'm happy that we got it done."


    and even Vic Carucci tweets that Tyrod "chose to restructure" to help the Bills add pieces




    Yet, we are required to assume that it's more logical that he was focused primarily on money rather than his competitive nature to finish what he started and build a playoff contender with a group of players and a city he really seems to love?


    Taylor is now guaranteed less money than Mike Glennon, so by the logic of some here, teams were telling his agent they thought less of Taylor than Glennon...


    Yeah, okay...


    I think there's something to the actual words coming out of Taylor's mouth. All that speculation posters are doing to console themselves is entertaining, though, so keep going...

    I have no doubt that most of what he said was genuine. I believe he's a team guy, and I'm sure there's things he likes about the OC and the team.


    On the other hand...if you don't think that the Bills weren't ready to move on if Taylor didn't take a reduction in pay, and if you didn't think money was a factor for Taylor, then that's quite the leap.


    Money is a main factor in nearly every athlete's thought process, and guys who are in their prime and haven't gotten that big payday are even less likely to pass up a significant amount of money. The timing even leads you to believe that Taylor held off on this until his agent got to discuss what other teams were willing to pay during the combine where these things get talked about, and that he didn't get quite the interest he anticipated, so he decided to stick with what he already has here.


    I just find the story that he just decided to be the ultimate team guy and pass up tens of millions guaranteed in order to stay in Buffalo a less believable and less logical conclusion to arrive at.


    It does make for a real cute story, though.

  10. I'm done. You are right. He'll make his own end here with his hate for the starting QB. I'm not the only one who has argued with him today, either. Something you guys will get used too.I'm glad you noticed his takes are garbage.

    Actually, I won't make my own end for having an opinion on the QB. That's exactly what these boards are for, bud.


    The fact that you have never been able to grasp this concept and just deal with the facts that some people don't think Taylor is a very good QB and that they are allowed to express their opinion is the root cause here.


    You, on the other hand will most likely meet your demise here by continuing what you have been doing since yesterday here. False accusations, name calling, posting saved posts from a deleted board, and repeated attacks on me.

  11. He was one of the most disliked posters on the BBMB because of his angry posting and bullying. And his agenda against TT, which he is continuing on these boards. He doesn't let facts get in his way. he was a big EJ guy and I think he is so embarrassed by it that he hates TT for it. That is not football talk.


    You're playing the victim again just like over there. I saved many posts from your group because they showed the agenda you have, and what type of poster you are. And your posts show this board that you are still the same poster, because your comments on TT are still wrong. Posters from the BBMB and this board have discredited what you posted, and yet you come back with more. Nothing has changed. And find a post where I called you a name. I don't do that, you do. You called me a clown a few times, and others, however.Never thought we'd have to rehash this over here.

    You called me a phony a page or two back.


    Just some more lies you have been caught in. But unlike you, I don't harp on every move you make and save those posts.

  12. I'm sorry to all members of this board.


    I'm truly embarrassed to even be dealing with this guy. He has been stalking me for a long time, and he has managed to find his way here to continue doing so.


    Let it be known that I made it a point to come out and state that I wanted to be more respectful and stick to the calmer vibe around here. And I did just that until this guy started acting inappropriately. I've given examples of this, and you can tell he's only interested in painting me in a negative light. Who saves posts from a board that no longer exists? The guy doesn't even make points...just complete garbage in nearly every post.


    I welcome all suggestions on how to deal with this guy. I honestly don't think anything will stop him besides a ban, so I suppose I'll just let things play out.


    Again...I apologize for subjecting this board to this level of childish nonsense.

  13. But you welcome a poster that called posters fools and clowns. And has an agenda against TT. I'm sure you do as well if you approve of Crusher. Great choice. How come you are over here and didn't stay on the BBMB with your friend Crusher?

    In 24 hours, you have managed to make false statements about me and call me names...along with quoting posts from another board and not replying to posts in relation to what was said. More strawman arguments and pretending that you are not part of the problem.


    I'm actually not surprised you save my posts. It shows everyone just how obsessed you truly are with me.


    You have managed to bring what you claim to dislike so much over here, literally.


    This should be apparent to all, and it should result in posters reprimanding you and your conduct.


    Dude, you're just bending reality at this point because you were so utterly wrong.


    It sucks being wrong. I get it. But own it when you are.


    Just man up and stop trying to act like you've been right all along because clearly you haven't.

    Actually, I've been right about a lot of this.


    I said he wasn't worth the contract he was signed to, and obviously the Bills agreed. I also said I would be much more willing to keep him on a lesser deal because he didn't live up to the expectations of the contract. And I also said that Taylor wanted to stay here because Buffalo was giving him the most money. That also now appears to be the case.


    I thought they were going to release him, yes. I figured he would not take well to the team looking to cut his pay a year after they gave him a new deal. Kudos to him for not holding any animosity and wanting to stay.


    So for as much as I was wrong about, I was also right. The most important question now is will he continue to not be good enough, or will he actually do enough to get this team to the playoffs and not put the new staff under more pressure?


    Put me in the serious doubt category.

  15. You've already had a few Veterans here tell you that you are wrong.

    You have been told you are behaving poorly yourself. Do you believe you have no role in this?


    You said I joined the board yesterday so I could troll on this subject. You were dead wrong, but I didn't blast you for your false statements.


    Anyway...I'm not interested in this BS with you over here. My offer stands if you ever decide to act appropriately.

    He was guaranteed 40 mil for two seasons now he is getting 30 mil for two seasons. Thats not a steep pay cut you stand corrected again. Of course if you are going to hide behind one year I suppose you could sheepishly state he is taking a paycit that is steep year one bit that would indicate you have a severe agenda and wouldnt state the full truth, but hey if thats how tou like to roll continue on telling yourself and others who listen lies.

    15 mil guaranteed now...that's it.


    He gave up more than half of his guaranteed money.


    That is the epitome of a steep paycut.

  16. The posters here have more freedom and will not tolerate your nonsense. Thus, the phony "nice" you claim to have.

    Well, they've tolerated you bringing this stupid little beef you have with me and other posters over here, so I doubt they will care if I treat you accordingly.


    You have a chance here to start fresh. I'll play nice with those who can do so themselves.




    You're being sad now... do you not see that?


    This is just kinda pathetic.



    Move beyond the money thing that is pure speculation at this point. You have absolutely no clue how the process played out and you're talking as though you knew it absolutely. You're speculating about something you don't know and insinuating that you're right and we're all wrong because your speculation (stated as fact) is true.


    We know only one thing: Posters like you said time and time and time and time again that Buffalo somehow "finally see the light" and would move on from Taylor.


    No matter how this whole process played out, we can say that assumption was absolutely, 100%, concretely false.



    Everything else regarding how much he could have gotten elsewhere or why he took less money is you guessing, along with the rest of us.


    You aren't right just because of a guess.

    It's much more than a guess.


    Taylor and his agent pressured the Bills last offseason for that awful deal that just had to re-do if he was to stay on the team. I believe his agent said there are 31 other teams that value Tyrod if the Bills don't. It was clearly about the money then, but now he's just taking a lot less because he loves the organization that benched him which he was clearly not happy about.


    It's called using common sense to draw a logical conclusion.


    You're assumption that you made yesterday when this news broke requires some steep jumps beyond logic and reasoning. You were also fairly adamant that he didn't sacrifice any money also.





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